Hi everyone,
I made my first extraction with a friend of mine this weekend and I thought it would make a great introduction to tell you about it.
Half a year ago a friend of mine introduced me to DMT. It was like nothing I ever had before. Of course I wanted to have some for myself but my friend wouldn't let me have it. So he agreed to explain to me how it's done. Everytime we met he gave me chemestry lessons and explained me every detail of DMT extraction. I researched a lot on the web and of course here on DMT Nexus. I then bought all the glassware I needed and ordered some MHRB from the Internet.
Everything was set and I just waited for my friend to arrive ...
We had two 1 l Erlenmeyer which we both filled up with 1 l of water. To that we added 50 g of lye and after it had dissolved we added 50 g of MHRB and shook well. During the following three hours we shook the Erlenmeyers every half hour. Then we made 50 ml Hepthane pulls with a pipette every 40 minutes, 6 in total, and prepared a seventh pull whIch we would let sit for the next 36 hours.
After 12 hours we took the jars from the freezer and wonderful snow swimming in Hepthane and on the bottom of the jars.
We then poured the Hepthane into one big jar and let dry all the other jars. Once dried and with two hours of fiddeling to get everything out of the jars, we had a mountain of DMT which weighed 1,5 g (from 100 g MHRB).
After 36 hours I made the seventh pull and used it to rinse all the jars which still contained a little DMT on the bottom which we couldn't get out the first time. This last jar made another 0,2 g of yellow buttery spice.
So all in all 1,7 % is not bad at all for a first extraction.
What do you think?