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What makes you cry? Options
#1 Posted : 8/8/2012 3:30:53 AM

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So I consider myself a pretty manly man, with a sensitive side I'm not all that afraid to show. I don't cry when I see the sunset or any thing like that but I've had my times.

However there are a few things that choke me up a bit or can make me cry like a little baby that for some reason I thought I'd share with my good nexus buddies. Feel free to share any thing that brings out the sensitive side in you!

So here's a couple songs that cause me to choke a bit and fight back some tears.

http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Oa-ae6_okmg <-- Gary Jules - Mad World

http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gnzyzsOqMOY <-- little girl and her dad cover "home" by Edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros

Also, the movie "the notebook" and the movie "the road"

(EDIT: I would like to stick to things that make you cry in a good way, rather than from negative things like death of friends/family world issues ect., unless it's a specific thing like those commercials for the starving children and so on.)
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#2 Posted : 8/8/2012 3:59:46 AM

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anrchy wrote:
So I consider myself a pretty manly man, with a sensitive side I'm not all that afraid to show. I don't cry when I see the sunset or any thing like that but I've had my times.

However there are a few things that choke me up a bit or can make me cry like a little baby that for some reason I thought I'd share with my good nexus buddies. Feel free to share any thing that brings out the sensitive side in you!

So here's a couple songs that cause me to choke a bit and fight back some tears.

http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Oa-ae6_okmg <-- Gary Jules - Mad World

http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gnzyzsOqMOY <-- little girl and her dad cover "home" by Edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros

Also, the movie "the notebook" and the movie "the road"

Nice thread, and good videos. I cant hold myself either. The father and his child are amazing. A good reminder that love is all that matters.

what makes me cry is the possibly of seeing my cats die. Im serious i wanna die when they leave. They are the light ln hell

Also doctor who series, some scenes are just so beautiful and sad. I would not do it justise explaining.

And of cource a reminder that humanity isnt all bad: http://existenz.se/out.php?id=57751
#3 Posted : 8/8/2012 4:26:24 AM


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Ya that Home cover made me cry when I saw it too Very happy I'm a sucker for anything with little kids being happy.

I got choked up during Avatar too but I don't even remember what part now. I cried like a baby when I had to put my dog down because I couldn't afford to save his life from heat stroke, that really sucked it was the hardest decision of my life.

I'm pretty emotional though lol, I feel way too empathic for my own good. I always tend to get screwed over or be completely wrong about peoples character because I feel like everyone is really good deep down and deserves a chance.
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#4 Posted : 8/8/2012 4:51:27 AM

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There are so many cry-worthy things...it's limitless. I don't even want to start with pets (I've lost two pets I cared for like....MORE than family--one in November, one in March).

I actually went through a period where I had to make efforts to stay off the roads, because I could be wounded all week at the sight of a road kill (or the unbelievable TERROR of seeing a road kill occur). I do drive quite slowly (and rarely at night) in order to minimize as much as possible the chance of hitting something myself.

And to think of totally opening your mind and awareness...all you would see would be suffering and death--the death of the utterly innocent, like animals, and people, who might be desperately missed, or who were terrified themselves of death and dying.

It's easy to imagine that the only thing a feeling person could and SHOULD do is weep 24 hours a day. There is no happiness or joy that isn't fleeting, and no escaping continuous suffering of yourself and others...

And THEN you can start thinking about the fact that we may have PERMANENTLY fucked up the very world we live in...All the THOUSANDS of species that have gone extinct since humans have been around...

....and I just got started...
#5 Posted : 8/8/2012 5:53:01 AM

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"yesterday" by Atmosphere

the end of the movie Blow always gets me too. there are many more movies but thats the first one that popped into my head. the hardest i ever cried because of a movie was "what dreams may come" with Robbin williams.

#6 Posted : 8/8/2012 6:07:52 AM

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JuremaSpaceship wrote:
"yesterday" by Atmosphere

the end of the movie Blow always gets me too. there are many more movies but thats the first one that popped into my head. the hardest i ever cried because of a movie was "what dreams may come" with Robbin williams.

Oh forgot about that movie! Robin Williams did a good job in that one. That movie made me bawl my eyes out for sure. Also another good one that made me cry, "the time travelers wife" that movie was excellent! Anyone who hasn't seen it needs to. I wasn't wanting to watch a chick flick that night. Wanted something more my style like sci fi or comedy. But the gf insisted we watch it, she said if it was anything like the book I would like it. So we did and oh man the title is and isn't misleading! He's actually a time traveler! Pretty sad ending too. Heart wrenching sad.

