I am going back to the way I thought before my recent psychedelic experiences regarding the higher-dimensional divine, with of course a stronger sense of agnosticism.
Excerpt from my thesis:
"Regarding drives, instincts, and unconscious processes, in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche, being a materialist, claims that “…the body is a great intelligence.”[1] A Nietzschean materialist example of how unconscious processes greatly affect the lives of human beings can be found in experiences of prayer, meditation, and God: wherein the body is a warehouse, and unconscious processes are libraries of collected information, an internal sage. It is where God is found, because since the womb, unconscious processes collect and store information that one recognizes. It becomes a deep and vast library for that person; it becomes wiser than that person in comparison to their shallow consciousness. Besides for dreams or hallucinogens, prayer and meditation are seemingly the only way to access unconsciousness processes. When one prays, one is accessing a personal library, communicating and maximizing his or her brain by simultaneously reaching it at all levels (from the unconscious to the conscious). The maximization of the brain is what causes a feeling of euphoria since the brain is human beings' greatest asset, and for us possesses the most power. That person may also confuse receiving information from his or her personal library as being from an outside source, such as a god, feeling comforted by thinking that they are reassured in not being alone, and by having gained ‘wisdom’ from their ‘helper.’ It is irrelevant that one’s personal library or memory is unreliable, insufficient, and fallacious—as long as someone believes that the memories actually happened, it will most often go unquestioned and still lead to a belief in communication with God."
Excerpt from my "Reflections and Illuminations for Higher Existence":
"My former take on ethics and morality was that they were simply rules imposed by society to keep the order of the deviant human animals. My new philosophy on morality and ethics is that we humans should try to expand and maximize what differentiates and distinguishes us from the rest of the animal kingdom, which is our cognition, our marked ability of self-awareness, and our detailed efficient, effective extremities. Following ethics and morality will help us better attain these goals by concentrating and focusing our learning into pathways that contain these ends by providing templates and structure."
I am just throwing bits and pieces together here, it is a work in progress, but I am basically trying to boil down psychedelic divinity experiences as being the maximization of consciousness at all levels, or the maximization of the brain, therefore being beneficial in all ways necessary and perceived, even the so-called 'bad' experiences. By being in touch with all with levels of mental activity at all times, then one may never experience the negative effects of repression and the like for the long term. Psychedelics are a reminder of that, and act at least as prerequisites to 'Your Mind, 101'.
[1] Nietzsche, F. Thus Spoke Zarathustra, p 61
Meditate before you venture, take it seriously, use it as medicinal—it is good psychotherapy if needed. Realize that you, the Earth, others, and the Universe are all one and the same process. Then take that knowledge back to become, as you already are, one with nature. Eternity in every moment. Divinity in every particle. All is one organism.