Well basically I haven't posted on here for awhile. I have sort of been out of touch with drugs in general for a while. Especially dmt.
But of late I have brought my fathers attention to dmt, and he is wanting to try it. So an extraction will be preformed soon for him!
I just wanted to ask you guys if there is anything I should tell him that you guys think would help.
He is a very practical man. Very pragmatic in his thinking, not so emotionally evolved. Due to his childhood. He has a masters in philosophy and is a very clear, and deep thinker. The one thing he says he is worried about is how the experience will practically effect his life.
I've sort of gave him a general description of it. The name, a brief history. Some experiences, a warning with it. But nothing too in depth. As I said, its been awhile since I've been in contact with dmt.
While I have to prepare my dad, I also have to prepare myself for a dmt experience to come. So much has changed in my life of late. And I just think that if you guys could give me some pointers on how to help my dad. I could focus a bit more on myself and preparing. I'm still a beginner at this
Any input is accepted!
The Unknown = A Place to Learn