hi everybody,
Here is the way I found this friendly forum
I was looking for ephedrine effects for asthma, I found some website on extraction of ephedrine... but not very interesting things to learn. I finally found lucidstate forum where you can find many info on many drugs. I first heard about DMT there.
I had may be fifteen years ago (i'm 37 now) some psychedelic experiences with mushrooms . since that period I was very curious to experiment other psychedelic substances like LSD but finally never find it or never have some friends with it.
I found that "DMT is everywhere" and especially in acacia simplex wich has high DMT content. after some web search, I realize that I know this trees and walk among them may be twice a week!!
here is the reason I decide trying to perform my first extraction
I want to thank all nexus community for help and advice I found by reading answers in many topics.
I don't know if somebody have already tried to extract from acacia simplex and I will be happy if I can have some feedback.
I followed an A/B extraction mixing DMT handbook's tek (viracocha) and vovin's tek
I let evap the shellite and it was like light milk before put it in the freezer yesterday afternoon... , I suppose that the color is a good sign for the final result.
thanks again to all, and see you soon for some feedback about my extraction hoping good experience with this new mollecule