just want to say hello to the people here.
I am David from somewhere in the middle-EU, i am a bio and chemistry nerd (currently studying biology) and i love DMT
My first experience with DMT was in the form of smoked changa some years ago, its was beautiful and good to handle even though i wasn't much prepared for the experience (a friend just said "Its psychedelic, you'll like it" "
The idea of extracting DMT spooked around my head since nearly as long as i was first introduced to DMT. I have to admit that - at least for me - the whole extraction process is rewarding in it self, its educational, its makes a lot of fun and it brings you the beautiful experience of DIY chemistry
My overall experience with DMT is mixed, i have a lot of respect for potent hallucinogens like DMT and dose very carefully.
On the other hand i have a fair amount of experience with the extraction - we currently use a STB from MHIRB with a medical-grade Petroleum ether (Benzinum medicinale) as a solvent + washing and re-crystallization with Na2CO3 and heptan. For storage we normally produce the DMT fumarate and/or Changa from FB.
I never have and wont sell DMT ever! All our extractions are collaborative projects with some good friends together and this will probably stay so.
A personal remark: I am a absolute no-spiritual person, i have a materialistic world view. I respect different positions on this matter but for myself wont except any metaphysical explanations for what-ever (especially and including the DMT experience).
love & best wishes to you all!