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Question for experienced psychedelic users! Options
#1 Posted : 9/5/2012 12:51:11 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hello. Swim was wondering if anybody who has done both dmt and lsd could compare the experiences at all? I know the onset and duration are obviously different. Swim has tried dmt and definitely broke through. Tried lsd a few years back and think swim may have been ripped off. Swim doesn't recall any visuals when they took lsd. with dmt it is almost overwhelming. Thanks for any input! Smile

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#2 Posted : 9/5/2012 1:15:27 AM
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In my experience LSD creates the most beautiful visuals and turns my world into a sparkling, jewel encrusted, magic fairy tale land. Or something like that... With low doses of smoked dmt i have experienced very very LSD like visuals, but even more intense as if i took a ton a of acid Smile If i disregard the intense places dmt can take us and focus on the small doses and after glow effects, it is very similar to LSD. And both, make me feel great after the trip which tends to last days/weeks/months.
#3 Posted : 9/5/2012 1:15:34 AM

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smokey0140 wrote:
Hello. Swim was wondering if anybody who has done both dmt and lsd could compare the experiences at all?

Most of the people who frequent this site have experimented with both LSD and DMT. As a result, there are many, many threads discussing experiences with both substances. My favorites are probably the ones discussing LSDMT, because it is just so amazing!!Big grin

It would be a poor use of both of our times to try to make a complete and accurate comparison between these two substances in a short Q&A session.

Use the 'Search' function at the top of the screen, and you will gain access to more information than you could possibly know what to do with. But as is true with all psychedelics, you can read, read, read, but in the end, you just have to make the leap.

I could have said, "LSD has a longer duration and is less intense", but the search function will give you a much more elaborate explanation.

Peace and Happy Journeys. Let us know how it goes.
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#4 Posted : 9/5/2012 4:25:01 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Sometimes at the lower doses (for some more than others) visuals on LSD can be scarce. Often times if I take the same amount as my friends, it will often be the case that I get visuals while a lot of my friends don't. So it's dose dependent, there's individual sensitivities and then there are potential tolerances/cross-tolerances. You may have been ripped off, or you may have just not taken enough
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#5 Posted : 9/5/2012 4:57:42 PM
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Two totally different drugs IMO. DMT can be COMPARABLE to LSD in low doses but still not the same. LSD visuals in recreational doses will not be nearly as impressive as DMT, but some of the thought spirals and other places LSD can take you are worth the visit.
#6 Posted : 9/6/2012 2:23:18 AM

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#7 Posted : 9/8/2012 11:44:37 PM
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Hey guys I'm a new member and fairly new to dmt even though I have been researching it for 9+ months. Today I tried it for the fourth time and although it was really intense I don't believe I am breaking through. I would imagine it would be one of those "if you broke through, you would know" type things. I am wondering if I'm not letting myself relax enough because I'm know what I'm expecting. my first two times I used a oil burner with 50mg of spice. The 4th time I used a gravity bong of the first hit followed by a toke from the oil burner holding each for over 10 seconds. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
#8 Posted : 9/9/2012 11:47:38 AM

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Hi Danimal,

these questions should be better addressed in a separate thread. It's a bit rude to highjack a thread for a question that has no relation to the original post, other than the word DMT popping up...

To the OP,

High doses of LSD produce lots of visuals IME, however they are softer, less crystaline than the dmt visuals I've experienced. That is, to me, the lsd visuals appear more curved and the colors blend more than the dmt visuals which seem more pointy, with lots of straight lines and very bright and distinct colors.
Low doses of lsd only produce a kind of *glare* effect when looking at lights, but very little patterns.
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#9 Posted : 9/9/2012 8:32:13 PM

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It has been my experience that mushrooms & acid are 'micro,' while DMT is 'macro'.

By this I mean that mushies & acid helped me dig deep inside myself to root out the demons that prevented me from knowing & loving my true nature.

DMT, on the other hand, has thus far been a grand exploration of the final frontier: space!

