A batch of cacti is under way. A few saltings have been completed and SWIM is very happy with the white crystals that have surfaced so far...THE DILEMMA:
so last night SWIM was burying his his waste from the vessels at 2:30 in the morning in a dirt patch where people dont go often. A neighbor stuck his head out the window and became inquistive on what swim was doing.SWIM replied about what was going on and nothing more was said.
Today the neighbor came up to swim and asked swim if he called CPS on him for abusing his children, SWIM replied no , as swim did not. This neighbor and SWIM dont hate each other but dont care for eachother either.
SWIM has obtained all his NP pulls and has been conducting HCL saltings one jar at a time and doing 3 acid pulls on each jar. Due to the situation at hand swim would very much so like to wrap this project up as fast as possible.
CAN SWIM do his acid pulls as HE has been doing (100ml/acidified to 400mlNP) -but combine them all , cook everything down and evap all at once? Pleas help swim on this, he is worried.
SWIM does not trust this neighbor but is unsure if he will do anything as swim has knowledge that this neighbor does his own extractions (THC) and sells them... The worry is still present though, just in case.
is it - 7 hits or dosing 7 times ..... Either way I lost count along time ago, and Just type/Speak without a filter.... All of this is just one big tasty 'word salad'......