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Astral projection Options
#1 Posted : 7/23/2012 8:17:20 PM

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Since I've began practicing this, I've found that it is similar
to some of my DMT experiences. For instance, when I'm in the "DMT" realm,
I see objects that seem to be floating, and they spin as if on display.
I also see these when I'm about to project. Also, the "ultra-light" feeling
you get when you vape dmt, you also undergo when in the vibrational state before projecting.
You feel weightless, and you lose all sense of your physical body.
I'm not sure if there is any real connection, but I would highly recommend that all of you
look into astral projection, and maybe even practice it; for it is very rewarding!
"I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything."
― Alan Watts
“As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can't see how it is.”
― Ram Dass
“Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.”
― Ram Dass

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#2 Posted : 7/23/2012 9:37:51 PM

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I've been looking into Astral Projection, and plan to give it a try in the near future. Would you mind sharing your method?

#3 Posted : 7/23/2012 9:50:34 PM

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I was raised by a new age person and have tried it many times in my youth to no effect, infact I used to just pretend to do it and make stuff up about what I saw just to shut my mom up..

I have never tried it in my post psychedelic using life however... I just sort of have a mental block towards anything that has a "new age" ring to it because of my upbringing.

It's sort of like someone who has been raised by overly religious people may be extra skeptical of religions. I suppose i'm the opposite of that.

I did do it one time on accident during a hypnogogic experience where I found myself looking at my own body.

Not saying I don't think it's a genuine phenomena but certain things I have read about astral projecting strikes me as cheeesy, such as concentrating on a "silver cord" that connects me to my body and what not...I have a hard time seriously visualizing/pretending I am hooked to a silver cord, this seemed sort of a primitive idea.

But if you can really astrally project at will, without DMT spiritual7pioneer ....then that is really awesome.

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#4 Posted : 7/23/2012 10:27:18 PM

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The point is that you are not supposed to just buy into every theory out there.

If the Silver Cord idea isn't resonating with you than it's not real.

You are supposed to have an experience and come up with your own explanations.Every belief system is true for the believer and false for the non-believer.

Whether you are more mysticism oriented or psychology,biology each of these can be true for a person.

So if you don't like the cheesynes than maybe you should try coming up with your own explanation, and maybe that way you will actually come to some conclusions you could work with.

You know, experiment and come up with your own point of view.
I was raised in a religious family and I grew up to be totally against any kind of mass/mainstream religion until I tried to watch it from another point.
There will always be exaggerations cheesynes and basic human "enhancers" on any subject you would like to research.Take what you want and leave the rest.
#5 Posted : 7/23/2012 10:32:53 PM

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Very interesting concept. Before I encountered DMT I would have dismissed such a concept as nonsense, but DMT has 'raised my conciousness'. Our minds are capable of far more than we could ever have known. So who knows, perhaps it's a genuine phenomenon. I'm still a sceptic at heart though Smile

I'm gonna look into this, thanks for posting and yeah, I'd like to hear your methods too.
#6 Posted : 7/24/2012 1:59:46 AM
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I have astral projected myself.

I talk about the colourful vibration you see with your eyes closed / and open / in a previous post about directing your consciousness.

If anyone closes their eyes right now they will notice a movement and wave of colour/colours. Now, if you open your eyes and cover your eye balls with your hands you will notice the same colourful patterning. It is projected all around us, all the time, eyes open or eyes closed.

Look in a dark room - if you notice closely, you wont just see pitch black - you will see a fine ingrain of colourful patterning that seems to be self projected within your eyesight. I used to think this was just an 'eye trick' of some sort. But it actually holds far more relevance than a mere 'trick' of the eyes.

Now, notice this colourful patterning isn't still or stagnant -- it actually has a slight waving or vibrational movement to it.

When we 'think', or give our brain a distraction of any sort we actually pull ourselves away from noticing this colourful patterning and to a degree hinder the flow of it. The colourful waves we see on chemicals like LSD are the same thing im describing, only more amplified.

