I don't have consistent wifi-access where I'm living presently, but rest assured it's been nice to return to an additional 2.5 pages of comments to shift through. Thanks a lot, everyone! I do, however, have some comments and potential corrections.
Firstly, speaking entirely of myself, I did not intend to dogmatise or confine psychedelics to 'spiritual exploration'. I recognise that people use these drugs in party-settings, as a means of 'getting high', and so forth. What I was trying to unearth was the complexity of reactions to these drugs. I am a user who, like many who've responded, first began exploring entheogens as a means of getting a crazy high. The first time I took LSD, I was hanging around with others, just having fun; but the situation was flexible enough that I could move off on my own if I felt like it. It was in these moments of solitude that I had some unexpected brushes with spirituality (or what have you). Since then, I've found myself bored with more than an hour or two of social interaction. I like my space when I'm in my own head, and this seems to happen to me however hard I try to do things I might do when stoned on marijuana or drunk at a party. I recognise that these things have much to do with the way in which I approach and the way I walk away from psychedelic experiences.
I have a lot of fun whilst tripping, but the kinds of fun I have are usually restricted to psychedelic experiences (don't let that word throw you: it's my fault for not better defining my intent). This is not because I've never tried anything else, but because I've found what is most rewarding for myself. My trips are most comfortable when I don't fight the drug, and when I use entheogens, I tend to want quiet, darkness, and the ability to move from social interaction to solitude when the desire overcomes me. These are the trips from which I get most. I no longer treat psychedelics as I did, that's for sure. I'm merely trying to deal with them, just as the rest of you.
It seems that many of you have similar feelings, but I'm glad that my suspicions were confirmed. I had guessed that most people's opinions about how to use psychedelics would be coloured by similar variables as my own. It's wonderful to see so many people using them in different ways. I never intended to tell anyone how these drugs
should be used. Any moralising or absolutism on my part has been merely reflective of my own practices with regard to what I find most rewarding in a psychedelic experience.
(It's also worth keeping in mind that my experience is fairly limited. I have experienced LSD many times, the effects of mushrooms but once, sadly, and have never taken DMT or mescaline. My newfound capacity to experience DMT, however, is the reason I joined this site.)
No reason not to keep the responses coming. I'm loving them, and once I get some decent Internet-access here, I'll try to respond to some of you personally.
'If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through narrow chinks of his cavern.' -William Blake