Recently a friend of mine received some 2C-P, aswell as a synthetic cannibinoid blend called MeanGhost, this is his account, in his words.
The 2C-P came in 8mg tabs, one was taken...
The basic experience of only the 2c-p, was very mild for the most part, nice tracers, mild patterning.... but when a large toke of this MeanGhost was taken... things went into overdrive, my body visually became flat, tracers became so intense I couldn't find my arms, Then all my body parts seemed to rearrange them self at random, as well as my senses shifting along with it, accurate description is impossible...
But take this as a warning/prep note..
Smoking synthetic cannibinoids on the peak of 2c-p, produced the WIERDEST psychedelic experience I have yet to experience., It only lasted for about 15 minutes (very similar to the duration of salvia or dmt)
"Meanghost recipe: blend 2g of AKB-48, 2g of 5F-UR-144 to 1 oz of 75% Damiana 25% Mullen leaf"
Can anyone else out there (HIGHLY EXPERIENCED WITH PSYCHS.. WOW) repeat this?