Well, Hempfest just passed about a week ago here in the Seattle area. I hadn't smoked for over two months prior to the event strictly out of my boredom with marijuana. Of course, I hadn't treated it as respectfully as I should have, and it was pretty much my air and water. But, moving on.
I reconciled with my brother and we decided to go to this event. In all honesty, I found myself a bit bored. Seems to me that a good majority of the population there have a meaningless view or reason to be visiting. Very few of the attendants had any sort of gusto for the spiritual use or medical use of cannabis. Not one of the people I passed by or sat to smoke with was concerned with decriminalization or legalization of the herb. Only to smoke it and find amazing glass pieces.
I guess I just wanted to see more passion for the plant. It was my second time attending and I'm not historically savvy on it all, but I thought Hempfest was supposed to be more of a cultural movement? To introduce marijuana into the modern day as a redefined drug with no shackles or sheathes? Instead I saw lazy Seattle stoners giggling and listening to music. Gangstas straight saggin' they pants. Yee.
I ramble.
Anyway, I smoked a bowl of what I believe was called Albert Walker and another of a type named Northern Lights with my brother. Ever since my very enlightening Psilocybin experience 2 months prior, I had a newfound respect and understanding for psychoactives. I decided to tune out of all the buzz and glamour of the event and meditate at my little haven on the grass
I was shocked at just what I was able to achieve.
It was very strange. Visual, yet not hallucinogenic. I began intentionally brewing up various virtues and ideals in my mind that I had acquired during my shroom trip. It was actually quite close
I tried to escape my body. I would feel myself, just my spirit, glowing in my torso and exiting through my center-upper chest towards the sky. I would get almost completely through before losing the flow of it for a second and SLAMMING back down into my body, sending incredibly intense waves of physical ecstasy down through the opening in my chest down to my criss-crossed legs, where they reverberated until weakening to a point where I felt that I could attempt it once more
When it came time to go and our wheels began rolling home, I vividly imagined my view through the windshield as a tunnel (I was riding passenger. I don't condone driving high on any substance whatsoever). This tunnel had things like clocks, people in certain poses, items, and other images, each of which I had almost intentionally placed there with an already understood link to people or things on my mind.
I've got to say, I've never had such a powerful experience with something as mild as marijuana. Has anyone else had intense trips through cannabis?