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What makes you cry? Options
#21 Posted : 8/8/2012 6:34:41 PM

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scudge wrote:
No one mentioned the feeling you sometimes get however cannot be easily explained, almost in awe maybe? You just realize how truly awesome everything is, its almost as a huge weight is lifted from your chest combined with goosebumps, tingly sensations, among the feelings which i can not describe, although making a poor attempt. Almost a moment of pure clarity and knowing? Most commonly felt on high doses of psychedelics, or when you notice something amazing. If only this feeling would happen more often.

I know EXACTLY what you mean and couldn't agree more.

Besides that I cried like a baby at the end of Dead Poets Society. Oh, and the band Hammock has so many beautiful songs it's tough to pick just one that's a tearjerker, but I'll try: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLUVYGOOOKE

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#22 Posted : 8/8/2012 6:43:16 PM

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Juan Flores - Icaro

This made me cry from the strong emotions he sends out while singing. And then his lovely smile after he is done.

It sends me somewhere far from here. Absolutely beautiful and touching.
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#23 Posted : 8/8/2012 7:45:44 PM
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Umm. First and foremost..intense breakthrough dmt experiences. Pets dying is no fun.. especially ones that don't need to be put down. I'm usually pretty good at holding it together during movies, but there are those few times where I cry like a baby. Cruelty towards children for me is a mix of anger and sadness.

On a side note I HATE arguing with the girlfriend. I tend to hold it together but usually nearing the very end of the argument (usually when she's not around) I have my micro moments of being upset...but like I said,,,its VERY few and far between and I tend to pull through it quickly.
#24 Posted : 8/9/2012 4:45:00 AM
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Phish - Secret Smile - http://www.youtube.com/w...ure=youtube_gdata_player I personally prefer the studio version

Things that remind me of early childhood

Green Mile for sure

I'm sure there's moreRazz
#25 Posted : 8/9/2012 5:45:49 AM

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I'm an easy mark for tearjerker movies. Most recent was We Bought A Zoo. Matt Damon was at his most wooden but the little girl really pushed all of my buttons.

Probably because we have one, 18 months old. Meeting her when she was first born sent me into sobs,probably a dozen times over the first six weeks or so. Holding her, carrying her tiny body on my forearm, looking into her eyes. My God, what a feeling.

Wow, even writing this, realizing how much she's grown since then, that's making me tremble a little.
#26 Posted : 8/9/2012 7:00:01 AM

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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. When he becomes a kid and his wife is still taking care of him, specifically when they were walking down the sidewalk holding hands. That really got to me.
#27 Posted : 8/9/2012 7:48:44 AM


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Guyomech wrote:
Meeting her when she was first born sent me into sobs,probably a dozen times over the first six weeks or so. Holding her, carrying her tiny body on my forearm, looking into her eyes. My God, what a feeling.

Wow, even writing this, realizing how much she's grown since then, that's making me tremble a little.

Yes. Seeing my child for the first time sent me over the edge in such a beautiful way, I was crying soo hard when I went out to see all my family waiting outside that they may have thought something went wrong if it wasn't for the intense love I was radiating. Even if they wouldn't have been there I know they would have felt that love for miles.
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#28 Posted : 8/9/2012 12:46:17 PM

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The atrocities perpetuated by industrial society against the planet.

The hate and fear inherent to the dominant culture and the physical/rhetorical manifestations of it.

Sappy emotional stories.
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#29 Posted : 8/9/2012 1:56:43 PM

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A burnt forest. Scorched earth.

Good, heroic deeds in an evil place. Stories of concentration camp prisoners sacrificing their chances of survival to help a fellow human in need, making a last stand against inhumanity.

Some pieces of music, mostly classical. And I'm not a big fan of opera, but the famous aria in Turandot always switches goosebumps on and makes tears start flowing.

And needless to say, personal stuff that overrides any rational control.

#30 Posted : 8/9/2012 3:07:58 PM

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Tattvamasi wrote:
On a side note I HATE arguing with the girlfriend. I tend to hold it together but usually nearing the very end of the argument (usually when she's not around) I have my micro moments of being upset...but like I said,,,its VERY few and far between and I tend to pull through it quickly.

I can totally relate.

Whenever me and my girlfriend are arguing at each other, I can't help but feel pain at the idea that something as sacred as our love can be distorted by such a superficial and egoistic emotion as anger. Once in a while, when we both really go crazy, we end up forgiving each other by sharing a hug and it tends to make me cry.

Reading, talking or hearing about mass murder, terrorism and my fellow humans' apathy, tend to make me cry also...

Thinking about the fact that some people don't know happiness because they are locked in their mental prisons.


But more importantly... Seeing my friends and community celebrate, dance and shine together. Talking about the Light that unites us. Remembering my own experiences of total dissolution. Looking in the eyes of my lover...
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#31 Posted : 8/10/2012 4:12:52 AM

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You know the scene in "Waking Life" called Holy Moments? I'm like Javi. Whenever I get smacked by the beauty of a moment, I cry.

