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consensus realities Options
#1 Posted : 9/11/2012 2:47:54 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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This is not a "theoretical" topic so please refrain from adding speculation to an already "what if" filled situation.

This moment inside of linear known to our vessels as the year 2012 IS INDEED the host of a GREAT event. There are a large number sources that have been pointing to this time for thousands of our years.

As creators our thoughts manifest into reality. This is not to say we MATERIALIZE our realities, we MANIFEST them. There is an enormous difference. Most of who will read this will understand what that means.

There are 10 consensus realities that have begun separating from each other. The most active part of that separation is going to begin taking place by the end of this year. We all get to "choose" which of these realities we will experience. I want to get a discussion going about HOW to go about making that "choice". I can give the basic steps but it will take the effort of many to help each individual find their "specific expression" to manifest exactly what it is they want to experience.

One way to explain this is to say that SEVERAL "apocalypses" are happening simultaneously.
-What many of us are learning of as "bath salts" will eventually turn out to be the beginning of the "zombie apocalypse". Multiple incidents involving the substance are strikingly similar to what would be described as a zombie attack no?
-There are signs of the Christian "Book of Revelations" is beginning to manifest
-The Koran is well underway in its manifestation, look at the war and civil unrest in ALL of the middle east

These malevolent ends are not all that is to be experienced! I want to help EVERYONE I CAN to find a benevolent world full of the PEACE AND LOVE they want to be surrounded by.

This is not hear-say, it is happening. If you do not believe me, I beg that you start a new topic to disagree.

The population on this planet right now is so huge that the DIVINE WILL of our fellow humans is creating tears in our shared experience. So many people believe so many things SO STRONGLY that it is literally creating separate realities that MUST split from each other. Some that read this will agree right off because have also been shown this truth. Others will look into it and see for themselves. Others still will fight it until they find themselves in a world they dont want to be a part of. Tough.

A suggested perspective:
Emotional state effects trips correct? Emotions all rest on their particular area of the emotional spectrum. Another spectrum is that of light (infrared, visible, ultraviolet, etc...). The word spectrum often walks hand and hand with the word frequency.

There is a spectrum of existence. Our minds exist in a particular frequency on that spectrum. In this context there are three words that can be used interchangably;
Frequency, density, dimension.

Staying in this context visualize an AM/FM radio... Just as it "tunes" into different stations(frequencies),our pineal gland tunes into different frequencies of existence(dimensions)

It is imperative to not think of dimensional space (x,y,z axi) when considering extra dimensions.

There are those that require to see the "proof within the pudding".... Youre eating that pudding every time you travel.

Ask questions (here or on a journey)
Dont say "NO", say "WHY"

EXPERIMENT with what I am saying here. The sheer vastness of knowledge and love we have access to while in these places we go is face melting. It is horrifyingly beautiful. Some cant even handle the very idea of of containing all of existence within themselves but we do.

we are all that ever was and all that will ever be. Im not the first to say that. Im not only one telling the truth when I say it.

When saying the god is within, god is us....
It is a reference to our energy body within our physical body.
When on a journey you still "inhabit" a form correct? Look down and something is there?

Our vessels, our physical bodies are obviously left behind, space flight style. Those(these) vessels are built from the elements around us right? Water(hydrogen&oxygen), carbon, etc...

Our bodies are literally made of the stuff of stars. We are celestial beings in the STRICTEST sense.

We are not humans that have spiritual experiences. We are spirits that came here for a human experience.

Were we "created"? Not in the sense most wish to believe. Our minds, our perspectives, our "identities" are merely aspects of God/THE Creator that are for nothing more than the creator to see him/her/its self in EVERY POSSIBLE WAY. There are every bit as many opinions/aspects as there are LIVING BEINGS to experience them. Just as the snowflakes, NO TWO EXPERIENCES ARE EXACTLY THE SAME.

What was "created" is our vessels. The bodies we inhabit. The celestial bodies we walk around in each day. The organic machines that were built to experience LINEAR TIME.

What chemical is released while we dream? DMT
What chemical can be found in EVERY living thing? DMT
What keeps people going back to hyperspace and talking about it in the nexus? How real it seems
How real are the guides and spirits and entities you meet? AS REAL AS THE LIGHT YOU ARE READING RIGHT NOW


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#2 Posted : 9/11/2012 3:41:12 AM

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I appriciate our passion, and I hear what you are saying but you might find that this is a relatively tough crowd when it comes to putting forth "out there" spiritual Ideas, especially if you put them off as pure fact.

I personally I feel like the 2012 thing is a bit overhyped and isn't really going to make any barriers of perception come crashing down, however I like what you said about choosing our own realities...


And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#3 Posted : 9/11/2012 4:32:27 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I call bullshit..well on the whole mayan dec.21st thing..

