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#21 Posted : 9/11/2012 6:15:35 AM

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I know exactly how I sound. 5 days in the nexus is not even almost the extent of my involvement in spreading this knowledge. Knowledge and understanding are two ENTIRELY different creatures.

I request that you not spend hours arguing and telling me that what I say is anything other than what is and then tell me to take it easy because I disconnected with the drama instead of feeding it.

I dont know any of you any better than you know me regardless off "rank" within the nexus.

How can anybody here take ANYBODY HERE seriously when almost all claim to be fictitious and cannot be trusted?

I came here to give MY STORY and find others that can relate.



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#22 Posted : 9/11/2012 6:28:12 AM

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WarriorSage wrote:
Why live in the future, when we should be living in 'now' and seeing the beauty of the world day by day. Everyone has their own paths in life, respect that Smile

I am not living in the future.

I am saying the "now" is dynamic, not static. IT CHANGES.

I respect your paths. I am trying to say those paths are approaching a fork. A big one. It will be comforting to know what is going on around you in the physical realm.

I asked little more than my words not be ignored.
#23 Posted : 9/11/2012 6:30:00 AM

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I have seen this stuff affect people is such negative ways. I have seen friends become suicidal, thrown into psych wards, forced medication, lose their friends and have their whole world turned upside down. It has taken them years to recover from this 'knowledge' They still suffer fear and anxiety of these spiritual changes happening and would be stronger not knowing.
It is not for everyone nor for the whole nexus. I think we should keep on a positive note and live day by day enjoying every second we have. You do not know the mental capacity and mental effects this has on people believing in your preach. I am not having a go at your post but simply saying becareful, this is definetly not for everyone.. Just my opionion.
Be well. Smile
The Warriorโ€™s Prayer
"I am what I am. In having faith in the beauty within me I develop trust. In softness I have strength. In silence I walk with the gods. In peace I understand myself and the world. In conflict I walk away. In detachment I am free. In respecting all living things I respect myself. In dedication I honour the courage within me.
In eternity I have compassion for the nature of all things. In love I unconditionally accept the evolution of others. In freedom I have power.
In my individuality I express the God-Force within me. In service I give of what I have become.
I am what I am: Eternal, immortal, universal, and infinite. And so be it"
#24 Posted : 9/11/2012 6:53:02 AM

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I asked to be taken to the appropriate arena within the nexus. I was denied.

What I know has given me more happiness, joy, and love than ever even dreamed existed. I want to share this love I found. My expression is not orthodox or even appropriate at times. So it is here and so it is in my day to day life.

Put my shoes on a sec. I am calling out for guidance.
#25 Posted : 9/11/2012 6:56:02 AM

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URBY wrote:
I asked to be taken to the appropriate arena within the nexus. I was denied.

What's wrong with this arena? What can't you share here that you can share elsewhere? You've been here 5 days -- be patient.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#26 Posted : 9/11/2012 6:59:28 AM
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I feel your frustration....

I understand you want to have a positive impact. My advice is just lighten up a bit and everything will fall into place. Don't take stuff too seriously, even issues that are deadly serious. If your too serious and in your face about everything it comes across as too cryptic... People do not want to feel like they HAVE TO do anything. Put your position across in a way that makes it more appealing, more relaxed, less do or die style...

Also remember that it does little good to preach to the quire, if you want to get your message across to the people that really need to recieve it you might want to make an attempt to relate to the way those people digest infrmation...

This is just my advice, do continue to follow your heart but also remember that rationality is there as a tool for you to use...

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#27 Posted : 9/11/2012 7:15:43 AM

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a1pha wrote:
URBY wrote:
I asked to be taken to the appropriate arena within the nexus. I was denied.

What's wrong with this arena? What can't you share here that you can share elsewhere? You've been here 5 days -- be patient.

I find nothing to be "wrong" with this arena... There are obviously very strong spiritual concepts, claims, and themes in what I am saying. I was hoping to start talking about these things in a forum centered on that subject. I wanted the audience to at least be in the same "lake" if not the same "boat" when I opened up.

I was up front with the fact I was about to lay down some heavy shxt. Pardon the language here but I feel it fits.

