I'm a young father with a six month old son. Over the last two years or so.... i've steered clear of most mind altering substances other than the very occasional beer or joint.
Psychedelics have played a formative role in my personality and spiritual beliefs. I want them to be present in my life, but this sort of thing gets complicated with a family.
I am living abroad and would like to try DMT when i go home. I've been researching this compound and have decided that it is really worth exploring.
My wife is open to this(she bought me the spirit molecule), but is concerned with(as am i) the unlikely legal ramifications and so forth with conducting these kind of activities.
i want to figure out a responsible, safe way of going about this.
Anyone been through this kind of thing before?
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, if they get upset with you for criticizing them, you will be a mile away and you will have their shoes.