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How Darwin, Huxley, and the Esalen Institute launched the 2012 and psychedelic revolutions Options
#1 Posted : 9/6/2012 8:12:32 AM


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How Darwin, Huxley, and the Esalen Institute launched the 2012 and psychedelic revolutions – and began one of the largest mind control operations in history.
Some brief notes.
By Jan Irvin
August 28, 2012

My investigation into Thomas Henry Huxley's background (grandfather to Aldous and Julian) reveals him as THE KEY promoter of Darwin's theories, who was his friend and teacher, and through Huxley's "X Club" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Club) they created academics who would promote Darwin's ideas (not coincidently, spin offs of this "X-Club" include the X-men comic series (on eugenics and evolution) and Fourth World comics (on mind control) by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby – the “Forth World being tied to the UN’s Agenda 21 (See the UN’s website - http://www.un.org/esa/dsd/agenda21/0) and (UNCED) Fourth World Wilderness – “battle for the mind” – conferences (http://youtu.be/JUdgiehz9dU). My feeling is that the word "X" for MDMA is directly related. X-files? Possibly many others.). Later Julian Huxley would take up his grandfather's stance in promoting Darwin's theory, eugenics/humanism, etc, publishing nearly a dozen books on these topics. Aldous would follow suit via his novels.

The Darwins eventually married into the Huxley family: Charles Darwin > George Howard Darwin > Charles Galton Darwin > George Pember Darwin (great grandson) - marries Angela Huxley - Aldous's niece (Thomas Huxley's great granddaughter).

The Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin of Piltdown Hoax fame, a major influence of hippie story teller Terence McKenna, also created the Habit and Novelty / Time wave zero concept, which he called "The Omega Point" – but without the 2011/2012 end point.

"Omega Point is a term coined by the French Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881–1955) to describe a maximum level of complexity and consciousness towards which he believed the universe was evolving."

Not coincidently, at the end of the above video regarding UNCED, we hear none other than Edmund de Rothschild himself cite Tielhard regarding his views on this.

Tielhard, who’s a (the) key suspect for creating the Piltdown Hoax, the largest academic scandal in history (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piltdown_Man), also (along with CIA agent, Prof. Michael Coe, at Yale) influenced Terence's ideas of 2012 and the end of time. Not coincidently, Coe and William Burroughs came up with the idea around the same time. Coe, aside from being CIA, is married to Sophie – the daughter of eugenicist Theodosius Dobzhansky - who was tied closely with Julian Huxley. Coe and Theodosius had close relations.

The ORIGINS of this idea that we're evolving through psychedelics, et al, can be traced from Darwin and Thomas Huxley to Julian and Aldous Huxley, directly to the Esalen Institute, and from there we can trace the 2012 tie-in aspect to Coe at Yale in his 1966 book on the Maya (and also, probably not coincidently, William Burroughs just shortly before Coe), and to Tielhard's Omega point theory. Coe’s book is now in it’s 8th edition:


And then it can be traced to the In Search of TV program, which will cover in a moment, and then on to Terence McKenna and Jose Arguelles.

Tielhard also influenced Terence's ideas of the Stoned Ape theory: I suggest that with the many ties to Tielhard's ideas found in McKenna's work regarding the end of time and human evolution, and right back to Julian Huxley and Darwin, that we can tie McKenna's idea of the Stoned Ape theory directly to the Piltdown Hoax and the Huxleys, and their secret agenda at making any and every attempt to prove "Darwin's" theory of evolution, whom Thomas Huxley was the key promoter, and Julian after him. And not coincidently, both Thomas and Julian Huxley were presidents of the Royal Society, and not coincidently gave themselves and their friends (including Darwin) Copley and Darwin awards.

Not coincidently, Tielhard also wrote a book with Julian Huxley's introduction:

Via the Esalen Institute this multi-generational plan to “evolutionize” ( - their idea of evolution was just for them and the elites, not the rest of society whom they planned to dumb down and exterminate via their ideas laid forth in their many published books and programs on eugenics and humanism.) much of humanity was pushed forth via Aldous - with the help of Michael Murphy and Dick Price, with other connections to the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and the Tavistock Institute and many intelligence agencies, and other, similar sorts of mind control connections, such as with B.F. Skinner - creator of operant conditioning and "the Skinner box" (Esalen even brags of his time there! - http://www.esalen.org/as...riendsofEsalen-V1402.pdf), who worked with the infamous Prof. Henry A. Murray at Harvard of MKULTRA fame. Dr. Tim Leary worked under Murray, and the infamous Dr. Ted Kaczynski, "the Unabomber", was a part of Prof. Murray's experiments. Dr. Kaczynski had attempted to shut those at SRI working on ARPANET and these other mind control / spying systems, down ( see The Net - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doQAwLb-DEE). Not coincidently, it appears that Dick Price also studied in Murray's department at Harvard. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Price

But this whole entire thing can be traced to the Huxley family – ALL of it.