I never meant to cause the storm that I did. Although I did enjoy the competent banterRazz
#28 Posted : 9/11/2012 12:05:45 PM

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URBY wrote:
jamie wrote:
I call bullshit..well on the whole mayan dec.21st thing..

nor did I ever say mayans

It's Aztecs
Self fulfilling Prophecy Syndrome
One can never cross the ocean without the Courage to lose sight of the shore
#29 Posted : 9/11/2012 3:44:48 PM

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Gowpen wrote:
URBY wrote:
jamie wrote:
I call bullshit..well on the whole mayan dec.21st thing..

nor did I ever say mayans

It's Aztecs
Self fulfilling Prophecy Syndrome

Self fulfilling prophecy syndrome is what the title here implies


#30 Posted : 9/11/2012 5:08:08 PM

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URBY wrote:
a1pha wrote:
URBY wrote:
I asked to be taken to the appropriate arena within the nexus. I was denied.

What's wrong with this arena? What can't you share here that you can share elsewhere? You've been here 5 days -- be patient.

I find nothing to be "wrong" with this arena... There are obviously very strong spiritual concepts, claims, and themes in what I am saying. I was hoping to start talking about these things in a forum centered on that subject. I wanted the audience to at least be in the same "lake" if not the same "boat" when I opened up.

I was up front with the fact I was about to lay down some heavy shxt. Pardon the language here but I feel it fits.

I never meant to cause the storm that I did. Although I did enjoy the competent banterRazz

Nothing about this is heavy or new man..read through the forums we have heard it 1000 times already. Just because some of us are spiritual or into esoteric/occult stuff does not mean we all just buy into 2012 theories.

Your idea that this even starts "this year" does not resonate with either my own visions on the subject in ayahuasca and mushroom experiences, nor with what the mayans say. If you actaully ask the mayans they say it started years ago and will go on past 2012. It matters not if you mentioned the mayans..that is where all of these 2012 ideas seem to have come from..well that and thje fact that Jose Arguelles and Terence Mckenna decided that they would settle on the dec.21st 2012 date..that is where all of this originated.

If you dont like people being skeptical than w/e..but it is useful to at least understand where some of this comes from in the pop culture so you can pick and choose what parts actaully have any value and what parts are just things other people seem to have made up.

How do you know who "they" really? Just because "they" came to you? Ive been on space ships too while not taking any psychedelics either and seen things I dont talk about to many people..that does not mean "they" (whoever the f that even is) are telling the truth, or that they even really exist). I dont know "them"..so why should I trust them? Telling people about 10 dimensional constructs and why we are going to ascend w/e that even means does not help them..we just end up with more new age consumers reading the secret and their new SUV. Personal responsability for the real mess we are in is greater than any of that, the rest follows. You have to do things in the proper order.

Why should it matter if you know them or if they told you anything? You know what? WHo the hell cares what some beings said to you? None of it matters..all that matters is that people forget the cult of a date and focus on doing the work right now that should be done because that is the only thing that can get us there.

We have already had large world changing events this year and in 2011, most of them not good. We poisoned the ocean and we made the planet radioactive..the best thing people can do at this time is wake up, forget alien beings and angels etc and take responsability.
Long live the unwoke.
#31 Posted : 9/11/2012 5:32:58 PM

Not I

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URBY wrote:

I have to state it as fact because it is. I have been gifted an understanding that I never asked for. I have been lifted above the existential dogma of "who am I?" "why and I here?" and the ever entertaining "what is the meaning of life?". THEY CAME TO ME. THEY ARE REAL.

if what you say is true then don't you think there are more important places to divulge this info than the.

Quite frankly this is the exact kind of post we dont really like at the nexus

If you speak in absolutes then you better have some proof.

If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
#32 Posted : 9/11/2012 6:29:56 PM

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Ask questions (here or on a journey)
Dont say "NO", say "WHY"

I have many WHY's. As much as I respect your personal beliefs I feel it is wrong to not inform you of some possible factual errors. I also have some questions. You have some decent things to say, but the post has a number of half-drawn out ideas that lead right into another one.

There are 10 consensus realities that have begun separating from each other...
So many people believe so many things SO STRONGLY that it is literally creating separate realities that MUST split from each other

What do you envision this separation of reality to be? Why 10? What are the 10 beliefs that are held so strongly that they can split reality apart?

As creators our thoughts manifest into reality. This is not to say we MATERIALIZE our realities, we MANIFEST them...
I can give the basic steps but it will take the effort of many to help each individual find their "specific expression" to manifest exactly what it is they want to experience...
I want to help EVERYONE I CAN to find a benevolent world full of the PEACE AND LOVE they want to be surrounded by.

