Hello everyone!
I have been exploring the Nexus for about a month now. This seems like an exceptionally friendly forum with a lot of knowledgeable members, and since I am gearing up for starting my own connection with the spirit molecule I figured this would be the right time to join up.
My first ventures into the psychedelic realm started after many months of research (Erowid being a staple to cover a wide range of necessary topics). My first experience with psilocybin mushrooms truly threw the so-called doors of perception wide open for me. The experience left me in awe and I spent a very long time slowly taking in all that had occured. I gained an absolute respect and fascination for entheogens.
I hope to gain as much knowledge as I possibly can on the various domains that are connected to this field of research: History, ethnography, botany, chemistry, spirituality, scientific advances on the understanding of these psychedelic states, and consciousness in general.
There is so much to learn and experience, and I am hoping to do so with the help of this fine community
"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." - Albert Camus