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Learning to respect DMT. Options
#1 Posted : 9/3/2012 1:55:53 AM


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Last visit: 14-Dec-2013
Location: Dallas, TX
I admit, I have committed offenses against the spice, as well as hyperspace, to which it is the key. It will be a while before I venture back, out of my newfound utter respect for spice.

**pulls out the SWIM cards**

On the beginning of SWIM's journey, SWIM was encouraged to extract by someone that I would now say is over eager and reckless with this wonderous molecule. He said he was going to extract and never did, but at the time SWIM was excited about it after having tried DMT a few times and so SWIM carefully garnered the materials and the privacy neccessary to follow through. SWIM could not have asked for a better results, being a newbie. I'm not sure if SWIM's extraction is considered small scale and I am not aware of the amount (in grams or otherwise) that he ended up with. I must say, SWIM has been quite the idiot.

I don't feel that this is the worst of it, but SWIM gifted the spice to many an old time and experienced friend. SWIM made sure that these friends had tried spice before and knew what they were in for and from that, nothing but good things have come. I still consider the manner by which SWIM gave these gifts was wreckless and SWIM is certainly going to be more choosey from now on.

The set and setting, one of the more important factors in journeys of the spicy kind, was completely ignored in more than one case, and SWIM hath payed dearly for his mistreatment of the spice, both with his brain and with his heart. One time, someone came over to SWIM's apartment uninvited whilst SWIM was balls deep in hyperspace. the loud knocking at the door, as well as the bubbly and ignorant nature of the unexpected guest made for a jarring come down indeed. SWIM was filled with regret and felt that he had slapped the intities right in the face.

The worst of all of SWIM's transgressions though, has to be the fact that he got carried away with the amount he gave to one friend. Though experienced he might have been, a large amount of raw spice made it's way into SWIM's friend's airway, causing him to cough blood for days. He is doing well now, but SWIM will not even come near his remaining spice until he feels that he has truly learned from his lack of patience and respect for the spirit molecule.

This is the beginning of my story. A theme in my life seems to be that I must learn lessons the hard way, and that no one's advice will steer me down any other path than the one I am want to go down. Consider my lessons learned. THE NEW THEME OF MY LIFE is patience and respect. I am hopeful that my fellow travelers take these inadvertant "confessions" as assurance that the toes of the intities will remain untrodden and that hyperspace will not be burdened with the presence of such carelessness again.

Thank you for listening comrades!
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"People ask, 'DMT sounds so crazy, is it dangerous?' To which the answer is; Only if you fear death by astonishment." - Terence McKenna


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#2 Posted : 9/3/2012 3:29:44 AM

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Spice can always show us there is more to be learned. And the respect it demands is undying, it is so noble of a molecule to show us the powers of the universe and we must realize this. I, like you, have been guilty of not thuroughly preparing for such mind blowing experiences, but don't worry. We are only human.
We are surprisingly similar.
#3 Posted : 9/3/2012 9:23:30 PM


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Just felt the need to release the negativity I've been harboring regarding these happenings. This is the best place to do such a thing and so, there it is. I will speak no more of these things unless it is appropriate as I'm focused on moving forward. Like I said, consider my lessons learned. Thanks for the read Smile
"People ask, 'DMT sounds so crazy, is it dangerous?' To which the answer is; Only if you fear death by astonishment." - Terence McKenna

#4 Posted : 9/4/2012 1:18:04 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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I typically journey MAYBE twice a month, but mostly just once a month. When I do decide to embark anymore, I go for a high dose. This way of journeying for me had led to ALOT of respect for the experience that this molecule catalyzes.

Glad your realizing all this. To put it lightly...this stuff ain't no joke. You really have to start evaluating your intentions after so long. What is it your exactly wanting out of an experience such as this?

As a vetted member, antrocles said.. "PURITY OF INTENT, PURITY OF EXPERIENCE".

#5 Posted : 9/4/2012 3:16:46 PM


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Last visit: 14-Dec-2013
Location: Dallas, TX
Purity of intent. I like that.

I extracted after having tried DMT a couple of times. My intention was to explore hyperspace, meet intities or otherwise become a veritable space cowboy. I was told that eventually I would confuse the dream state and the waking world and go down "The Shaman's Path".

I feel like DMT and I have had a long talk about what I should be getting from my experiences. It will show me what I need to see and looking for anything else is pointless.

DMT has turned up the volume on my consciousness. I am eating healthier, excersizing more often, spending more time with friends and family, as well as being more creatively constructive. The best part is that my motivation has come from within instead of from the urge to please any type of intity or be able to feel good about myself in order to better enjoy my trips, although... it hasn't hurt Smile
"People ask, 'DMT sounds so crazy, is it dangerous?' To which the answer is; Only if you fear death by astonishment." - Terence McKenna

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