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When to Smoke DMT Options
#1 Posted : 8/23/2012 12:16:39 PM

Is it Greedy to want to see everyone's Smile ?

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I try to only smoke dmt when i am ready-ISH, and have found the last few times that there are a few signs-(MAYBE)...which surface in the days prior to a Launch.

ONE is that i start to draw a lot; i am not the best but enjoy drawing sometimes.

TWO which is i start to smell DMT, when there is no reason to smell it.

I am sure there are more signs as well, keep an eye out.

I felt ready a few weeks ago but didnt have the nerve.

then i started drawing.

and Yesterday and today i have smelt DMT a handful of times, must be going to smoking some DMT soon!

?I wonder how connected we are to future events?

Do you have tell tale signs when you are ready-ISH.

OH here is an Ayahuasca trance track you must hear, if you have not.
Sorry it has an advert first.
"Given enough Time even Hydrogen starts to wonder where it came from, and where it is going"

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 8/23/2012 12:43:44 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Awesome track!!!Thumbs up got me groovin

I believe we are quite connected to the future via our higher conciousness and can develop techniques to futher this connection. I do experience deja vu dreams on a regular basis in sober trance states, in point blank detail that occur within 24hours. They never make sense in the dream but after the 'situation' occurs I realise this is exactly what i dreamed in 100% detail. I use it as a guide to know im on the right track Pleased
The Warrior’s Prayer
"I am what I am. In having faith in the beauty within me I develop trust. In softness I have strength. In silence I walk with the gods. In peace I understand myself and the world. In conflict I walk away. In detachment I am free. In respecting all living things I respect myself. In dedication I honour the courage within me.
In eternity I have compassion for the nature of all things. In love I unconditionally accept the evolution of others. In freedom I have power.
In my individuality I express the God-Force within me. In service I give of what I have become.
I am what I am: Eternal, immortal, universal, and infinite. And so be it"
#3 Posted : 8/23/2012 1:04:52 PM

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sidefx wrote:

Do you have tell tale signs when you are ready-ISH.

When I absolutely can't stop thinking about it.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#4 Posted : 8/23/2012 1:50:31 PM


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When I initially launched my crusade through shpongolia and had a large supply of my own work, I did alot of experimentation. I was doing it several days a week, atleast twice each night that I felt like it. It seemed like there was nothing holding me back. I didn't have to have a reason, or a specific mission as I was still relatively unfamiliar with the rapidly changing terrain. I had alot of experiencing to do.

As I got out of that initial phase of exploration, I began to refine the times in which i would choose to take a journey.

With experience comes knowledge. And with experience comes an understanding of your own desires/needs. I now only blast off on occassion. But the only way that i know when to take that dive off the waterfall of infinity is when the stars align perfectly. For me, I just get this irrepressible urge to fly... then and only then do I know its time. And I have to be alone 99% of the time. So if i get that urge while i have company, i will wait until the company disperses and then ask myself again.

What an incredible choice to be able to make, right?


GVG 4 Life!
#5 Posted : 8/23/2012 1:51:53 PM
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It'll usually start from the time I wake up. As Global said, I'll think about doing it constantly; especially through the morning hours. Some days just "flow" so well from the time I wake up it seems imperative that I journey at some point in my day...leaning towards night time usually. I'll usually meditate throughout the day, eat light, exercise, iron out any wrinkles, so when evening comes....Twisted Evil
#6 Posted : 8/23/2012 10:39:03 PM

Is it Greedy to want to see everyone's Smile ?

Posts: 389
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Last visit: 15-Jan-2015
Nice guys

Yeah and the shamans in the Amazon take it all the time, so there's nothing wrong with that at all.

DYNOMITE! LOL that's one of my friends best sayings also
"Given enough Time even Hydrogen starts to wonder where it came from, and where it is going"
#7 Posted : 8/23/2012 10:50:16 PM

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One night I looked at a near full moon without my glasses.

For a quick instance it looked something like this (only the outer perimeter):

That was a breakthrough night.

Ever since, when I look at the moon without my glasses, that's how I see it, completely sober.
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Welcome Home
#8 Posted : 8/24/2012 3:26:01 AM

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I too smell DMT in the oddest times. Sometimes so intense that it would seem as though someone was smoking it right next to me. Just yesterday, I was in a grocery store and got a strong wiff of it and asked my girlfriend if she smelled it, she said no, but then told me that she also smells it from time to time for absolutely no reason. I don't know what it is, is this common amongst users? I feel like it's calling.
#9 Posted : 8/24/2012 4:35:18 AM
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WarriorSage wrote:
Awesome track!!!Thumbs up got me groovin

I believe we are quite connected to the future via our higher conciousness and can develop techniques to futher this connection. I do experience deja vu dreams on a regular basis in sober trance states, in point blank detail that occur within 24hours. They never make sense in the dream but after the 'situation' occurs I realise this is exactly what i dreamed in 100% detail. I use it as a guide to know im on the right track Pleased

This is my issue also, I get deja vu moments of jobs. The feeling that i've done " this " before. I also smell DMT all the time, mostly in weed.
#10 Posted : 8/24/2012 4:35:32 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Welcome Home wrote:
I too smell DMT in the oddest times. Sometimes so intense that it would seem as though someone was smoking it right next to me. Just yesterday, I was in a grocery store and got a strong wiff of it and asked my girlfriend if she smelled it, she said no, but then told me that she also smells it from time to time for absolutely no reason. I don't know what it is, is this common amongst users? I feel like it's calling.

Everytime in the grocery store near the cleaning aisle, all I can smell is DMT Smile Not sure why, freaked me out a bit the first time I noticed it.
Botanical Bliss
#11 Posted : 8/24/2012 11:53:54 PM


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I remember the first time I smelled actual dmt. I thought to myself, "wow I've smelled this before." It's weird. I smelled it long before I knew what it was
[center]Sophia's Light

In darkest night, when lights are dim, and all in sight seems sad and grim,
I find you there, your arms surround me, your spirit fills me and it grounds me.
I look to you, Lady of Truth, most ancient One, yet eternal youth,to keep me safe, protect my heart,and with the wisdom you impart, fill up my empty mind and soul,so that, my Lover, you can make whole, all that was broken in this day –and that is what I ask and pray.
#12 Posted : 8/25/2012 12:38:25 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Sweet song OP, thank you. Although the Ayahuasca is in the lyrics, I'd have to say the title of Mexican Jesus goes to mescaline for me. This song's stimulating beat would synergize so perfectly with a high-dose meeting with Mexican Jesus.
#13 Posted : 8/26/2012 3:35:23 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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I smell it at odd times too. A friend of mine smells it often.
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