If you don't want it to be an infomercial you will need a story of some sort that goes beyond psychedelics and pretty artwork - otherwise it might seem like pure propaganda, which in general is hard to swallow. So outside of showing that psychedelics are harmless, what do you want to portray? Do you want to follow certain characters, or do you want to change characters around and focus on different scenarios? Aside from showing that they are harmless, do you want to show that they have positive impact as well? Which aspects do you want to focus on? Do you want to add a bit of balance as well portraying bad trips as well as good trips?
Could lead to an interesting project, but I think it needs plenty of thinking. I'll give it some thought myself and see what I turn up with as some ideas. I'm personally very ambivalent on the subject of painting the psychedelic experience out as perfectly harmless and full of happy colors. It's strong medicine and taken carelessly doesn't always yield the wanted result. There's plenty of controversy surrounding this topic that gets stirred up by the people against them... and the truth is, that bad things have happened with psychedelics. Of course the same can be said about lots of things we use regularly in our lives - take cars for example... In any case you should not slip into a too one-sided view of them while making your cartoon. A big emphasis should be on self-reflection and integration or the likes, if you ask me... In the end we should be able to draw a line between abuse and sensible use, but where do you draw it? How can you clarify this to people that already think drugs are bad?
sorry for the unstructured post... I'll give this some more thoughts in time
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The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. ---
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