mescaline-man wrote:River of Thoughts wrote:Thanks for the information! How much do you tend to smoke? a whole joints worth or a bowl?
A couple of joints per day. It's a little harsh, not too bad though. A bong would be awesome for it. I imagine you can smoke as much as you want, but you might get a headache or become naseous, as long as you try to stay within the diet restrictions these things will be avoided, just imo not too much too fast since you'll be smoking straight to the brain.
I have yet to try tea (new experiment incoming! will post results) but as for smoking, I can say that my leaves were a lot smoother than Cannabis, and with ice in my water pipe, I was taking massive rips and
barely feeling them (and I'm normally the guy taking the smaller hits).
"In a controversy, the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves" - Buddha