SWIM other favorite webites include;
SWIM school's website / any website related to SWIM field of choice
SWIM has always been intrested in pychedlics. SWIM has tried many drugs while in high school and found psychedlics are the only good ones for SWIM.
SWIM has tried mushrooms several times. Both at high and low doses.
SWIM grew his own mushrooms and believes that is the best way.
SWIM also believes the same for spice.
SWIM is just now learning how to extract spice allthough was scared before because of the harsh chemicals and ignorance.
SWIM is wanting to learn more about what spice teaches for SWIM own career, personal, and spiritual adventures.
SWIM is still picking a tek thats fits best for SWIM. SWIM is leaning towards a dry tek with food grade supplies
"Not one rain drop blames it's self for the flood"