I'm a little wary of breaking rules, but let me put it this way, when the UK Speaker's wife, Sally Bercow asked "Am I the only one now slightly tempted to try mexxy before it becomes illegal?"-- No You Were Not the only one, Sally! - fortunately I live in the US, so I can hope that methoxetamine stays in the grey areas of law in the US a little while longer.
This, along with the research of some psychedelic stimulants, sent me searching for new, more meaningful experiences, something I hadn't done since LSD in college over 20 years ago.
I've also struggled with depression for most of my life, and have been prescribed about 7 different antidepressants, each for at least several months, often for many years, and a few other psyche meds as well. I've done much research on these meds, I wasn't just passively accepting scripts. And I have also used various Traditional Chinese therapies, mostly accupuncture.
I have a pretty good idea what Modern Day allopathic medicine has to offer to people with a variety of psychological disorders- and it is insufficient (although not useless).
Now I am interested in researching ayahuasca, anahuascas and pharmahuascas.
Oh, I have also been taking paralegal courses and know a little bit about US law. This area is a very interesting part of US and UK law, I hope I can contribute something to the forum on the subject.
I also love science. I lean towards favoring verifiable evidence-based facts. Maybe that will change in the future, who knows?
Anyways, that's how I got here, on this forum.