I see the thread going in two different directions and would like it to stray from the devastating style crying like breakups or death of loved ones or destruction. Less of the negative, what positive things like movies or music or beautiful things that pull on the heart strings?

Things that make you cry in a good way I guess would be a better way of putting it.
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#7 Posted : 8/8/2012 6:19:58 AM

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On LSD, I have been in tears just looking at plants,flowers,trees etc. As I walked through the woods.
#8 Posted : 8/8/2012 6:29:45 AM

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The song, Little lion man by mumford and sons.

And most every dmt trip.
Well, y'know, it's like this experience that I had was like, y'know, erm, it was kind of the most profound experience I've had in me life, like
#9 Posted : 8/8/2012 6:59:29 AM

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#10 Posted : 8/8/2012 7:05:52 AM

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Oh ya and these movies

Into the wild

Pursuit of happiness

Both awesome tear jerkers!
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#11 Posted : 8/8/2012 7:06:01 AM

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last time i cried was the last time i did LSD. just thinkin about someone very dear to me that i lost....but just wanted to add that there is nothing more purifying or cleansing to the soul than a good cry
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#12 Posted : 8/8/2012 7:24:24 AM
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I can't seem to remember any movies that made me cry, and yet I know that there have been plenty. Maybe my memory will come back as this thread develops.

EDIT: Oh, I just remembered that I cried at the end of Cast Away. Poor Wilson.
EDIT: Oh, I just remembered that I cried when Goku sacrificed himself to save his friends from Cell.
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#13 Posted : 8/8/2012 8:33:12 AM

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No one mentioned the feeling you sometimes get however cannot be easily explained, almost in awe maybe? You just realize how truly awesome everything is, its almost as a huge weight is lifted from your chest combined with goosebumps, tingly sensations, among the feelings which i can not describe, although making a poor attempt. Almost a moment of pure clarity and knowing? Most commonly felt on high doses of psychedelics, or when you notice something amazing. If only this feeling would happen more often.
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#14 Posted : 8/8/2012 8:33:47 AM
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The Boat That Rocked always brings a tear to my eye, not sure why!
#15 Posted : 8/8/2012 12:22:55 PM

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My father put this song on for me while I was completely stuck in an LSD loop a few years ago. The lyrics were pure emotion, and the song cradled me to nirvana and I completely transcended myself and this realm. It was so beautiful, I couldn't help but cry. Smile

“The most compelling insight of that day was that this awesome recall had been brought about by a fraction of a gram of a white solid, but that in no way whatsoever could it be argued that these memories had been contained within the white solid. Everything I had recognized came from the depths of my memory and my psyche. I understood that our entire universe is contained in the mind and the spirit. We may choose not to find access to it, we may even deny its existence, but it is indeed there inside us, and there are chemicals that can catalyze its availability.”
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#16 Posted : 8/8/2012 1:36:06 PM


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When I see or feel that someone is lonely and I can't help at all - is a real big tear trigger for me... there are plenty of others, but that one came to mind because it happened very recently.

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#17 Posted : 8/8/2012 1:59:42 PM

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Movies and songs cant really make me cry. Not even tryin to act manly... it just doesnt happen lol. I can be really impressed with it or feel sad, but tears wont come lol.

There is one thing that'll ALWAYS make my eyes water up tho. Those vids where a father from the army returns to his children. Seein the reaction on the family's faces when they see someone they've lost for months or years come back to them hits me so hard. There's nothin else that i kno of (thats positive) that can make me react like that
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#18 Posted : 8/8/2012 5:03:31 PM

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Real life makes me cry only in strange, unexpected and seldom situations, but movies...

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#19 Posted : 8/8/2012 5:24:17 PM

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when I read about people using plastic milk bottles in the preparation of their drugs,
a small part of me dies inside.
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#20 Posted : 8/8/2012 5:34:54 PM

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That video you posted with the girl who had autism got me good.

Also, the movie Angela's Ashes had me crying like a wee baby.

I also cried during Avatar<<<<don't laugh Mad

I cry during the news sometimes, like when the Haiti earthquake happened I was crying all the time over the live CNN reports.

Shpongle made me cry and the song Cassidy by the Grateful dead made me cry... so yes I cry on LSD quite often. Mushrooms too, out of the joy of beauty.
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