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What makes you cry? Options
#41 Posted : 8/12/2012 5:13:58 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Wow awesome replies! I just got back from a 4 day camping trip with no service or electronics, an awesome mushroom trip and just mind blowing scenery.

I'm glad so many nexians vibed with this thread. So cool.

Benzyme you crack me up.
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#42 Posted : 8/12/2012 5:34:12 AM

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I cry from negative emotions, but things like "beauty" rarely move me to tears.

In particular, watching people I love get old and fade away makes me cry. Sorry for the melancholy. Razz
#43 Posted : 8/12/2012 6:38:04 AM

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Fun thread!

I will occasionally tear up listening to some heartful Old dead songs, when Jerry was just pouring love through the speakers. Also the movie the Music Never Stopped. It feels so good but rarely can i get the flow going lol
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#44 Posted : 8/13/2012 11:34:08 AM

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I get wet in the eyes every time I watch this:


We have more empty homes in America than we do homeless. This should be not be a reality.
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#45 Posted : 8/13/2012 11:46:03 AM
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Childbirth scenes (TV or real life).
#46 Posted : 8/13/2012 12:40:52 PM

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Onions and having my nose hair plucked. These are the only things that make me cry 'cause I'm well 'ard Cool
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#47 Posted : 8/13/2012 1:18:07 PM

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Thank you for this. I'm in the middle of cleansing myself right now physically, emotional, spiritually etc. in preparation for another Aya journey.

Yesterday I sweated and began a juice fast and have been dumping toxins from my body in various ways. This morning I wake up and see your video and purged with my tears.

I don't ever cry but I just let go this time....

Thanks again.

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#48 Posted : 8/14/2012 2:24:09 AM

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Awesome purple dye, good luck with your aya exp.

You guys rock. This thread blew up more than I expected. Good vibes everyone.
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#49 Posted : 8/14/2012 5:25:52 PM

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Awesome thread indeed. I was just speaking to a good friend about crying the other day. About how I feel like I could cry for days very often, usually because of all the mixed emotions about life and this society that I hold inside. Death doesn't usually make me cry though I attended my grandmothers funeral not too long ago and didn't shed a tear. We were close too, but i dont see death as being sad.

However I find certain songs bring about emotions in me that can make me cry like a baby, these emotions are often multiplied by the use of cannabis. Here are a few songs that really get to me I hope you will take the time to listen attentively and feel each song.

Eyes wide open- gotye


Burning in the skies- linkin park (pay attention to the video)


Johnny cashs version of "hurt"


These are just a few. It is also interesting to note the power of cymatics may have a lot to do with music being so emotional. I know lyrics have much to do with it, but just an interesting view. Love u all

#50 Posted : 8/16/2012 10:45:51 PM

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I was familiar with each one except for the linkin park video. Pretty cool thanks for sharing.

Johnny Cash, the legend, the song Hurt is insane. I forgot, that was another song that causes empathetic feelings to arise inside. Very strong song indeed thank you.
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#51 Posted : 8/16/2012 11:10:11 PM

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I just read something that brought a teer to my eye.

"If alcohol causes a problem, then alcohol IS a problem".

I am no alcoholic, at least thats what i think, but it is making me not like life.
That dislike of life has brought me to DMT in the first place. Now i just need to work up the courage to push myself to a breakthrough.
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Inner Paths
#52 Posted : 8/17/2012 4:04:49 AM

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benzyme wrote:
InnerPathsToOuterSpace wrote:
Also, standing in front of Alex Grey's art in the flesh gave me goosebumps and made tears well in my eyes from the beauty of it all...

I saw a mural of his at a psychedelic art exhibit, and found it rather vapid compared to a lot of the other works.
It may have elicited a smirk from me, but not likely. probably more of an expression of being unimpressed, like a "hmmph". definitely not even close to being a tearjerker, more like a ponderance of "why is this guy so overrated?"

Fair enough, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and what moves one person leaves another person feeling cold and vice versa, that's what makes this world a diverse and beautiful place Smile
"The love I've made is the shape of my space"
#53 Posted : 8/17/2012 4:28:16 AM

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well, his art is much more intricate and aesthetically abstract compared to andy warhol's works,
and his general personality much more pleasant as well.
(been to a warhol exhibit too, that was way more of a disappointment)
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#54 Posted : 8/17/2012 6:18:26 AM

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Benzyme, you should do an extraction using "simply orange" jugs, then smoke your product out of a plastic bottle with tin foil over the bottom and report your crying in this thread Smile
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#55 Posted : 8/17/2012 7:02:30 PM
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anrchy wrote:
Johnny Cash, the legend, the song Hurt is insane. I forgot, that was another song that causes empathetic feelings to arise inside. Very strong song indeed thank you.

I like the original version of it as well. Trent reznor has his moments of brilliance every now and then.
Botanical Bliss
#56 Posted : 8/25/2012 12:24:17 AM


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Anyone heard of a Rainbow Gathering? Well I went to my first gathering this year in Tennessee. On July 4th it is the main event, the silent prayer circle for peace. Everyone is in the meadow holding hands, people meditating. It starts silent then everyone is Om'ing. I took acid beforehand in anticipation of the energy that would be felt during the circle. Omg the energy was beautiful. I was crying, I couldn't help it. Everyone holding hands and Oming at different pitches, the sounds weaving thru the air... it was just so magical and beautiful I couldn't not cry.
[center]Sophia's Light

In darkest night, when lights are dim, and all in sight seems sad and grim,
I find you there, your arms surround me, your spirit fills me and it grounds me.
I look to you, Lady of Truth, most ancient One, yet eternal youth,to keep me safe, protect my heart,and with the wisdom you impart, fill up my empty mind and soul,so that, my Lover, you can make whole, all that was broken in this day –and that is what I ask and pray.
#57 Posted : 8/25/2012 11:02:15 AM

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I cried today, when I expressed Valour towards my grandfather, and he did NOT understand it. He did not. Huge verbal fight.

He will never understand me... in the way that I want him to understand me.

Unless he changes his perspective.
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#58 Posted : 8/25/2012 3:49:18 PM

ab intra

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Crying is the only thing you earthlings seem to do the majority of the time.
wah wah wah Crying or very sad
Its in your head

#59 Posted : 8/25/2012 5:47:15 PM

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I do not cry often, but something that really gets me is sad movies. I can't hold back when it comes to a sad moment in a movie. I noticed this weakness of mine was I was struggling so much trying not to tear up in Marley and Me. Since then I think it is fair to say movies like Click or The Green Mile. That is what makes me cry Crying or very sad
#60 Posted : 8/25/2012 6:15:18 PM

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People not reading the wiki/FAQ, it makes me fear for the future of the planet when people can't read the instructions.Rolling eyes

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

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