It is well-known that the DMT experience is seemingly beyond words, too full and complex and utterly different to convey in a reasonable manner with words. Further hindering our ability to describe the experience is the memory-loss of the experience.
For these reasons (and more) I believe describing comes second to understanding the experience. By understanding I don't mean it in the sense of understanding deep personal/alien/god meanings hidden within such as when one is watching a film, but understanding the realm of Hyperspace. One step in this direction is understanding the relationships Hyperspace has and also how it interacts within those relationships.
Getting to the point:So essentially the question becomes... what do you
know about hyperspace? (Don't say nothing!)
-What relationships have you come to expect?
Certainly the experience is quite different each time but I have come to notice some common aspects and am wondering if anyone else has as well.
Some relationships... please comment on any of the following stimuli and what, if any, effects you noticed they had on your Hyperspace experience.
Setting and HyperspaceHyperspace & Visual Stimulation- Light / Dark Environment
- Location of light source and Hyperspace visuals in that location
- Pressure on eyes and Hyperspace visuals in that location (sleep masks, etc)
- No Visual stimulation
Hyperspace & Audio Stimulation- Effect of music (variable genres)
- Television/Movie Audio (News, Comedy, Commercial/Ad, etc)
- Conversation
- White noise
- Nature/Outdoors
- No Audio stimulation
Hyperspace & Touch Stimulation- Body Location (Seat, ground, etc)
- Body Position (Sitting, lying down, etc)
- Nude vs Clothes
- Environment Temperature
- Nature/Outdoors (Wind, plants, dirt)
- No Touch stimulation
Hyperspace & Taste Stimulation- Flavors effect on hyperspace (DMT/Changa/Leaf/Aya flavor, gum, toothpaste, still spicy from dinner, etc)
- Good flavor vs Bad flavor
- No Taste Stimulation
Hyperspace & Smell Stimulation- Smells effect on hyperspace (Food, fire, fresh air, etc)
- No Smell Stimulation
Moving beyond external stimulation...
Set and HyperpsaceHyperspace & Personal/Internal Stimulation- State of Mind
- Emotions on-hand
- Time since mental rest
- Time since mental activity
- State of Body
- Time since sleep/rest
- Time since physical activity
- Patient or Rushed
I think this is probably more than enough for now. I'll save relationships between Hyperspace objects, geometries, entities for another thread, but by all means if you know something please share it. If anybody has posted some DMT experiences and knows some of this info may be available, links are appreciated! Thanks for reading.
The inner soul is full of joy. Reveal my secrets and sew me whole. With each day, "I" heeds your call.
You may not care the slightest and may not be the brightest, but from here "I" sees you're mighty for you created it all.
And the jumbling sea rose above the wall.
Through this chaos comes the order you enthrall.