Upon the second inhalation-exhalation I was rapidly propeled into that distinctive DMT space where physiological and psychological effects simply have to be "handed over", no other option than total surrender will see me through this intact. No breathing sensation, no heartbeart, however I remain strangely aware of just my right arm, it's shaking and feels uncomfortable, I do nothing as hyperspace rushes in on me.....
I find myself in a diaphanous blue structure of rhomboid-tubular shape, its walls semingly patterned with four leaved transparent blue clover leaves composed of layer upon layer of electric saphire crystal lace, morphing, pulsating, impossible to fathom the endless depths of this translucent structure. The entities move in on me from above, a ring of insectoid- ike crabs, I see they too are made of pure coloured light energy, their carapace surfaces composed of holographic imagery, like futuristic TFT screens showing a thousand different programs all at once, I know their intent is to show me things, a demonstration of sorts put on especially for me. I cannot absorb even a fraction of it and momentarily I'm aware of my right arm shaking again, I take it off the arm rest and move it to where I thought my lap might be, the sensation is of a black log falling into a bottomless pit.....
Now instantly I realise that I've made a serious mistake, I had dared take my attention ever so breifly away from the entities "demo" for just a second to deal with that arm. The mood of these entities had hitherto been neutral-impasionate, now I had provoked a negative reation. The trip instantly becomes very threatening as I sense the wrath of the offended entities, vicious and merciless knifes of light, snarling and cutting, bear in on me reaching the very core of my fear processing centres. I have to think quickly, I need to navigate out of this otherwise it could be my last foray with DMT.
On a previous trip I had been vaguely aware that one could apologise to the entities for an offence and it would lessen or even cancel out the negative onslaughts. This is what I had to do know, my intentions were sincere, I offer my apologies and slowly the attacks die down and begin to take on a positive note. The crab-entities had gone, and I was left with a less meaningfull "eye candy" show of Helter Skelter light bands, dancing in endless beautifull asysmetric patterns ( think electric sheep screensavers) .
Somehow they had realised that I was just too dumb to comprehend the original intent, had been offended at my breif lapse of attention, had sensed my regret,and forgiven me for it ( sort of) and left.
I am suprised at myself for allowing DMT to implant such firm convinctions in my mind that entities exist and can be negotiated with. If I were to recount such beliefs to a psychiatrist a prescription for an anti-pyschotic would surely be on the table before I left. What suprises me more however is the nature of these encounters. Obviously a supremely intelligent universe runs parralel to my own. But hey, whats with that attitude? Why the wrath and child like tantrums?
DMT could be slowly making me a bit uneasy about dying.......