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First attempt failed....advice? Options
#1 Posted : 8/23/2012 5:07:36 AM

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So far, all of my hyperspace travels have been launched by my good friend who handled all the prep and would just hand me a pipe to hit. From my understanding he would load it with weed in an herb pipe lightly heat it to fuse it, then pass it to me. I would take three tokes in succession, holding the inhale briefly the first hit, about 10-15 sec the second, and finally hold the third and biggest in until I naturally exhaled as I blasted.

I was given some spice and I am trying to administer it to myself. First attempt didn't go so well.

First off, let me state that I'm working in make-shift fashion. I am on a 3-4 week training session living in a hotel away from home and don't have the tools at my disposal I would at home. For safety I just traveled with spice, no pipe. Also, with my new job I get random drug tests so I am not using weed as a base as my friend did. I asked him what other herbs I could use, and he said tobacco would work. So that's what I tried. I bought a glass herb pipe from a local shop and some pipe tobacco. I tried the tobacco earlier to make sure I could inhale it smoothly. I loaded a small bed of tobacco, added about 2 good key bumps of spice, then topped it with a smaller pinch of tobacco. After setting the mood with low lighting, some liquid Drum n Bass, and about 10-15 minutes of meditation I tried to blast. Using a BIC lighter, I took one small pull which I thought would be light enough to just barely heat the spice to fuse it. Then I proceeded to take 3-4 good pulls, and try to hold it progressively longer. It was pretty harsh and I had a hard time holding it in, but did it anyway. After cashing the bowl I could taste and smell the spice. I laid there with my eyes shut, but I only felt very light effects, certainly not a blast, not even a light lift off. WHERE DID I GO WRONG???

HOW MUCH? - I have read amounts about 50mg or even lightly less for solo use, but I have no measuring device and don't know how to judge the amount.
TOBACCO? - Bad idea? I have read other herbs like peppermint but since my friend suggested it I thought it'd work.

After reading numerous posts I feel like a cavemen attempting this method. I can't wait to be back home and invest in a GVG and torch to do it properly.

Any one got some advice to set me on the right path? Keep in mind I have limited resources and won't be buying anything I need to travel with.

Thanks for any help you can offer this noob!
I believe in a long prolonged derangement of the senses to attain the unknown - Jim Morrison

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#2 Posted : 8/23/2012 5:29:10 AM

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Just wait for the GVG it will be completely worth itVery happy , If you try and smoke any you can waste a lot of it. If you do smoke it anyway i would recommend parsley i feel like its a perfect texture for the Dmitri to melt into. (just don't burn it to bad it tastes completely terribleStop )
The only reason there is a reality is because our brain leads us to think so.
#3 Posted : 8/23/2012 5:42:56 AM

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Maybe you just need to wait until you are home. I would recommend taking care of work for now and try blasting off when you get back. I am still a noob myself, but changa made with passion flower has done great things for me. I wouldn't say I have "broken through" yet, but that will come in time.

I made a little water bong out a "naked" juice bottle. I used a 10 ml vacutainer for the stem and a 7.5 ml vacutainer as the bowl. I just broke off the ends of the vacutainers to allow air flow and used some chewing gum to help seal around the stem. I put two regular pipe screens balled up into the 7.5 ml vacutainer and also wrap a hair band around it so that it will stay in place.

What I like to do is put some soothing music. Recently I have really enjoyed Clint Mansell's score to "The Fountain" so I find that on grooveshark and let it start playing.

Then I take some deep breaths and meditate before taking the first hit. I take hits as long as I can and eventually lay back in bed and the experience begins. After a while I am able to move about again and will sit up and take more hits. I keep doing this until the bowl is cashed.

I have had some good experiences doing this, hope my input helps some.
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#4 Posted : 8/23/2012 1:28:57 PM

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I've considered waiting to return home, that's why I've been here for 2 weeks and this is my first attempt. But sitting in this hotel is brain numbing and this D is figuratively burning a hole in my pocket. Work isn't going away when I get home so that isn't going to resolve anything. I think I'm going to venture to the grocery and get some parsley or peppermint leaves and try again when the time is right.

As far as amount, what's a good crude way to measure my dose?
Am I right in layering? Or should I just cover the bed of herbs with spice?

Thanks for the advise guys, but I will be training out here for another 3-4 weeks. I'm not that patient to wait till I return home.
I believe in a long prolonged derangement of the senses to attain the unknown - Jim Morrison
#5 Posted : 8/23/2012 2:37:20 PM


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Go to a local smoke shop. Purchase a small bag of smokable herbs. Damiana/mullein/skullcap/marshmallow leaves/etc.. Sometimes they come already premixed in a baggy as a smoking blend. I would not use tobacco honestly. I'm a cigarette smoker and i find that it is still too harsh for this purpose.

My general eye/measure method is a dmt scoop about the size of the eraser on #2 pencil.