From the above we trace this 2012 meme lineage to the In Search Of TV program (season 2, ep. 4 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNqOkpbv4xI) where they say in the closing minutes that 2011/2012 may be used to bring in a world government (it started out as the 2011 meme but was later changed to 2012). And from there it's picked up by Terence McKenna, also working at Esalen and tied directly to the Huxleys:

"He [Terence] knew Francis Huxley, an anthropologist and one of Julian's two sons. The other, Anthony, was a botanist. Francis lived in Santa Fe and we knew him through personal circles there. Though how well Terence knew him, I have no idea. Not well. I only met him once or twice myself, so it was more of an acquaintanceship than a friendship. Laura, of course, was Aldous wife and was a beloved figure in the psychedelic community as a result. I'm sure she probably hung out at Esalen and may have been there when T was there, which was regularly in the 80s and 90s."
~ Dennis McKenna

So here we see that Terence even hung out with Francis Huxley, son to Julian Huxley. And of course Julian is one of the key suspects in this entire investigation. Coincidence? We also see that Terence likely spent extensive time at Esalen while Laura Huxley was there. Again, coincidence? Coincidently, Terence’s archives were destroyed in a fire – at Esalen. Maybe to cover up all of these “coincidences”:

Is it coincidence that Terence would hang out with the great grandson of one of the key promoters of Darwin's theories, Francis Huxley (1), who had ties via his own family to Darwin’s via his cousin (2), and was influenced heavily by Tielhard (3) - who created the Piltdown Hoax (4) – who happened also to have an intro in his book written by Julian Huxley (5), Francis’s father (6), and should then come up with the Stoned Ape theory (7), and promote it and the 2012 meme that was developed by a CIA agent, Coe ( 8 ), who just so happened to hang out with a friend of Julian's, Dobhzanski (9), and then dispense the entire meme from Esalen (10), where he spent time with Aldous’s wife, Laura (11), and Esalen happens to be co-created by Aldous Huxley himself (12)?

12 coincidences, and that’s not even counting all of the other ties mentioned above to the Huxleys and Darwin.

(note: At this point those who can still maintain this many coincidences and still not see an agenda should have their heads checked – as this many coincidences are statistically impossible.)

It's also picked up by Jose Arguelles, not coincidently also at Esalen, and pushed forth until he dies, but not before Daniel Pinchbeck (as he admits, his last name, “possibly coincidently”, means "fools gold" ) picks up the 2012 torch and carries it on.

The ties between Darwin, Thomas Huxley, Julian, and Aldous (the Brave New World), down to Pierre Tielhard de Chardin, and Michael Coe and Theodosius Dobhzanski to Esalen, and down to Terence McKenna are incredible to contemplate, especially when considering that Aldous was a key founder of the Esalen institute, and Esalen has been a key promoter in using psychedelics for "evolution" all the while hiding the Huxley family's deep connections to eugenics, humanism, et al. (for those who don’t know, humanism is the practice the elites use to get we the slaves to give up our autonomy to the greater religion of statism – ultimately them.)

And when we realize that ALL of the players center around the Huxleys and Esalen, we have one of those "oh fuck" moments.

Right now we can’t prove that McKenna was an agent, but he was most certainly, at least, a willful idiot.

The cat's out of the bag. Please spread this post to every psychedelic and 2012 you that you can possible share this with. This information needs to get out IMMEDIATELY.

Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 9/6/2012 10:13:53 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Wouldn't this sort of info, while relevant to each and every one of us, be considered CT? Wink So, yes, social engineering, we all know it's going on, we all know we are 'slaves' in one way or another, and we are all in in so deep that we can't see the wood for the trees. Where should humanity go from here? Are we all equal? It seems these people were of unusual (unequal) intelligence and foresight, and so have benefitted both from this and from their ties. This is often how the flow of power works. The tools of state, religion, politics etc, have been around a looooong time before the Darwins / Huxleys.

What I want to know is, what are the implications? One centralized (NWO) government? Erosion of liberties? A Brave New World type scenario where we are trained how to think, and kept as worker bees/ pets? Isn't this already happening? The warning signs have been there for decades, although the links between the families are interesting, I don't really see much new material here, society has bought into these ideas... Kind if like the Bush / oil /iraq connection, it doesn't take a rocket scientist...

