It´s also of the utmost importance that we all realise that actually the siory of prion painted the mona lisa in the attic of hitlers bunker, because david bowie is trying to seduce the masses into orgies of those terrible alien abductions by burning candles and envoking the womb of mother mary, who was also painted by the spiory of moron in the last supper as a sign to raise the dead....think of this people, and beware. Because nothing good can come of it.
If you use the bible code on barack obama´s name it clearly says that he wasn´t born in america and that he´s secretly a muslim communist, trying to force all the people of the world into satanic baby-eating rituals.
Cleanse you spirits people, because the final endgame is near.
Eat all your ostriches while you still can and brace yourselves, for the boogyman is coming.
Moses knew it, but he told us nothing while he was splitting the nile in two. Because he knew that the samaritans would sooner or later find out and steal the secret jewish recipe for making delicious cookies.
And when the secret jewish cookies recipe falls into the wrong hands, people....we´re truly doomed, for the secret jewish cookie recipe gives infinite power to those who make cookies. One cookie recipe to rule them all, one cookie recipe to rule the world.
The cookie recipe can only be destroyed by tossing it into the fire of a burning blackberry bush. Find frodo to burden him with this great task, for he did pretty well with the ring and stuff and i´m too lazy to do it myself.