Not that I am not for manifesting our reality..but the mayans do not really say much about 2012..they talk about a window of time for change to occur..the new agers just piggybacked on some made up idea that white people had about what the maya say and now we have this whole deluded 2012 new age crap top deal with.

Long live the unwoke.
#4 Posted : 9/11/2012 4:38:28 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing

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New age community needs a reality check..did anyone bother to ask the maya what they think? I am all for love and peace and I do think we are in a time of change..but the new age just makes this whole thing sound so I want to puke...like who the frak cares about half the stuff these people talk about..

It reminds me of indigo children..oh and it ALWAYS seems to be that one persons child who is an indigo lol..

The real change is not going to suddely happen with a ray of light beaming down some day this december..watch for it..if it does than you better damn well question that thing..
Long live the unwoke.
#5 Posted : 9/11/2012 4:41:52 AM

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Which is precisely the reason I requested to be able to say them in the correct venue. However, I was assured that this lobby is all I need to bring it up and I will continue to wait.

I have to state it as fact because it is. I have been gifted an understanding that I never asked for. I have been lifted above the existential dogma of "who am I?" "why and I here?" and the ever entertaining "what is the meaning of life?". THEY CAME TO ME. THEY ARE REAL.

"What is real?" get over yourself, asker of that question. We are real. The beings that many who come to the nexus are so afraid to admit are real that they make up fictional characters just to discuss them ARE IN FACT REAL. "I made up this persona because of the legal implications around the substance I imbibe..." get over yourself and ascend.

We as conscious beings are ascending in that consciousness.

WAKE UP MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS!! We have been sleeping for so long. REALIZE YOUR POWER! Realize OUR power!!

As fanatic as I know I sound I ask,
Is there any other way that what I am doing could be done?

I say all of this with so much LOVE. I say it with TRUTH.

As absolute as the language I use here is, I am not speaking in a manner that pushes this upon anyone. I only wish to find others that share this understanding.

One does not have to be spiritual to understand.

spirituality is a concept. atheism is a concept. religion is a concept.

WHAT IS is not a concept, our perspective of it is.
River of Thoughts
#6 Posted : 9/11/2012 4:44:15 AM

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I don't think its more than just a shift of perception that will gradually positively impact our life.We are at the end of the trough and now approaching the peak. The but the good parts of the peak were we will experience somewhat of a heaving will probably be around 2030-45ish.

#7 Posted : 9/11/2012 4:44:24 AM

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jamie wrote:

The real change is not going to suddely happen with a ray of light beaming down some day this december..watch for it..if it does than you better damn well question that thing..

not once did I say suddenly. this year it begins.
#8 Posted : 9/11/2012 4:45:36 AM

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This is not hear-say, it is happening. If you do not believe me, I beg that you start a new topic to disagree.

You have made me very uncomfortable with your message and willingness to prevent differing opinions from being shared within your thread.

I have to state it as fact because it is. I have been gifted an understanding that I never asked for. I have been lifted above the existential dogma of "who am I?" "why and I here?" and the ever entertaining "what is the meaning of life?". THEY CAME TO ME. THEY ARE REAL.

Nice to have another chosen one on the forum. Rolling eyes

Certainty is the hallmark of both fraud and delusion.

Can you provide a sign?
#9 Posted : 9/11/2012 4:47:56 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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jamie wrote:
I call bullshit..well on the whole mayan dec.21st thing..

nor did I ever say mayans
#10 Posted : 9/11/2012 4:49:12 AM

omnia sunt communia!

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URBY wrote:
What chemical is released while we dream? DMT


URBY wrote:
What chemical can be found in EVERY living thing? DMT

The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
River of Thoughts
#11 Posted : 9/11/2012 4:49:18 AM

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Go listen to some Alan Watts, you are already there... the fact that you are waiting for it, is a delusion. Today is the ONLY DAY. TODAY is the REAL DAY! TODAY, NOW!!! RIGHT NOW!!! now DANCE!!! star stuff! shine right now because it's you.

..."The truth of the matter being that there is no such thing as time. Time is a hallucination. There is only today. There never will be anything except today. And if you do not know how to live today, you are demented. And this is the great problem of Western civilization, not only of Western civilization, but really all civilization, because what civilization is, is a very complex arrangement in which we have used symbols - that is to say words, numbers, figures, concepts to represent the real world of nature, like we use money to represent wealth, and like we measure energy with the clock. Or like we measure with yards or with inches. These are very useful measures. But you can always have too much of a good thing, and can so easily confuse the measure with what you are measuring; the money with the wealth; or even the menu with the dinner. And at a certain point, you can become so enchanted with the symbols that you entirely confuse them with the reality. And this is the disease from which almost all civilized people are suffering. We are therefore in the position of eating the menu instead of the dinner. Of living in a world of words, symbols and are therefore very badly related to our material surroundings." ~Alan Watts...

