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Seeking astral advice Options
#1 Posted : 9/4/2012 9:41:42 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I have only recently been really trying to astral project regularly, and have had no success. I have in the past projected (on 5 different occasions, to be precise) and decided to make it a normal thing, but I have what I believe is some sort of a haunting that is preventing me from projecting recently. I have communicated with two of three spirits that I know dwell within the walls of my house, and came to the conclusion that they are completely harmless residual spirits (one an old lady, the other a young girl). The third presence had eluded me until the other week when I was playing around in the hypnogogic state and suddenly felt an ENORMOUS amount of dark energy surrounding one particularly eerie corner of my bedroom. I am satanist, so of course have no conscious fear of demons and the sort, but this dark being (for lack of a better term) sent such a cold, piercing chill down my spine I had to immediately stop and sit up. Images of gruesome contorted faces, breaking bones, and great famine started filling my head. The intense feeling of dread continued until I lit some patchouli and meditated deeply. Since then, I have this half conscious half unconscious remnant of that being, as if it took a piece of its self and put it in my head. So whenever I try to astral project now, I feel that dark energy and it prevents me from furthering the exploration of my mind. The scary part is, that feeling is sort of familiar, like sometime in my childhood I had encountered this being before. I just wanted some insight. What could this being be? How could I purge it from me or my room? How should I deal with it if I feel it again? Any insight is very much appreciated, of course.
I am the Shadow that casts a Human Being

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#2 Posted : 9/4/2012 10:18:41 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Have no reaction too it, including no fear or anxiety. You must have a clear mind, confidence and plenty of love. You are a million times stronger. This is not from your house, this infact lurks within your shadow. Whether its real or not, it will create your worst nightmares. It will attack your insecurities and weaknesses. Once your comfront your shadow with no fear, you realise its not 'bad' at all just misled. If i am feeling anxiety of some kind, I simply go looking for anything negative I can find to clear things up.. seems to work Smile

"To become totally safe you have to have the same qualities as the god-person you worship: love, generosity,tenderness, kindness, respect, and you have to be introspective and watch as your darkness comes up so that you see and understand your shadow traits rather than denying them, pretending to be perfect.

What if the Higher Knowing you seek is something you don’t want to hear?
Or, it’s something so scary you’d go into a whimp’s meltdown and sudden bowel evacuations.

See how silly we humans are? We want to be elevated, but the more knowing you have the more responsibility you take on board, and the more scary it all gets. If you want more, you have to be brave enough and agree to withstand at least some of the horrors of the truth.

Purity of mind and emotions is the key."

The Warrior’s Prayer
"I am what I am. In having faith in the beauty within me I develop trust. In softness I have strength. In silence I walk with the gods. In peace I understand myself and the world. In conflict I walk away. In detachment I am free. In respecting all living things I respect myself. In dedication I honour the courage within me.
In eternity I have compassion for the nature of all things. In love I unconditionally accept the evolution of others. In freedom I have power.
In my individuality I express the God-Force within me. In service I give of what I have become.
I am what I am: Eternal, immortal, universal, and infinite. And so be it"
#3 Posted : 9/4/2012 10:52:41 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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That is exactly what I needed to hear. I see now, even if it was just a manifestation of my unconscious fears, it will probably be conquered by my overall acceptance of the fact that we as humans have responsibility for the great things we come to know.

Trivial fears and primal uncomfortableness with certain topics seem to always have a presence in society. But it's these things we need to celebrate, because without darkness, light would be meaningless and empty, like a void with a good rep.

Thank you for providing insight and closure. I will approach this part of my mind with an absolute and unwavering certainty that I am simply stronger than this being and without fear it has no way of affecting me.
I am the Shadow that casts a Human Being
#4 Posted : 9/4/2012 11:20:32 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Sarean wrote:

Trivial fears and primal uncomfortableness with certain topics seem to always have a presence in society. But it's these things we need to celebrate, because without darkness, light would be meaningless and empty, like a void with a good rep.

Thank you for providing insight and closure. I will approach this part of my mind with an absolute and unwavering certainty that I am simply stronger than this being and without fear it has no way of affecting me.

