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Your mind is larger than life. Options
#1 Posted : 8/13/2012 1:49:14 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: dreaming awake at the end of time
Our mind is larger that life.. And pretty much anything else It seems sometimes.

During a trip,or not. We Are able to see multiple dimensions traveling on different time lines to one another. We can also experience multiple entity's all with thier own agenda. It seems full of information.

I always find this interesting. You can create many universes in your mind expanding to infinity all with different attributes. Which is larger and different from our universe now. There is no scale in our minds so I don't know.
Anyway it is quite amazing sometimes. Wether it is in your mind or your on another plain of existence, it can be more easily navigated and experiments can carry out endlessly. Things take on a shape of thier own.
Sometimes just a thought or an image can be the whole trip. It is all just a body high untill we start to think or get to visit a place were you or something can create things so vividly and freely.
If I was a multi dimensional being, I would eventually get board of our universe too and surf the ever expanding consciousness of all realitys. The ideas and information centre full of space and a map of every experience. It's interesting to think about sometimes.
I'm glad humans can perceive things so Amazingly. Smaller than the atom, to multidimensional spaces full of living organisms stretching out to infinity, even things going about thier lives not caring about you. Eg. Entities that don't care about your life or reality. Are we creating something greater than thought.

Just some ideas, I'm not saying imagine a couch and live in our minds just yet! Laughing
Any thoughts? Or experiences?


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#2 Posted : 8/13/2012 1:56:00 AM

analytical chemist

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life is much larger than my mind, and yours.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
#3 Posted : 8/13/2012 2:29:25 AM

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Or is it?Big grin
Just seems like that sometimes. It's truly wonderful.

I gess mind is life to me. Some people cant imagine more that what their having for dinner. But some people imagine life and more over and again in the same space. Just interesting. I'm sure it's all connectedSmile
#4 Posted : 8/13/2012 2:30:55 AM

analytical chemist

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imagine: life has more than likely existed long before the human mind, and will continue to exist long after
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
#5 Posted : 8/13/2012 2:37:56 AM

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Location: dreaming awake at the end of time
What if existence created the mind so it could one day understand excistance, therefore having infinite capabilitys to do so? Haha who know but yeah I gess for us consiousness is just a blink on the radar. But that's not to say It isn't just as great or can be greater.

But yes life is sure mysterious. I mean for life to create consiousness is more amazing than our minds at this time.
I love these conversations.
#6 Posted : 8/13/2012 2:44:49 AM

analytical chemist

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I find the human mind to be profound, in the sense that humans can affect the environment around them. there is another animal that can do the same... a beaver.

other than that, the human mind has little effect on nature at large. man creates big messes, nature cleans it up.
example: that huge oil spill caused by BP, all but taken care of by aquatic microbes.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
#7 Posted : 8/13/2012 2:53:41 AM

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Everything creates big messes. A rock falling from the sky puts everything in pain and a mess, but yes it all goes around for nature, it's got a system. I'm not really talking about mans mind put outwards into nature and life's ability to work around it.
I'm taking a looking in on ourselfs. Breaking the laws of nature and life in our mind. It's a big wonderfull place their asewll.
#8 Posted : 8/13/2012 2:55:26 AM

analytical chemist

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SpiceMind wrote:
Breaking the laws of nature and life in our mind.

you actually don't break any laws of nature in your mind, because the electrochemical processes are still governed by the laws of thermodynamics. sorry.

Very happy

but yea.. I dream i'm flying from time to time, then I wake up and realize how insignificant we all are. there are a finite number of neurons and signals in the human mind, but the multiverse is supposedly infinite.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
#9 Posted : 8/13/2012 3:32:39 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Cool thanks for the chemistry lesson. Yes I think some may think that (probably most due to facts and theory) but others do think differently.
Knowing the number of nerouns doesn't limit my thinking or make me believe that conssiousness could be something more than what we understand. Even if we knew all the links and numbers. (consciously I wouldn't anyway!) conscious understanding consiousness is a great achievement and I'm not sure what side of the fence I'm on, I like leaving it open until then.
I'm glad you at least enjoyed the dreams of flying!Smile

I also wonder if these neurons and signals are developing even further as life continues..
#10 Posted : 8/13/2012 3:46:09 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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SpiceMind wrote:
Cool thanks for the chemistry lesson. Yes I think some may think that (probably most due to facts and theory) but others do think differently.
Knowing the number of nerouns doesn't limit my thinking or make me believe that conssiousness could be something more than what we understand. Even if we knew all the links and numbers. (consciously I wouldn't anyway!) conscious understanding consiousness is a great achievement and I'm not sure what side of the fence I'm on, I like leaving it open until then.
I'm glad you at least enjoyed the dreams of flying!Smile

I also wonder if these neurons and signals are developing even further as life continues..

Thumbs up I'd check out neurogenesis if you're wondering about that, mate!
#11 Posted : 8/13/2012 3:47:36 AM

analytical chemist

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your mind is as large as you want it to be, that's the great thing about your thoughts. they're yours, and can be as limitless as you want them to be. you can imagine you are a flying dragon that can transcend across space-time into jesusland. high-five peter pan for me.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
#12 Posted : 8/13/2012 3:51:53 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: dreaming awake at the end of time
Haha i can't really say anything on the birth of neurons bro! But if there here in life now than who knows.

And "the mind as big as you want it to be" does sound like the neurons hit the magic number on the head to create that perception! Infinity in the mind.
Sorry chemistry like that is out of my reach guys Stop
#13 Posted : 8/13/2012 3:57:35 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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SpiceMind wrote:
Haha i can't really say anything on the birth of neurons bro!

#14 Posted : 8/13/2012 4:03:06 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Isn't neurogenisis when neurons are developed? I thought you ment have a look into it?? I had no idea until I did and yeah interesting but outta my league in chemistry so far but yes definitely a part of this topic. Very interesting and worth a look thanks.I'm not shooting out facts here, just a convo about it. I welcome facts or experiences, it's all interesting!Smile
Thanks SM
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