Hi! I have been looking at this website from afar for the last few days, and feel compelled to come and say hello
i started feeling that something wasnt quite right a while back after several years taking ecstasy, lsd, mushrooms (and having a go on pretty much anything else, in the name of science), i remember trying to explain it to my girlfriend at the time as feeling like we had been born with a blanket over our heads, and as it was all we knew we never questioned it, or wondered if there was anything on the other side, and it seemed to me that the more drugs i took, the more holes appeared in the blanket allowing me to peer through just enough to realise that there WAS something the other side. My girlfriend told me i was going mad but i never believed her.
eventually i realised that i had got as far as the drugs were going to take me and just stopped it all, apart from weed which i use most of the time. I have never been religious, i decided from a very early age that i didnt believe in Gods, and took comfort in the fact that science could/ would explain everything, and everything was pretty much black and white, until a friend showed me a video one day showing the twin slit experiment, thus opening the door to the wierd, beautiful and thought changing world of quantum mechanics. This led me down a path that made me realise nothing was black and white, and the realisation that consiousness seems to have a direct result on reality got me thinking along far more spiritual lines, and made me think about my place in the universe. along with this i have been doing some research into ancient civilisations, how they seem to have been very advanced compared to us in some areas, like they were far more in tune with their surroundings than we are, on a scientific/spiritual level. with all lifes modern distractions, i really believe that we are missing something important, that maybe in these materialistic times we really have paid for it with our souls!
A few weeks ago my friend (same one that introduced me to quantum physics) told me about DMT, and said he was going to make some. i had never heard of it before and the more i read up on it the more i realised i was going to try it. my friend extracted his, and we didnt have a good time to catch up and by the time we did he had none left, but he gave me a good run down on the process of making it, and rather than feeling dissapointed not to have tried it i felt more excited by the prospect of extracting it myself. so here i am, payday is near and i have a list of equipment to buy, and my first extraction is now drawing close! i do feel a little nervous about the whole thing, but curious and quite excited about it too! i have never had a bad experience on hallucenagens, and i hope this will hold me in good stead, but i am also aware that it could easily turn and bite! anyway sorry for the ramble
Peace Love and Unity x