I also cry when people overcome great adversity.

But, the best tears begin to flow when my little ones say "I love you , daddy".
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#32 Posted : 8/10/2012 4:22:05 PM

Is it Greedy to want to see everyone's Smile ?

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#33 Posted : 8/10/2012 9:16:42 PM

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The last time I brokethrough I accidently took a far larger toke than intended, after the initial flash I started bawling as hard as ever.. I had to run out of my tent and hug the first person I saw and couldn't say a thing for the next twenty minutes.. Besides that usually when I get quite drunk and start talking with someone about some really deep stuff I often find myself fighting back tears..
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#34 Posted : 8/10/2012 11:52:52 PM
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Great thread. I cried for the first time in my adult life, like 1-2 months ago. Was quite amazing Smile I then read about it on Wiki Laughing and on there it said that there was nu value in crying, which really doesn't correspond with my experience

Sorry for offtopic Embarrased

I think that reading something, has the greatest impact because you can dwell on something specific, go back, and so on
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#35 Posted : 8/11/2012 12:27:56 AM

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What makes me cry is when i smash my hand in a car door.......
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#36 Posted : 8/11/2012 12:53:27 AM

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I kinda forgot because I don't watch TV much anymore. But I would consistently tear up when I'd watch Extreme Home Makeover, the part where they reveal the new home to the Family & their in shock! lol...

Also on Sunday (8/5) when I was watching Live steam of NASA land the rover on Mars. When the NASA team, blew up in Celebration when they announced successful landing on Mars.... then the first photo received back almost ASAP! Surreal!
Almost tearing up now from the remembrance of the feeling...goosebumps for sure, lol.
I Could feel the energy globally almost!

And last year when I came back from Burning Man for the first time, I was pretty emotional for a few days decompressing everything and adjusting back to the default world.

Great thread by the way, got me thinking.

#37 Posted : 8/11/2012 12:42:39 PM

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ahh man, I dunno if it is having kids that are getting older, or if I am just getting more mushy in my ole age (laugh).

I'm more and more compassionate all the time. I need to harden myself as it is too easy to show my emotions.
Movies, sure sure, many of them will do it. I'm especially sensitive to unrequited love, and seeing someone old with regret.

just the other day I was watching something and it really pulled on my heartstrings, I had to take a step back and by like "Wtf!!!! I'm tearing up over a f-in viagra commercial."

speakin of commercials, the Humane Societe can eat my meat with those damn commercials with the sad dogs and cats crying....
"We're selling more than a cracker here," Krijak said. "We're selling the salty, unctuous illusion of happiness."
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#38 Posted : 8/11/2012 2:30:55 PM

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I'm a sucker for crying during tear jerker style movies. Music regularly brings me to tears with it's beauty as do beautiful sunsets and beautiful days and sceneries, basically, just happy to be a part of a beautiful world sometimes, kinda reminds me of a favourite line from the movie American Beauty : "Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world, I feel like I can't take it, and my heart is just going to cave in"

Also, standing in front of Alex Grey's art in the flesh gave me goosebumps and made tears well in my eyes from the beauty of it all...

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#39 Posted : 8/11/2012 7:48:59 PM

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I dont cry very often... spice is one thing that can unlock that emotion though. I have cried through empathy for others before. Some music, some movies but spice has a special way of getting the waterfalls started... it's that special appreciation that gets me every time because after a trip I just go through my life's most significant moments and it breaks me down every time. Sad
1% of reality is within our plane of existence. What we feel... what we see... what we hear... what we "think" we know... The other 99% percent of reality can only be shown to us through DMT. This 99% lies within the "Realm of the Unknowns". We can only experience FULL reality when we leave this vessel, our bodies. DMT gives us a taste of this full reality... the universal knowledge is given to us by the beings who call "hyperspace" their home. When in hyperspace there is no "self" but instead this self is replaced with pure and raw energy. ENERGY CAN NOT BE DESTROYED, ONLY TRANSFERRED OR TRANSFORMED! So when you have that "ego-death" during a breakthrough trip, don't fret, you are not being destroyed but yet..... YOU ARE BEING TRANSFORMED.

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#40 Posted : 8/12/2012 2:18:15 AM

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InnerPathsToOuterSpace wrote:
Also, standing in front of Alex Grey's art in the flesh gave me goosebumps and made tears well in my eyes from the beauty of it all...

I saw a mural of his at a psychedelic art exhibit, and found it rather vapid compared to a lot of the other works.
It may have elicited a smirk from me, but not likely. probably more of an expression of being unimpressed, like a "hmmph". definitely not even close to being a tearjerker, more like a ponderance of "why is this guy so overrated?"
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