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Acacia Floribunda bark ayahuasca recipe? Options
#1 Posted : 8/14/2012 1:16:50 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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sorry this is not in the ayahuasca section, i am not a full member yet.

i just have a few questions about useing Acacia Floribunda for ayahuasca.

1) is Acacia Floribunda safe to use for ayahuasca? or as safe as any other bark? ive heard some acacias can contain other chemicals that will go into it that are harmfull.

2) can someone recomend a ayahuasca recipe that would work with Acacia Floribunda?

3) do i use the normal bark or the root bark of Acacia Floribunda?

4) if the recipe i decide to use uses a differant bark do i need to consider that Acacia Floribunda has 0.3-0.4 % dmt, and the other bark might have more or less? i think most recipes are for mimosa hostilis, if so what changes would i have to make?

5) can someone please recomend a website that i can get an MAOI (prefferably caapi as i have heard its better)? i live in australia and it would be good if i didnt have to get it from over seas.


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 8/14/2012 5:02:42 PM


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Never use the root bark as it will kill the tree through exposure and bacteriological infiltration, also if you ever grow them you'll notice they favor depth and there's not much lateral growth anyway. Floribunda has been shown a number of times by people here to yield around .3 alkaloids in its phyllodes. it's important to calculate the dose as accurately as possible and start with modest amounts. most 'Aya' techniques such using a slow cooker overnight and then reducing will work. Egg white tannin removal is also a good idea

Syrian rue is legal in Australia and can be found on ebay Smile
#3 Posted : 8/15/2012 7:06:54 AM
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Seldom wrote:
Never use the root bark as it will kill the tree through exposure and bacteriological infiltration, also if you ever grow them you'll notice they favor depth and there's not much lateral growth anyway. Floribunda has been shown a number of times by people here to yield around .3 alkaloids in its phyllodes. it's important to calculate the dose as accurately as possible and start with modest amounts. most 'Aya' techniques such using a slow cooker overnight and then reducing will work. Egg white tannin removal is also a good idea

Syrian rue is legal in Australia and can be found on ebay Smile

thanx for the reply,
i just looked it up and it said that Syrian rue is conntrolled in australia? because it contains schedule 9 substances.

and im guessing from what you said that Floribunda is fine to make ayahuasca with? its just that even though it might be fine to extract dmt out of it could be harmfull as ayahuasca, because when you extract dmt that is all you extract, but when you make ayahuasca all the chemicals go into the tea.
#4 Posted : 8/15/2012 11:29:48 AM
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will this work http://www.ebay.com.au/i...&hash=item3a782cd474 ??
and what would be a good recipe for these??
#5 Posted : 8/15/2012 11:51:58 AM

veni, vidi, spici

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Syrian Rue 100g Esphand Harmal Peganum Trichocereus HBWR Ayahuasca

thats quite a funky title for some Rue.

They will be bob on, just brew or extract them and your away.

happy travels

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

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#6 Posted : 8/15/2012 11:54:35 AM
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3rdI wrote:
Syrian Rue 100g Esphand Harmal Peganum Trichocereus HBWR Ayahuasca

thats quite a funky title for some Rue.

They will be bob on, just brew or extract them and your away.

happy travels

how do i figure out the amounts though? if the recipe says caapi and im swaping it for rue
#7 Posted : 8/15/2012 11:56:06 AM

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if i were you i'd do a small test extraction on say 30g bark first.. floribunda is quite variable. it seems like there is a strain that is consistent but quite a few people have had failed extractions with it.. myself included. i've done over 15 extracts on floribunda now and have not had any luck, bringing me to the conclusion that it has genetic variants.. some active, some not. a number of people seem to insist that it is a reliable source but from my own experience and that of others i know there is an inactive strain which is extremely common. the inactive strain seems to be the most prevelant form of floribunda around the melbourne region so if you live in vic i strongly advise you test it before consuming it as you may be dissapointed.
#8 Posted : 8/15/2012 11:59:21 AM
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bricklaya wrote:
if i were you i'd do a small test extraction on say 30g bark first.. floribunda is quite variable. it seems like there is a strain that is consistent but quite a few people have had failed extractions with it.. myself included. i've done over 15 extracts on floribunda now and have not had any luck, bringing me to the conclusion that it has genetic variants.. some active, some not. a number of people seem to insist that it is a reliable source but from my own experience and that of others i know there is an inactive strain which is extremely common. the inactive strain seems to be the most prevelant form of floribunda around the melbourne region so if you live in vic i strongly advise you test it before consuming it as you may be dissapointed.

i have never extracted before and my chemestry knowledge isnt realy enough to do one. so i think the best way to find out would be to make ayahuasca and see what happens?
#9 Posted : 8/15/2012 12:11:49 PM

veni, vidi, spici

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qwer wrote:
3rdI wrote:
Syrian Rue 100g Esphand Harmal Peganum Trichocereus HBWR Ayahuasca

thats quite a funky title for some Rue.

They will be bob on, just brew or extract them and your away.

happy travels

how do i figure out the amounts though? if the recipe says caapi and im swaping it for rue

you do some research on Rue dosage, its all here, check the harmala forumThumbs up

i have never extracted before and my chemestry knowledge isnt realy enough to do one. so i think the best way to find out would be to make ayahuasca and see what happens?

extraction is easy and requires only the ability to bake a cake

can you bake a cake?

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#10 Posted : 8/15/2012 12:16:53 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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yes but i dont know what chemicals to trust and yea. i have tried before and failed. Sad but at least i can cook a cake.
maybe i should just use a differant acacia
#11 Posted : 8/15/2012 12:24:03 PM

veni, vidi, spici

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If at first you dont suceed try and try againSmile

lye, distilled vingar and lighter fluid can be that hard to find, see which ones you can find and then search the safe chems thread to see what people think about them.

come on qwer, bake that psychedelic cakeVery happy

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#12 Posted : 8/15/2012 12:53:55 PM
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3rdI wrote:
If at first you dont suceed try and try againSmile

lye, distilled vingar and lighter fluid can be that hard to find, see which ones you can find and then search the safe chems thread to see what people think about them.

come on qwer, bake that psychedelic cakeVery happy

you have convinced me, i will try again
#13 Posted : 8/15/2012 12:57:41 PM
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can anyone give me tips on converting this recipe to use rue instead of caapi and acacia floribunda instead of Mimosa hostilis please?
or just tell me if it would work?
here is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p01O5po0hvc

oh and it says you want to keep the caapi sludge at the bottom, would i keep the rue sludge? im guessing i would but thought i better check
#14 Posted : 8/15/2012 12:58:36 PM

veni, vidi, spici

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Thumbs up Thumbs up Thumbs up

nothing worth having comes easy.

I remember i had a nightmare when i first tried to extract DMT, i am very, very, very pleased i persisted.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#15 Posted : 8/15/2012 1:03:11 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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3rdI wrote:
Thumbs up Thumbs up Thumbs up

nothing worth having comes easy.

I remember i had a nightmare when i first tried to extract DMT, i am very, very, very pleased i persisted.

its just extra hard because i live with my parents so i have to do it when they are not around.
and also the last times i tried i used a fully food safe tek with vinegar, ethanol, washing soda and water. but this time i will man up and use a proper tek.
also last time i used leaves witch was alot harder
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