I look forward to hearing other people's ideas on this Smile
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#3 Posted : 9/6/2012 12:00:10 PM

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This kind of stuff makes me wish the year is over already Very happy

Yes, this is CT, and poor one imo. The "proof" they have is these mental masturbations about how the families are interconnected.. Come on, really? We could probably find a connection between the Nexus and Hitler if we wanted, in this line of thinking... And then later the author is even saying that others need to "have their head checked" if they dont 'believe' this CT .

The whole thing seems very immature, the arguments are not refined and in the end, there seems to be no point to it. The question "if so, then what? " is not even considered. Spread the message of someone's theory for what? Will it prevent mass domination from happening? What is the point? What is the conclusion? Where's personal responsibility and empowerment here? Is this just one more of these victimizing theories where all we can do is spread links through social medias and forums about the evil of the world is while remaining sitting in our chairs?

I dont like it, and I think it breaks the CT rule.
#4 Posted : 9/6/2012 12:45:51 PM

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What this theory didn't figure out is that these guys were also in cahoots with the Bilderbergs and Rothschilds, and it doesn't matter if you are for or against the 'counterculture' because we are all going to be turned into energy cells for alien spaceships on Dec 21st this year, and only the elite will be saved by these reptile spacemen, and not only that, but DMT isn't a means of freeing and expanding your mind, but a means of making people believe all manner of BS, and Trav and Endless are nothing but Illuminati pawns gathering 'energy cells' so that they can join the elite on one of the spaceships before the aliens send an asteroid into the planet to reset 'evolution' so that they can wait another 100,000,000,000 years to do it all again!!! So be afraid!!! VERY AFRAID!!! It must be true, Google told me...

Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#5 Posted : 9/6/2012 2:12:45 PM


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What is "CT"?? I have to ask because of a theory i've been developing called...

wait for it...

Coinci-Transcendentalism.... lol

I agree with most of the other folks responding to this thread. I fail to see the point. I was anxiously reading, waiting for some previously unknown master truth to be revealed, and ended up with a Confused on my face. It was like being told that I won 100 Grand, only to find out it was covered with chocolate and caramel...

And here all this time i've been thinking that "6 degree's of seperation" was the last step before freezer precipitation in a STB tek!!!

Big grin
#6 Posted : 9/6/2012 2:32:11 PM

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CT = Conspiracy Theory = Discouraged subject matter here on the nexus due to its tendancy to be highly speculative, paranoid, delusional and often topped with an extra helping of BS (I trust you know what that acronym stands for Pleased ) I often wonder if there is any point in considering such things, being paranoid doesn't really enhance life, does it?
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#7 Posted : 9/6/2012 2:51:43 PM

veni, vidi, spici

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Purges wrote:
often topped with an extra helping of BS (I trust you know what that acronym stands for Pleased

Bacon SandwichVery happy

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#8 Posted : 9/6/2012 3:06:32 PM


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Haha! I guess i knew that. I just wanted to spread the word about Coinci-Transcendentalism! Wink

I'll tell you what conspiracy theories DO enhance... Bacon Sandwiches!!

#9 Posted : 9/6/2012 3:11:58 PM

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Imho, seeing "coincidences" when parsing through several generations of scholars and scientists that researched related topics (and basing the whole thing on the Huxley family, right in the backbone of english intellectualism the last century) is more worthy of an eye roll than an oh fuck. Too bad he forgot to sneak in a lot of key people like Hoffman, Crick or Wasson.

I bet you we can come up with something similar going from Woody Guthrie to Kurt Cobain. And that way we get to include Elvis.
#10 Posted : 9/6/2012 3:12:02 PM

veni, vidi, spici

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you cant enhance a bacon butty, its infinitely perfect in every way

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#11 Posted : 9/6/2012 3:41:56 PM

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Of course you can! Here is a list of possible 'enhancements' you can make to your BS:

- Bake your own bread. Make sure you add some harmalas in with the flour.
-Dose the bread with LSD
-Spread the bread with cannabutter
-Use a whole pack of bacon
-Instead of regular garlic mushrooms, use the magic variety cooked in lashings of garlic cannabutter.
-instead of lettuce, use Salvia.
-Instead of tomatoes, use Amanitas. They are the same colour after all.
-Mix 50mg of MXE into your BBQ sauce (or sauce of your liking) and apply liberally. The higher the sauce:mxe ratio is, the less it will taste of RCs Laughing
-Serve with cup of tea and a capsule containing some DMT (which will be activated by your harmala bread)
-Enjoy trying to read your morning newspaper!
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#12 Posted : 9/6/2012 3:51:42 PM

veni, vidi, spici

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NO, just NO.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#13 Posted : 9/6/2012 3:55:58 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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You should try it! Life-changing BS right there! Imagine the CTs that would spring forth after ingesting that bad boy! Cool
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#14 Posted : 9/6/2012 3:59:38 PM

veni, vidi, spici

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it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#15 Posted : 9/6/2012 4:00:15 PM


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Man i like where this thread is going! I hope there are Food Network scouts on this forum because we Nexians are full of ideas!

