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True Life: Addicted to DMT Options
#1 Posted : 9/10/2012 2:07:36 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Just stumbled upon this video...

True Life: Addicted to DMT

What do you make of it?
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#2 Posted : 9/10/2012 2:16:41 AM


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Confused Shocked Stop Thumbs down

Just, wow. Talk about ignorant brainwashed kids misinforming others...
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In darkest night, when lights are dim, and all in sight seems sad and grim,
I find you there, your arms surround me, your spirit fills me and it grounds me.
I look to you, Lady of Truth, most ancient One, yet eternal youth,to keep me safe, protect my heart,and with the wisdom you impart, fill up my empty mind and soul,so that, my Lover, you can make whole, all that was broken in this day –and that is what I ask and pray.
#3 Posted : 9/10/2012 2:19:41 AM


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<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#4 Posted : 9/10/2012 2:38:29 AM

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It looks like just a bunch of kids making a stupid video. They smile and crack when they look at the camera they suck...Thumbs down
The only reason there is a reality is because our brain leads us to think so.
#5 Posted : 9/10/2012 2:43:27 AM

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I'm speechless. Nothing besides profainity comes to mind.
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#6 Posted : 9/10/2012 3:03:06 AM
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LMFAO that's ridiculous. I would have called these kids out hard if I was in their high school health class. These videos are everywhere though. School projects of kids saying "Beware of LSD. You may end up addicted, or dead." I bet those lowlifes got A's too.
Muskogee Herbman
#7 Posted : 9/10/2012 3:05:31 AM

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Worst acting ever. Reminds me of all the political adds I've seen this election year.

True Life: I'm addicted drinking water
Creator help me live in a way that will make my ancestors proud.
#8 Posted : 9/10/2012 3:15:53 AM

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I just watched the intro to the video, but seeing how long the red bar is and that all comments on the first page are denouncing it as major BS, I think it's pretty clear that the attempt to misinform has failed quite spectacularly.
#9 Posted : 9/10/2012 3:16:28 AM

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Wow, this has got to be most rediculous piece of garbage video I have seen in a while. It reminds me of those anti drug commercials on tv where people melt into couches and randomly blow their brains out with a shotgun simply because they smoked some pot... I really hope every single one of these kids fails their Psychology class...

"I was going to make a machine, but after reading here in the Nexus, everyone makes it sound like trying to smoke spice without a VG is like trying to have sex without fully formed genitals..." -- Pup Tentacle.

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#10 Posted : 9/10/2012 4:03:51 AM


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Under the description it says "Psychology project" still full of BS.
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#11 Posted : 9/10/2012 4:07:01 AM

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I flagged it. I didn't think that their message was really anti DMT, because they didn't curse it, its just the fact that they acted so stupid about drugs, its that attitude that I couldn't stand to watch. If the did something like this about guns there would be parents lined up to jeer them.Thumbs down
The Day Tripper
#12 Posted : 9/10/2012 6:55:03 AM

Rennasauce Man

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Obviously a mock up of the real show, won't be long before its removed for copyright issues.

Y'all were just trolled hard.

As stupid as that video is, its just some idiot kids either trolling or making a video about something they know nothing about. Either way, its not like MTV is going to be ok with people doing crappy knock offs of their shows with terrible editing and putting them on YT.

"let those who have talked to the elves, find each other and band together" -TMK

In a society in which nearly everybody is dominated by somebody else's mind or by a disembodied mind, it becomes increasingly difficult to learn the truth about the activities of governments and corporations, about the quality or value of products, or about the health of one's own place and economy.
In such a society, also, our private economies will depend less upon the private ownership of real, usable property, and more upon property that is institutional and abstract, beyond individual control, such as money, insurance policies, certificates of deposit, stocks, etc. And as our private economies become more abstract, the mutual, free helps and pleasures of family and community life will be supplanted by a kind of displaced citizenship and by commerce with impersonal and self-interested suppliers...
The great enemy of freedom is the alignment of political power with wealth. This alignment destroys the commonwealth - that is, the natural wealth of localities and the local economies of household, neighborhood, and community - and so destroys democracy, of which the commonwealth is the foundation and practical means.” - Wendell Berry
#13 Posted : 9/14/2012 4:45:59 PM

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Naive ill-informed kids. It strikes me as odd, as to why they should choose DMT as the subject of their video. Oh well, I'll just put it down to ignorance.


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#14 Posted : 9/14/2012 5:05:28 PM
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Laughing I think it's pretty laughable.

Anyone with half a brain that would want to know the truth regarding dmt hopefully wouldn't seek out a youtube video such as that.

Flagged for sure. Thumbs up

#15 Posted : 9/14/2012 6:01:33 PM

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"You´re ruining this family, mom..."

"Look what you´re doing to him... he´s like a drug addict"

"...during the class, in the back of the room..."

"and after she takes it, she´s like not even my mom" - especially at this one I was laughing very hard Very happy LOL!

I supoose those kids were talked into shooting a movie "on drugs" as a part of some school project. So they did. I don´t think they are consciously talking nonsense, they just didn´t do their homework right.

But really - who wouldn´t be lost in all that political and pharmaceutical propaganda surrounding "the drugs"? Let´s face it: for the mainstream society, it doesn´t really matter WHAT drug, because ALL "drugs are bad, mmmkay!?" What? You are doing drugs? You´re out!

H? Meth? THC? DMT? Eh? "WTF´s the difference?" Very happy

#16 Posted : 9/14/2012 6:03:56 PM
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Michal_R wrote:
"You´re ruining this family, mom..."

"Look what you´re doing to him... he´s like a drug addict"

"...during the class, in the back of the room..."

Very happy LOL!

I supoose those kids were talked into shooting a movie "on drugs" as a part of some school project. So they did. I don´t think they are consciously talking nonsense, they just didn´t do their homework right.

But really - who wouldn´t be lost in all that political and pharmaceutical propaganda surrounding "the drugs"? Let´s face it: for the mainstream society, it doesn´t really matter WHAT drug, because ALL "drugs are bad, mmmkay!?" What? You are doing drugs? You´re out!

H? Meth? THC? DMT? Eh? "WTF´s the difference?" Very happy

Laughing I just laughed quite a bit..
#17 Posted : 9/14/2012 6:11:24 PM

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And flagged, of course: "hoax + deception"
#18 Posted : 9/14/2012 6:16:17 PM

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Wouldn't be surprised if that video mysteriously disappears.
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#19 Posted : 9/14/2012 6:19:22 PM
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good lord who comes up with this BS. Where is the True Life "My psyciatrist got me hooked on benzos"
#20 Posted : 9/14/2012 6:26:32 PM

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You have to be kidding me right? "I was doing it in the bathroom and got caught" That line alone makes you want to reach through the monitor and choke one or all of them. I'm glad people began trolling it otherwise others might think this stuff was accurate.
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