Very happy
The Warrior’s Prayer
"I am what I am. In having faith in the beauty within me I develop trust. In softness I have strength. In silence I walk with the gods. In peace I understand myself and the world. In conflict I walk away. In detachment I am free. In respecting all living things I respect myself. In dedication I honour the courage within me.
In eternity I have compassion for the nature of all things. In love I unconditionally accept the evolution of others. In freedom I have power.
In my individuality I express the God-Force within me. In service I give of what I have become.
I am what I am: Eternal, immortal, universal, and infinite. And so be it"
#5 Posted : 9/4/2012 11:53:00 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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"To become totally safe you have to have the same qualities as the god-person you worship: love, generosity,tenderness, kindness, respect, and you have to be introspective and watch as your darkness comes up so that you see and understand your shadow traits rather than denying them, pretending to be perfect.

What if the Higher Knowing you seek is something you don’t want to hear?
Or, it’s something so scary you’d go into a whimp’s meltdown and sudden bowel evacuations.

See how silly we humans are? We want to be elevated, but the more knowing you have the more responsibility you take on board, and the more scary it all gets. If you want more, you have to be brave enough and agree to withstand at least some of the horrors of the truth.

Purity of mind and emotions is the key."

Might I inquire who said this quote? Thinking this one's going in my dream journal haha.
I am the Shadow that casts a Human Being
#6 Posted : 9/4/2012 12:20:02 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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"I was shown in the inner worlds that the act of making your thoughts pure heals you very quickly, because it destroys the dark influences around you that promote pain and disease."

But to have a pure mind one must have no reaction at all, one should react neither to a person’s loveliness, or their darkness. One has to be neutral and wish everybody well and of course any rancor or spite is out of the question.

After a few days of my new discipline I found how clean my mind was becoming and how I was disconnecting more and more from the global Matrix of control and people’s dysfunction and pain. I offer a silent love and redemption to everyone I pass in the street or elsewhere, no matter who they are. This action seems to liberate one, it feels so light.

I did find that when I’m tired I relapse a bit, but I soon catch myself and I go back to my discipline resting in the state of ‘pure mind’. I found this simple discipline also helps reduce my negative thoughts and worries as it brings with it a clean serenity. In essence, one redeems oneself as one becomes more and more neutral and detached. It is a form of piety; one that is never expressed verbally to others, and yet you can be sure in that silent piety your Christ light shines ever more.

There is a perfection in its simplicity so that is why I believe a pure mind heals you, it restores the broken symmetries of your body and soul. (sw)"

Stuart Wilde
Favourite meta-physical author. Favourite author overall haha.
These quotes are from his forever expanding blog.

I HIGHLY recommend his book "The Quickening" for turning your mind into the mind of a warrior, expanding your awareness, and living in 'the now'

Goodluck with your journey Big grin
The Warrior’s Prayer
"I am what I am. In having faith in the beauty within me I develop trust. In softness I have strength. In silence I walk with the gods. In peace I understand myself and the world. In conflict I walk away. In detachment I am free. In respecting all living things I respect myself. In dedication I honour the courage within me.
In eternity I have compassion for the nature of all things. In love I unconditionally accept the evolution of others. In freedom I have power.
In my individuality I express the God-Force within me. In service I give of what I have become.
I am what I am: Eternal, immortal, universal, and infinite. And so be it"
#7 Posted : 9/4/2012 12:48:34 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Aha, It talks about warrior sages (:
I am the Shadow that casts a Human Being
#8 Posted : 9/4/2012 12:55:47 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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For around a dollar on Amazon, can't complain. If you ever do purchase it, I'd love to hear your feedback... its my favouriteDrool Drool
The Warrior’s Prayer
"I am what I am. In having faith in the beauty within me I develop trust. In softness I have strength. In silence I walk with the gods. In peace I understand myself and the world. In conflict I walk away. In detachment I am free. In respecting all living things I respect myself. In dedication I honour the courage within me.
In eternity I have compassion for the nature of all things. In love I unconditionally accept the evolution of others. In freedom I have power.
In my individuality I express the God-Force within me. In service I give of what I have become.
I am what I am: Eternal, immortal, universal, and infinite. And so be it"
#9 Posted : 9/4/2012 1:45:21 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I don't have a way of buying it online right now, but I promise you will be the first to hear my reflections, drooly faces and all, as I'm sure there will be plenty with a book that juicy. ^^
I am the Shadow that casts a Human Being
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