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Need Help with Syrien rue Harmala Extract Options
#1 Posted : 9/2/2012 1:51:52 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 150
Joined: 29-May-2012
Last visit: 23-Dec-2020
Hi there..

I had 50 gr of Syrien rue seeds, which i grinded a bit, and cokked in some water with added Vinegar.
Did this 4 times collected all boild, and salted with Rocksalt sinece no more dissolced and resulted in this

i let it drip few times trough a coffeefilter and all that was collected looked thi this:

5 times filtered through same coffe filter and this was all that was collected

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somebody told me to make a mixture out of 50% vinegar, 50% IPA99%, and plus 30% of Acetone
all in all 200 ml vinegar, 200 ml IPA, and 125 ml Acetone.
you can still see the coffefilter in the bottle for getting all the collected stuuf out into the solution.. which became light yellow, as you can see...

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looking at he bottle i tought it was a very low outcome and too much was left in the salted first bottle... ground was still covered with at least 4 cm of yello looking chrystal like stuff..... See Pic 1..
i thought it would be a rather small filtering, so i went on and let the bottle filter again and again dropeidr....
whic lead me to this:

same bottle as fig 1, but much less yellow chrystals on the ground... they were all filtered out in various coffefilters, which were then also put in the bottle with the vinegar ipa acetone mix...

i thought i should get as much of the chrystal stuuf ot of first bottle and dissolve in inpa+vinegar+acetone

i read some further teks, and came to the onclusion something might be wrong here...
so i heated the bottle too high temparature and resluted in this:

a clear reddish tea with some chrystals collected in the middle of the btlle.

i let it sit overnight and this morning i noticed tht both bottkes still contain a decent amount of ground, so started usinf sodium carbonate as a base.....
after a w hile settlinf this was what i got...



Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 9/2/2012 2:14:41 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 150
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hou+w wiujf uu go otoyring thutrthm ti her htr grt htrh marmalas lt here`.

th both botttkes conatain th e same amount of dodium carbonate now???

ehivh eilll be the vorrect to use getting thr narnalas?
#3 Posted : 9/5/2012 2:02:59 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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So what exactly is your question you need help with??
--------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------
All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.
#4 Posted : 9/9/2012 5:35:26 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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