Whether that 'space' is space as we know it, or simply the discovery of the absence of ANY space within ourselves - or between each other - I do not know... yet! Laughing
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#10 Posted : 9/10/2012 8:46:14 AM

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LSD (for me) produces better OEV's (open eye visuals) than CEV's (closed eye visuals). On LSD , OEV's have textures that tend to "breathe" and there's lots of interesting patterns and eye-like shapes found in the popcorn spray on the ceiling and posters. CEV's, it's more along the lines of a swirl of colors that change with no real pattern or sharp edges.

DMT and mushrooms, however, have these patterns that emerges no matter where you are or what you're looking it (OEV). They are very transparent and tends to morph and change in a way that LSD visuals do not. CEV's are nothing short of breathe-taking, with lots of fractals and sharp edges. If you've ever seen a Windows Media Player plug-in called G-Force (which really deserves a thread of it's own. I may need to make one), a lot of the CEV's look like that.

Unless we're talking about "heroic doses" (usual disclaimer applies: I do not recommend taking large amounts of any psychedelic, do so at your own risk, take care for set and setting, do not drive while tripping, etc.) LSD does not provide any jaw dropping visuals. It is definitely more about the body high and mental clarity that it gives. Mushrooms and DMT, IMHO, definitely have the superior visuals.

My 2 cents.

- Electric
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#11 Posted : 9/11/2012 4:54:08 AM

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Thank you!
#12 Posted : 9/11/2012 5:46:30 AM


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IME, lsd definitely can provide jaw dropping visuals behind closed eyes. If its not then i think a higher dose, and a more conducive set/setting is necessary for it to fold inward

For me, i used to need a lot of marijuana to boast it and the peak and do what mckenna calls "the thing"..but this was actually not with high doses of lsd. After further experimentation i found that you can certainly "breakthrough" on lsd by itself and enter something else entirely with the right amount of mental focus and preperations.. although this for some reason only started occurring after i had begun using dmt in my life (many actually report this). But i had only done lsd a handful of times before encountering dmt, and most were not in favorable settings for this type of thing

And i don't mean sorta kinda feel/looks like you broke through..i mean close you're eyes, look up, and pass through the love ebbing magenta colored ether of a fractal lotus made of souls and enter into a totally out of body visionary experience. I've closed my eyes and had a yellow light pierce the center of my mind and taken me out into "space", where my disembodied viewpoint passed between two very close, beautiful planets while ghostly heads of the friends i was tripping with joined me on either side

This isn't necessarily just dose dependent though. Set/setting plays very heavily into this happening IME

the experience is very different from dmt, but there are similarities. i have a hard time describing it, to be hoenst.. but its much slower paced, and not nearly as much insanely complex movement everywhere you look..its more liquid.. and for me the experience tends to lean towards being self-reflective and psychoanalytical than full-on otherwordly like dmt can often be

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#13 Posted : 9/11/2012 5:50:41 AM

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There are definitely INSANE CEVs on LSD and I've only done it 3 times. My CEVs are mind blowing... one time I was in a concert and closed my eyes and I was dancing with other entities completely, they were glowing blue and had awesome sunglasses with insane colors. It was a completely different reality. When I danced with love and passion all the entities would watch me in awe and then cheer their hearts out. It was EPIC!! that was on 1 blotter and a half.
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#14 Posted : 9/12/2012 1:58:09 PM

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Not suggesting you follow my regiment, however, I usually take at least 2 hits of acid at a time. A single dose (at least what is pawned off as a single dose), doesn't get me where I want to go typically.

If the LSD is pure/clean, multiple doses have no toxic buildup effects, which may occur if you got the acid from someone you don't know or trust, which could have adulterants which accumulate and could cause unwanted effects when doubling doses or more.............(ie. stomach cramping, etc.)

With mushies, for me, I believe there is also a "breakthru" dose that separates the weekend funsters from the true seekers......

Again, not suggesting anyone do "heroic" doses without realizing what they may be getting themselves into, or what may be in store for them..........

However, I think at high doses, shrooms are more DMT like than LSD............
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