Speaking of drugs and food products..... I've always thought about starting a pharma-ceutically enhanced hot dog stand outside of the office i work at!

Some of our specialties would include....

Xanax Chili Dogs
Seratonin Reuptake inhibitor Dogs with Cheese
Prozac Dog on a stick
Val-yum Veggie Dogs
Cardiac arrest-warrant mini bites
and my personal favorite...

the foot long all beef beer battered benzo-blackout dog

All of which i'm sure would be hits!

#16 Posted : 9/6/2012 5:49:45 PM

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All washed down with a Pcpsi or Codeine Cola Pleased
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#17 Posted : 9/6/2012 6:41:12 PM

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endlessness wrote:
This kind of stuff makes me wish the year is over already Very happy

Yes, this is CT, and poor one imo. The "proof" they have is these mental masturbations about how the families are interconnected.. Come on, really? We could probably find a connection between the Nexus and Hitler if we wanted, in this line of thinking... And then later the author is even saying that others need to "have their head checked" if they dont 'believe' this CT .

The whole thing seems very immature, the arguments are not refined and in the end, there seems to be no point to it. The question "if so, then what? " is not even considered. Spread the message of someone's theory for what? Will it prevent mass domination from happening? What is the point? What is the conclusion? Where's personal responsibility and empowerment here? Is this just one more of these victimizing theories where all we can do is spread links through social medias and forums about the evil of the world is while remaining sitting in our chairs?

I dont like it, and I think it breaks the CT rule.

i basically agree

its also funny no one even bothers to mention the synchronicity factor sorrounding psychedelic scholars and how it can factor into this in ways that don't lead to this shit-brained "OMG THERE ALL IN ON IT" attitude of lax critical thinking

i've looked into this and it doesn't seem to hold up as he's painting it. It also seems jan has had a negative view of mckenna from the get-go as it is (net to mention he's friends with Brain Akers who readily engages in mckenna bashing of all sorts). in fact on mckennaforum.com jan (gnosticmedia) got in a heated conversation with the members there on this topic, and some of his true colors came out.

IMO after reading all of that, and some ridicuous things on his site (talking about him getting wacked for exposing the truth..and all this "who shall i expose next!" shinanigans) he's got some logghorea and grandiose paranoia to deal with

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#18 Posted : 9/6/2012 6:47:15 PM

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MomentOfTruth wrote:

the foot long all beef beer battered benzo-blackout dog

^^^ Laughing *fits of giggles*

Psycho Burger...
Please do not PM tek related questions
Reserve the right to change your mind at any given moment.
#19 Posted : 9/6/2012 9:49:02 PM


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Purges wrote:
All washed down with a Pcpsi or Codeine Cola Pleased

Haha! You got the idea!
#20 Posted : 9/7/2012 12:00:45 AM

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Purges wrote:
Of course you can! Here is a list of possible 'enhancements' you can make to your BS:

- Bake your own bread. Make sure you add some harmalas in with the flour.
-Dose the bread with LSD
-Spread the bread with cannabutter
-Use a whole pack of bacon
-Instead of regular garlic mushrooms, use the magic variety cooked in lashings of garlic cannabutter.
-instead of lettuce, use Salvia.
-Instead of tomatoes, use Amanitas. They are the same colour after all.
-Mix 50mg of MXE into your BBQ sauce (or sauce of your liking) and apply liberally. The higher the sauce:mxe ratio is, the less it will taste of RCs Laughing
-Serve with cup of tea and a capsule containing some DMT (which will be activated by your harmala bread)
-Enjoy trying to read your morning newspaper!

lol, maybe there should be a disclaimer at the end of that post? lol just pullin yer leg! I didnt read the first thread but picked up a genearal idea of what it was about by the shorter responses. Sounds like total paranoid conspiracy bs to me but kinda interesting nonetheless.

*edit, ok i went back and started to read that first thread, not very fair to bash it without reading it. I got to this sentence and gave up, "My feeling is that the word "X" for MDMA is directly related. X-files? Possibly many others". Really? Well that explains that show X-play that was on gsn for a while, X-games, all those video games titled somethign along the lines of X-treme sports, WHERE DOES IT END! they are all in on it! there is no escape! lol
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