I've lurked these boards for a couple of days just to learn as much as I can about DMT and the experience that could be had with Changa and Ayahuasca, and to be honest I feel as though I have had those experiences without the use of any drug, DMT or otherwise. My personal philosophy is that drugs cannot grant you a "pass" to anything spiritual, it only helps you to look. I'm not saying that they don't add to the experience, but having a strong sober spirit will help you to have better and stronger visions or etc. when you do finally choose to try DMT or your physical guide of choice. I am Native American and African American, so my heritage is deep in spirituality and I felt that that has rubbed off on me.
With that said, I would like to share my experience with entities and spirituality just as my personal introduction as well as a journal of my thoughts because an episode just hit me. Its a long story so I'll just cut right to the chase.
I met an entity (for lack of a better word) in my dreams. Ive only ever met it twice through dreams and once during meditation. In the first dream, I was running through a field, but I could not run as fast as I normally could. It felt as though a weight was placed on me slowing my movements. The world in which I was running in was fragmented, with chunks of land floating, disconnected from anything physical to support it. In the chaos of the land, the sky was clear and serene. The land that I was running on was coming to an end so I jumped down to the next chunk of land directly below me. In a field of pure white was the "entity" I could not clearly see its face, but it appeared to have a human like form and it spoke to me. I could not make out the words either, but somehow I understood. I awoke from that dream.
The next dream was of the same entity, however this time we were running through a maze. When we got to the end, it asked me something along the lines of "do you still not understand me" and I actually heard him this time. But I awoke as the conversation continued so I did not make out exactly what it said. The third and final time (so far) that I've seen it was in an allegory of sorts because I was wondering if I should trust it or not, and now I've reached my answer.
My experiences are generally triggered by music, but they literally can be triggered by anything. In those worlds I can see things that cannot be seen in the real world, much like a DMT experience and the places I go to, I can return to if I know the physical route to them (much like the real world). Those sum up my experiences for the most part.
If TL;DR Hi, its great to be here