I certainly agree with this, who doesn't want Peace, Love and Understanding?

One way to explain this is to say that SEVERAL "apocalypses" are happening simultaneously.
-What many of us are learning of as "bath salts" will eventually turn out to be the beginning of the "zombie apocalypse". Multiple incidents involving the substance are strikingly similar to what would be described as a zombie attack no?
-There are signs of the Christian "Book of Revelations" is beginning to manifest
-The Koran is well underway in its manifestation, look at the war and civil unrest in ALL of the middle east

I urge you to look further into all 3 of these cases. The "bath salt" scare is/was a media frenzy. The "Book of Revelations" has parallels within many eras of mankind. I am very curious to see your signs/evidence for how the Book of Revelations relates as well as how you linked the Quran to the civil unrest in the middle east.

My biggest problem with 2012 theories that say "look at all of the pain and suffering, something big is coming!" is that pain and suffering is nothing new. Pain and suffering has been around for thousands, millions, billions of years. Same goes for natural disasters. There is no tipping point, the universe will continue, we will remain or perish but not transform overnight.

There is a spectrum of existence. Our minds exist in a particular frequency on that spectrum...
Staying in this context visualize an AM/FM radio... Just as it "tunes" into different stations(frequencies),our pineal gland tunes into different frequencies of existence(dimensions)

As noted already, what you read on the pineal gland was likely referenced from bad information.
On the topic of "spectrum" it is just a fancy way of saying something can vary or change. Non-static, non-boolean. So sure, when ingesting DMT (as you believe you experienced) our minds change. I don't understand where you were going with this.

When on a journey you still "inhabit" a form correct? Look down and something is there?

No. I have experienced pure awareness with absolutely ZERO body/vessel. Granted, my original physical form (Hi! Me!) still exists.

Interesting ideas to contemplate and I like quite a bit of what you said. IMO you should continue your research to see if your ideas remain as your understanding of the situation grows.
The inner soul is full of joy. Reveal my secrets and sew me whole. With each day, "I" heeds your call.
You may not care the slightest and may not be the brightest, but from here "I" sees you're mighty for you created it all.

And the jumbling sea rose above the wall.

Through this chaos comes the order you enthrall.
#33 Posted : 9/11/2012 6:30:03 PM

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Jamie and joedirt,

I will group both sets of answers together because they walk hand and hand.

I didnt give any specific dates. I do not have them. Neither does any other mortal body.
Indeed these changes are have been happening for a very long time and will continue happening a long time to come.

I am saying look up the definition of what a "consensus reality" is. Look at the world around us and draw parallels between what you see and the many "prophecies" there are (book of revelations, zombies[i genuinely dislike bringing this particular one up because of pop-culture relevance], the koran.. even benevolent ones, world peace, unity in society[the 99% etc...], and more).

All of these are consensus realities. They all coexist in our currently shared world reality. The individual parts that are those "CRs" are literally going to seperate from each other.

Ive repeated this and I will say it again, dont take my word for it, make your own. Explore what I am saying here for yourselves.

The only person I have to prove it to was myself.
The same goes for yall.

The not-so-subtle nature of who I am dictates my expression of these "ideas"

That they are not FACT to you does not mean they are not fact to me.

That is a two-way road. Im trying very hard to meet in the middle.
#34 Posted : 9/11/2012 7:04:22 PM


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could someone move this thread to the humor section

illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth
#35 Posted : 9/11/2012 7:14:04 PM

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Holy smokes are you the voice I was looking for with this! I have been posting most of this from a cell phone, I will answer you the very moment I get in front of a computer.

You came at this EXACTLY the way I was hoping someone would.

To the others involved in this discussion,
I want to grow and learn. I want to share thoughts. These are my thoughts.
Instead of saying "NO", VIII is giving his "WHY"s.
He/she is sharing their thoughts.

I will start a new thread to open this up again as to get ALL of us started on the right foot. Including me
#36 Posted : 9/11/2012 7:49:17 PM
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When on a journey you still "inhabit" a form correct? Look down and something is there?

No. Like VIII above stated. There is no body, I don't even have a concept of body when I am there.

which is part of why I can buy this from your original post URBY

We are not humans that have spiritual experiences. We are spirits that came here for a human experience.