Here's one of my favorite videos(you can use this video as a metaphor for the "it's coming" idea.
Watch and carefully listen and smile after.
#12 Posted : 9/11/2012 4:58:51 AM

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AlbertKLloyd wrote:
You have made me very uncomfortable with your message and willingness to prevent differing opinions from being shared within your thread.
Nice to have another chosen one on the forum. Rolling eyes

Certainty is the hallmark of both fraud and delusion.

Can you provide a sign?

The "willingness to prevent" is not as much to keep out differing opinions as it is to avoid the "your wrong Im right" from taking over THIS thread. I want everyone that reads this to start talking about it. I want them to discuss it, explore it, debunk it, argue about it there. THIS thread, MY thread is here for those that can continue this conversation in the positive. Negative reactions to it are OK, I expect, accept, and respect those views. Discuss them in a thread for that discussion.

What sign could I possibly provide? Dig into what I am saying. Explore it. I did and it became certainty to me. I have no intention of frauding myself. I dont feel I am being deluded.

I am bring this subject to the forefront of attention. That is what I was "chosen" to do as you so readily put it.

Dont take my word for it. MAKE YOUR OWN

#13 Posted : 9/11/2012 5:01:46 AM

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SnozzleBerry wrote:
URBY wrote:
What chemical is released while we dream? DMT


URBY wrote:
What chemical can be found in EVERY living thing? DMT


I deeply and humbly apologize if am misled. Am I?
#14 Posted : 9/11/2012 5:09:09 AM

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URBY wrote:

The "willingness to prevent" is not as much to keep out differing opinions as it is to avoid the "your wrong Im right" from taking over THIS thread.

It has already, the OP made sure of that.

I have no intention of frauding myself. I dont feel I am being deluded.

Nobody who is, ever does, feel that they are (deluded) that is the whole point of it being delusion. Maybe you are not deluded, I don't know, but it is a strong possibility.

What sign could I possibly provide? Dig into what I am saying. Explore it. I did and it became certainty to me.

I did consider it, felt it etc.
It made me very uncomfortable and concerned for you.

I fear that I can't communicate anything that will address this properly though.

Bath salts are the Zombie apocalypse?
I hope you make it and are able to look back on all of this oneday.
#15 Posted : 9/11/2012 5:10:40 AM

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URBY wrote:

I deeply and humbly apologize if am misled. Am I?

Since it is your signature it would be nice to hear where you learned this. It has been proposed as a theory to my knowledge, but not proven.
River of Thoughts
#16 Posted : 9/11/2012 5:19:48 AM

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To be honest The Traveler isn't going to let this thread go far anyway... making dubious claims as facts is a big no no at the Nexus.
#17 Posted : 9/11/2012 5:26:32 AM

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its not a signature, I closed the post with it. I cannot give you the EXACT articles and videos I read and watched but if it is not proven by known science then obviously I cannot say I can do otherwise. That information I came across while researching what DMT is. I have NEVER imbibed DMT in any form. I came here and described what I am experiencing and a great many members of the nexus described the same things from their trips. The beings, the light, the Love most of all.

bath salts are NOT the signaling or cause of zombies. It will come about of its own means. This is an example of how CHARACTERISTICS of THAT REALITY are "bleeding into" or being witnessed in THIS REALITY.
#18 Posted : 9/11/2012 5:55:27 AM

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I will allow myself to be cast aside a pariah. I will allow you all to accuse me of being a foolish tom. Stone me for my SOLID beliefs. Tell me what I know is wrong because you know otherwise.

Treat me as the public treats you. Feed the reality that one can only experience what you experience by way of outside influence.
River of Thoughts
#19 Posted : 9/11/2012 5:57:37 AM

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Don't get offended, last thing you should do is take things personally on the internet or even life. It's all a big cosmic joke. Enjoy it, celebrate it and laugh.

Do you know how funny you sound right now? Just step out of yourself for a moment and read what you wrote!! it's actually hilarious.

I for one love you! for realz!!! because your intentions are pure but you got to respect other peoples beliefs as well... nothing is SOLID!
#20 Posted : 9/11/2012 6:03:58 AM

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Why live in the future, when we should be living in 'now' and seeing the beauty of the world day by day. Everyone has their own paths in life, respect that Smile
The Warrior’s Prayer
"I am what I am. In having faith in the beauty within me I develop trust. In softness I have strength. In silence I walk with the gods. In peace I understand myself and the world. In conflict I walk away. In detachment I am free. In respecting all living things I respect myself. In dedication I honour the courage within me.
In eternity I have compassion for the nature of all things. In love I unconditionally accept the evolution of others. In freedom I have power.
In my individuality I express the God-Force within me. In service I give of what I have become.
I am what I am: Eternal, immortal, universal, and infinite. And so be it"
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