my easies meal is to cut up a big salad. I really like salads because they're dense with micronutrients and contain almost no calories, I interpret this to mean the following, and it should all be treated as pure speculation and integrated into your life with your own personal discretion:
Your body has to process energy from food into energy your body can use, simple fact.
I figure when you eat the salad that the reason many will feel so clean, and not weighted down, is that the body does not have to put forth this great effort in digestion, but instead simply has to absorb all these wonderful little micro-nutrients.
Of course a life of heavy exercise requires large amounts of energy, so your after workout meal needs some calories.
I REALLY REALLY REALLY like lentil soup. Lentils are some very quick cooking legumes, and do not need soaking first. Plus they're cheap and have plenty of fiber.
I try a different recipe every time really, but of all the recipes online i usually double the amount of veggies. cause veggies are important.
But anyway, the good thing about soup, if you have the fridge space, is you can make a whole weeks supply in a big pot, and save all that stuff in the fridge, if you feel like making it even easier, you can get several tupperware containers that are the size of your ideal portion and have them filled and ready to go.
I hope to eventually detatch myself from society for the most part, the transition to a healthy diet can be very difficult, dependind upon the foods those around you eat. the best way to keep yourself eating healthy is to only keep healthy food in your home.
Having snack foods there just in case is really bad.
good snack foods:
Bananas, so easy, peel and eat.
Apples, you don't even have to peel.
cucumbers... ever try just eating one?
bell peppers.
any fruits or veggies or berries or nuts you could think of really.
Just remember, alot of veggies have very few calories, wheras alot of fruits have alot of calories in the form of simple sugars, and they can really help to make you feel more stable when you're hungry. really though, if you feel the need for calories, consume something nice and starchy that will hold you over for a bit.
I hope I helped, sorry if all of this information was already obvious to you.
By the way, I have had a massage once, and it was pretty awesome.
I just don't really make enough money for that kind of stuffs. Maybe my girlfriend should learn massage therapy.
I forgot to mention, If you ever feel like your salads or veggies are getting dull, use some spices!
I have been spicing up my salads with the following.
minced garlic
rubbed sage
dried onion
Death is an awakening. . . One day it will come.
But you'll search the skies with your eyes in frantic wonder.
You will come to realize the lies you've told yourself for so long to survive.
"We fear something that does not exist."
Not only does death not exist, we ourselves do not exist.