I happen to believe wholeheartedly that this is the situation. We are blessed to have this opportunity.

The word Apocalypse makes me chuckle.

Before the Aztecs or Myans or whoever, was the concept of 2012 around? How about before the concept of time? Yet there we were still enjoying this experience, still getting high. Here we will be 365 days from now, probably still posting from my work computer, and enjoying the shit out of life.

Go give someone you love a big kiss on the cheek URBY.

#37 Posted : 9/11/2012 9:45:36 PM

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We are not humans that have spiritual experiences. We are spirits that came here for a human experience.
i also have thought this is true , at the risk of breaking the rules with conspiracy theories, absolute statements with no physical proof and preaching i have to say that you are on the ball urby.......seriously , i live 10kms from Bugarach and my view is that i was guided there by higher entities in time for December to leave with the alien ship under the mountain, however if they dont let me take my cat "mongo" with me i am not going where h goes i go , where he stays i stay, end of storyThumbs up
#38 Posted : 9/11/2012 10:01:06 PM

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hug46 wrote:
We are not humans that have spiritual experiences. We are spirits that came here for a human experience.
i also have thought this is true , at the risk of breaking the rules with conspiracy theories, absolute statements with no physical proof and preaching i have to say that you are on the ball urby.......seriously , i live 10kms from Bugarach and my view is that i was guided there by higher entities in time for December to leave with the alien ship under the mountain, however if they dont let me take my cat "mongo" with me i am not going where h goes i go , where he stays i stay, end of storyThumbs up

I too was told of ships. I was also tild my feet will be the last to leave the ground. It is horrifyingly honoring to have been told that.

You ARE there to be taken. You will know when to be where. Listen inside. They surround us always.

#39 Posted : 9/11/2012 10:02:38 PM

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Mongo is most certainly going with you!
#40 Posted : 9/11/2012 10:32:56 PM

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jamie wrote:
Nothing about this is heavy or new man..read through the forums we have heard it 1000 times already. Just because some of us are spiritual or into esoteric/occult stuff does not mean we all just buy into 2012 theories.

Your idea that this even starts "this year" does not resonate with either my own visions on the subject in ayahuasca and mushroom experiences, nor with what the mayans say. If you actaully ask the mayans they say it started years ago and will go on past 2012. It matters not if you mentioned the mayans..that is where all of these 2012 ideas seem to have come from..well that and thje fact that Jose Arguelles and Terence Mckenna decided that they would settle on the dec.21st 2012 date..that is where all of this originated.

If you dont like people being skeptical than w/e..but it is useful to at least understand where some of this comes from in the pop culture so you can pick and choose what parts actaully have any value and what parts are just things other people seem to have made up.

How do you know who "they" really? Just because "they" came to you? Ive been on space ships too while not taking any psychedelics either and seen things I dont talk about to many people..that does not mean "they" (whoever the f that even is) are telling the truth, or that they even really exist). I dont know "them"..so why should I trust them? Telling people about 10 dimensional constructs and why we are going to ascend w/e that even means does not help them..we just end up with more new age consumers reading the secret and their new SUV. Personal responsability for the real mess we are in is greater than any of that, the rest follows. You have to do things in the proper order.

Why should it matter if you know them or if they told you anything? You know what? WHo the hell cares what some beings said to you? None of it matters..all that matters is that people forget the cult of a date and focus on doing the work right now that should be done because that is the only thing that can get us there.

We have already had large world changing events this year and in 2011, most of them not good. We poisoned the ocean and we made the planet radioactive..the best thing people can do at this time is wake up, forget alien beings and angels etc and take responsability.

THIS!!! Thank you for this post Jamie!

and URBY, please don't start another new thread with the same topic and the same preaching. we got your message, repeating it won't make it any better.

Now I'd be interested in hear some elaboration on the ten different realities and how this will reflect in physical reality. Will the humans that are in a different reality disappear to our eyes? How can this be explained physically. What happens to their matter - can it still be accounted for? does it become dark matter? Is this what dark matter is then - split off consensus realities that our consciousness - can no longer tune in to?

And since you come off as knowing how to get to the reality we want to be in... how about a "HOWTO choose your reality" with a step by step description. But don't give me that "you hae to do it yourself" stuff, because if that's your answer, why the hell bother with posting something like this in the first place?
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
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