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#1 Posted : 8/28/2012 1:11:21 AM

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SWIM is considering sharing spice with some close friends. What would you recommend SWIM show them (video, reading material, etc.) prior to sharing, in order to get them excited, and ensure they truly understand what it's all about?
Inward Outing Enthusiast.

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#2 Posted : 8/28/2012 2:53:06 AM

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Be very carefull...just because you found DMT doesn't mean your friends are ready to partake. I used to share, but quickly realized it isn't a recreational drug. Blew a few people's minds before I figured that out.

Read Vovin's post about it. I think its called "DMT isn't for everyone" or something like that.

Here it is:
Vovin"s Post
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#3 Posted : 8/28/2012 3:11:25 AM
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timothydeez wrote:
SWIM is considering sharing spice with some close friends. What would you recommend SWIM show them (video, reading material, etc.) prior to sharing, in order to get them excited, and ensure they truly understand what it's all about?

Videos, reading material to get them excited? Sounds like it's not for them then. I would probably hold off even though they're your close friends.

I've only shared with two people (my girlfriend and my 1 best friend) but thats as far as it'll ever go imo. And even my best friend has cold feet regarding doing it, after he got thrown extremely far on a medium dose (20mg).

***Vovins post regarding this thread is an amazing read. Very well put and alot of good information contained within that thread. Thumbs up

#4 Posted : 8/28/2012 4:20:54 AM
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Tell them to research it to the best of their abilities, and then tell them to read as many negative trip reports as they can so they can have a sliver of preparation for what is to come.
#5 Posted : 8/28/2012 4:50:27 AM
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Pretty new to the spice. Just finished my first extraction, did around 10 pulls on 1lb of MHRB. Yielded around 4g. Anyway, I ended up sharing most of my spice with my friends. Most of them were already very interested in the stuff and would have tried it sooner if they could have found it. I think if your friends have done some reading and are really in to trying it then definitely give them the time of their life. Just make sure you believe they are prepared and know what they are getting themselves in to.
#6 Posted : 8/28/2012 6:52:03 AM

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Bezerker wrote:
Read Vovin's post about it. I think its called "DMT isn't for everyone" or something like that.

Here it is:
Vovin"s Post

Thanks for that link! I thoroughly enjoyed reading that thread. Great perspectives.

I suppose I should have prefaced my question by mentioning that all of SWIM's friends are already psychonauts of varying degrees, and have previously expressed an interest in DMT. SWIM's dilemma is that when they discuss it, they are very eager. SWIM attempts to explain the true gravity of DMT, and they respond by assuring him "Oh yea, of course, I'm not doing it just to get FUCKED UP, I want to explore my MIND mannnnn".

Though SWIM fears they still don't truly get it, which is why I posted here seeking some sort of educational tool. On one hand, especially after reading that thread, SWIM would feel awful if he caused any sort of harm by exposing his friends to DMT, but on the other hand, SWIM doesn't want to be some pretentious, condescending know-it-all, and keep something so amazing away from his friends, especially when they are insisting they're ready for it.

I suppose some kind of accurate, non-sugar coated guide that explained the power of DMT, as well as its pros and cons that SWIM could give to his friends to read prior to proceeding with the spice would make SWIM feel more at ease.
Inward Outing Enthusiast.
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#7 Posted : 8/28/2012 9:19:53 PM

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I would share spice with as many people as I can. I find it a wonderful experience and think everyone should try it at least once. If it's not for them, the trip is short lived and no negative side effects. I truly believe the world would be a better place if everyone could open their minds to dmt.
#8 Posted : 8/28/2012 10:28:09 PM

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Yeah i believe everyone who partakes DMT always had it coming.
You should be able to tell i think if someone is at the stage for DMT Experimenting
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#9 Posted : 8/28/2012 10:36:36 PM

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timothydeez wrote:
SWIM is considering sharing spice with some close friends. What would you recommend SWIM show them (video, reading material, etc.) prior to sharing, in order to get them excited, and ensure they truly understand what it's all about?

I would recommend giving them just ONE toke to start out with. Get them comfortable with it, and wait for them to come to you and say "Okay, I'm ready". Throwing people into hyperspace before they are ready is a bit reckless (As Strassman was saying in the Spirit Molecule), and can do more harm than good. I have introduced a number to my friends to it, but out of those 10 people, I would only throw one of them off the deep end of the pool, and that's only because I've journeyed enough with this friend to know that he's very capable of handling himself.
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#10 Posted : 8/29/2012 1:40:49 AM

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I have a friend who I've smoked dmt with several times. A close friend, who is also my tattoo artist. I know this next comment is a lil off, but I drank caapi with him, with .07 dmt. And the guy lost his mind. It was way too much for him to handle he said. I was shocked because I thought he was closer to the same mindset as me as far as dmt goes.

It was such a buzz kill for me. that night I did .09 dmt with caapi opposed to his .07 and he weighs 80 more pounds then me...so there were several times in the session where I wanted to just sit there and melt into the experience, but instead I had to hold it together to babysit the poor guy Rolling eyes

...so after that, there are very few people I feel comfortable even smoking it with.
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