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first time mescaline Options
#1 Posted : 9/8/2012 12:41:12 AM

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swim is ordering san pedro or peruvian torch, its going to be his and his friends first time, and it only comes in 60G batches. is 30G each enough to have an experience? should swim mix a small amount of maoi into it to help?

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#2 Posted : 9/8/2012 5:17:39 AM


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there is no way for anyone to speculate this, reasons why are:
1- alkaloid concentrations could be anywhere from 0-5% (leaving a 30 g dose between nothing and a gram and a half)
2- you could be really susceptible to cactus or be a hard head who needs twice as much as the next guy
3- your method of preparation/ingestion affects the results

on another note entirely,
mescaline/cactus does not interact with maoi's the same why tryptamines do, they interact with them in the same capacity that smoking some cannabis does, it enhances with a different flavor

if youre still seeking advise post my prior responses, id recommend you try 20 grams (preferably as globs/alcohol resin/tea/resin). 20 grams of the strongest of trichocereus isnt enough to annihilate you ego but on the strong end will be a powerful experience just subpar of entheogenic, if however it is impotent material, you may catch a buzz at the expense of potential nausea

fasting is essential, do so for 18 hours without calories for quality

dont eat until you want the experience to end
#3 Posted : 9/8/2012 6:05:34 AM

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Mew said...

fasting is essential, do so for 18 hours without calories for quality

dont eat until you want the experience to end

Mew I have seen that you are a fore most cactus authority and expert and I agree with evrything you say except this one point on fasting, only because I have eaten huge amounts of food only 1 hour before ingesting catus and/or pure mescaline and have only noticed a delay in effects but no deminishment of effects whatso ever..

I also have eaten huge meals on mescaline and it did not at all end my trip... I'm not sure if there is anything that can end a major mescaline trip besides hours and hours and hours of time..and then sleep.

The other thing about it is I like to have food in my belly when I purge,,, (I find corn flakes to be ideal purging material) I hate having purge dry heaves UGGGH!

I always eat big time before mescaline, LSD and Ayahuasca. I know it's not traditional and it might not absorb 100% but I find being hungry during the experience to be distracting also I get way more random stomach pains when I have not eaten.....

One thing I have found to be true is to stay away from large amounts of salt or MSG those are real culprits, ham does not go to well either from my experience and that is not just my jewish side talking....also no alchohol especially red wine and say NO to chinese food...soy sauce has strange things in it that do not go well with tripping.

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#4 Posted : 9/8/2012 6:43:33 AM

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You cant really tell how much is in it from an unknown source, HOWEVER, mescaline is a very friendly feeling substance and you would surely be fine blending the cacti powder into a vanilla icecream milkshake or yogurt and dividing in two with your friend Smile, after light fasting of course. 60g dried outer flesh is normally enough for atleast two great rides.

Eliyahu - It is pretty widely know that fasting generally increases effects of psychoactives. Not only does your body absorb the substance quicker without food, but it seems to absorb more of it IMHO. Fasting for atleast 6-12 hrs isnt necessary, but will provide a stronger experience for sure.
--------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------
All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.
#5 Posted : 9/8/2012 12:12:10 PM

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alright, i think ill give it a try with 30g each, and thanks for the fasting tip. and thanks kash, that icecream idea does not sound bad at all.
#6 Posted : 9/8/2012 12:25:32 PM

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How are you thinking of preparing it? You want to get crystals, juice, resin?

And yes, fasting is very important with San Pedro. I try to eat little to nothing one day before the ceremony. What I do eat is what I would feed to a baby ( very soft food ). Also, try not to drink coffee before ( I think it stimulates the experience after, not sure. ) and try to smoke as little as you can - a baby wouldn't smoke Laughing

Also, if you make resin or juice, I suggest eating only bread like an hour after ingestion. Bread sucks the mesc and helps getting into your body. I got really strong kicks after eating pieces of bread during ceremonies.

Hope this helped, have a nice time. Positive vibes sent your way Smile
With these hands I have killed man and destroyed hopes and dreams. But when I open these hands I can hold my wife, make my children laugh and even aid others. It's not the path that we take but the choices that we make along that path that makes us who we are. -Waugriff

#7 Posted : 9/8/2012 3:36:11 PM
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Did you read Castaneda?
#8 Posted : 9/8/2012 4:07:32 PM

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Like Mew said, potency varies highly based on many variables. Swim has a garden of about 30 different Trichocereus specimens, mostly from varying sources, and have found some to be super potent, while others have been not disappointing, but not what Swim was expecting at all. Different alkaloid makeups make for very different trips.

On a side note, be careful ordering just powder off of the internet. In powder form it is actually pursued by law enforcement at times. If you want to be safe, only order cuttings of cacti. They are perfectly legal to own and purchase for ornamental purposes, but ordering the powder form can be a bit sketchy. I have a friend who ordered some powder, and his package was held at the post office with a note left on his door for him to come get it. He was picked up by the local narcotics department when he went to retrieve his package :/. Be smart, stay safe.

Swim also finds that extracting down to pure mescaline left him wanting, and he missed the other alkaloids he had removed. Nowadays he just dehydrates the green skin and powders it. He either does an extraction down to all the alkaloids and ingests that, or simply washes down the powder with some water.

In reference to fasting, Swim usually also employs P. Harmala with his Cacti experiences, so he adheres to a strict no Tyramine MAOI diet and usually only eats fruits for the day before.

Also, Swim disagrees with the ice cream. He too thought it would be easy to handle, but was very disappointed and ended up wasting 20 mg of powder as he could only get down about half of his gloopy drink. He thinks you should be careful on what you put into the milkshake if you are going to try this method. He used vanilla ice cream, mango, milk, and a dollop of yogurt. He ended up with a cacti flavored yogurt, 2 cups worth of brutal tasting goop when he should've just spooned back the powder. Just his humble opinion that the milkshake idea was more difficult than just powder on its own.
Good luck in your travels, peace.
Only a few find the way, some don't recognize it when they do - some... don't ever want to.- Cheshire Cat

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#9 Posted : 9/9/2012 6:18:29 PM

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what im buying is not powder, but not cutting, its just cut up cactus, pretty big chunks of inner skin. and i didnt know if i could just eat the cactus, so that would be my first choice. i mean, i cant take pills so ive learned how to get down powder haha
#10 Posted : 9/9/2012 10:58:20 PM

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Gotchya. Well the warning goes the same for chunks. If its processed down from the actual plant, it isn't a plant for ornamental purposes anymore and is illegal to possess as it is considered scheduled. Just be wary. The only non-issue way to order San Pedro's is in cutting form, or obviously potted. If its chopped up into stars, just the green skin, or powdered, you could run into issues.
Only a few find the way, some don't recognize it when they do - some... don't ever want to.- Cheshire Cat

Every adventure requires a first step. Trite, but true, even here.

#11 Posted : 9/10/2012 12:46:00 AM

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Hey Ive drank a cactus powder vanilla icecream & chocolate sauce smoothie before and I thought it tasted great compared to the tea which I cant describe any better than being the most vile tasting thing on earth next to wormwood lol. All a matter of perspective and opinion. Pleased
--------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------
All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.
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