However, this is the measurement i often use with my GVG, and the crystals are re-x'd a couple times to refine the purity. I dont know the potency/purity of what you have. I always used 2-3 times the amount when trying to burn in a bowl as it is much more fickle and you can't dose as accurately as with a GVG.

Generally i recommend the sandwich method if using a bowl. Works almost every time.

You only want to top the deemster sammich with enough herb to allow you to "cherry" the top layer. I start by holding the flame close but not putting it directly to the herb. This starts to vape/melt the deems down into the bottom layer of herb. After a couple seconds i put the flame to the herb and rotate it around the bowl just long enough to cherry that top layer. pull the flame off and allow the cherry'd top layer to vaporize the layer of dmt in the middle. Take as BIG OF A HIT AS YOU CAN TAKE and you need to count to ten before going in for a 2nd hit. I usually just put the flame to it on the 2nd hit and take another monster hit. This hit i will hold in as long as my body will let me.

**I must admit that i only use the GVG and my super spice bong anymore. I waste far too much of the precious spice during combustion otherwise. Not to mention that nasty tasty of burnt spice.

Good luck bud!!!
#6 Posted : 8/23/2012 3:00:18 PM
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Check the wiki out and go to the "DMT Handbook". There's a pretty nice pictorial/descriptive section on how to make infused leaf. I would read up on that and look to making a 1:1 dmt/leaf blend of some sort, whether it be mullein, blue lotus, etc. It's near the end of the handbook and has detailed steps. And if you can acquire any extracted harmalas, throw those in there as well. Twisted Evil

Infused leaf/changa is hard to screw up. You just light the leaf and GO. Alot different from trying to vaporize dmt on top of leaf or whathaveyou.
#7 Posted : 8/23/2012 3:16:51 PM

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Just wanted to chime in here with a different method. If you are having trouble with the
"Sandwich" method.
When you go to the store to get more herbs also buy a copper scrubby. Chore boy ect.

Rip off a piece roll it into a ball, enough to fit in the bowl of your pipe. Burn it good first stick it in.
Melt to spice a little on it and blast off. Just be sure to not let the flame touch it.
This will give you more concentrated hits. Hope it helps.
I know it is not easy to smoke without the proper equipment, I have been there.
Good luck!

who's minding the store?- Ram Dass
Mz.Gypzy is a fictional character. I have a very active imagination. I like to make things up, to entertain myself and others on the internet. I do not use, or condone the use of illegal substances. Everything I write here on the Nexus is for pure entrainment purposes only.

#8 Posted : 8/23/2012 4:08:03 PM

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Go to a local health shop and pick up Traditional Medicinal Organic Easy Now tea. Source a solvent (acetone, Isopropyl, etc). Use these to create an enhanced leaf blend called Peppermentalism (from user astralspice). The smoke is smooth and tastes of peppermint with some slight spice aftertaste.

I find this blend very easy to smoke, I keep the lighter about 1-2 inches from the bowlpiece and pull just enough to keep theflame away but get the heat to light the leaf. Once you have it lit the whole thing will usually cherry through in one rip. I find this enhanced leaf blend to be very similar to Changa, though less prounounced, in that it is a gentler come on and lasts longer. May be the passion flower but I couldnt say.

As for a smoking device, so far I simply use a bubbler style piece with a few screens. Great cheap options are the machine or the key v2. Both are very easy to make once you have the materials and those materials are ~$10.

If you are going to continue with crystal DMT I try to make it visually similar to a dime when spread out. When I was without a scale and using the scooping method with the tip of a key I had the following guidelines. 1 key tip for DMT headspace and very slight visuals. 2 key tips for heavier visuals and some shadowed CEVs. 3 key tips for more pronounced CEVs and an occasional breakthrough. 4+ key tips and I'll be back in 10+ minutes. Very rough but I hope it gives you an idea of the doses.

Finally, I would recommend holding in hit #1 for 10-15 seconds as well. I usually draw through the piece slower when lighting hit 1 and then fully inhale when it is going.
The inner soul is full of joy. Reveal my secrets and sew me whole. With each day, "I" heeds your call.
You may not care the slightest and may not be the brightest, but from here "I" sees you're mighty for you created it all.

And the jumbling sea rose above the wall.

Through this chaos comes the order you enthrall.
#9 Posted : 8/27/2012 12:11:24 AM

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Thanks for the help everyone.

Mz.Gypzy - I used the copper scrubber method early today with good results. I didn't quite achieve a full blast, but pretty close to it. Strong visuals and intense sensation. I still need some practice in getting a good smooth pull from it that will allow me to take in the full dose. It became harsh a after hitting the pipe for more then a second or two. I guess I need to find that sweet spot of getting the flame close enough without touching.

I look forward to getting home where I can have a space to infuse some leaf.
I believe in a long prolonged derangement of the senses to attain the unknown - Jim Morrison
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