If we detach from our thoughts, dont let our eyes wander, and absorb what is directly infront of us this colourful patterning will increase to a point where it takes over your whole vision like the static of a television - only full of colour. At that point your consciousness kind of bypasses its usual destination of information (your physical body) and is propelled into a new world behind the conscious curtain - a world where you become your 'dreaming self'. Its kind of like consciously dreaming with your immediate surroundings.

Your eyes kind of act as a channel where your bodily sensations flow towards. So if you situate the stare of your eyes out infront of you - after a while - your consciousness will flow out of your body and into the 'world around you'. And you will have the presence of yourself like youre in a dream, but youre really immersed into a metaphysical reality of here and now.

When it happened to me i didnt even know what i was doing. I was sitting on a balcony of a hotel and 'zooming' up to things all day. But as i said, i thought i was just performing some sort of 'eye trick'. I zoomed up beside a palm tree that was many meters away and was brushing across the palm leaves like i was the wind. I seemed to be making the buildings around me spiral upwards as to reveal another deeper reality that i couldnt quite enter.

I was playing with this for quite a while, as i said, not really realising what i was actually doing. I got to a point where i was 'zoomed' up to a wall about 50 meters away from me and was staring at the wall as if i was standing directly infront of it. This wall was located across a road of traffic. So, i was looking at this wall like it was right infront of me, then all of a sudden i turned to my right to see a motor bike headed straight towards me. The motor bike 'hit me' and i immediately snapped back into my body sitting on a balcony 50 or so meters away, and i had a corked leg on the same side that the motor cycle had 'struck me'. A few more things happened but i wont ramble on too much for now.

I wasnt on any psychedelics when this happened. I was however, very sleep deprived, very stoned, and coming down from amphetamines. So it was easy to 'let go' and let my mind 'wander'. Which is exactly what i was doing. I havent been able to reach this point again as i now know the potential consequences and attachments involved in doing so.

Hit me people....

#7 Posted : 7/30/2012 12:53:39 AM

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SoManyRoads wrote:

I've been looking into Astral Projection, and plan to give it a try in the near future. Would you mind sharing your method?


I apologize for my late reply, as I haven't been on since.
In order to successfully project, one must be able to do two things.
Get comfortable, and relax. If you cannot do these, then you will never project.
I would recommend (if you haven't already) to practice daily meditation, then
being comfy and relaxing is no issue.
When I project, I typically do so at night before bed; lying down.
Begin by letting your mind wander, thinking of what ever comes to mind, your day,
your problems, etc. But then after a few moments, dwindle your thoughts down to
nothing and begin to concentrate on your mantra, and the darkness before you with your eyes closed. Once you've gotten to this point, of using your mantra and focusing on your spiritual self, your body will begin to feel numb in places. This is normal. Your goal will be to get your entire body to a point where you cannot feel it.
Once you can no longer feel your body, you will enter what is referred to as the "vibrational" state. In this stage, you can transfer your bodies vibrational energy throughout itself, what I will do is move all of my energy from every corner of my body, up to my skull. When I order my energy to do this, I feel an extreme pressure in my skull, and there is a feeling that something is pulling on me.
Whether you are able to control the movement of your energy or not, once you are numb you want to focus on leaving your body.
If this is your first time, you may get lucky and being to slip into the astral realm.
When this happens, you may hear electrical sounds, bells, high pitched frequencies, or really low frequencies ( wa wa wa wa wa). Do not be alarmed! Your heart rate will increase quite a bit, and it causes some to panic because this is very foreign to them.
If panic too much, or move a single muscle; you will be thrown back into your body
and you will feel your physical self once again having to start all over.
The best advice that I can give for that stage, is to remain calm, use your mantra, and just simply...let go!:]
Hope this helps!
Peace and love.
"I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything."
― Alan Watts
“As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can't see how it is.”
― Ram Dass
“Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.”
― Ram Dass
#8 Posted : 7/30/2012 9:27:48 AM

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spiritual7pioneer wrote:
Get comfortable, and relax. If you cannot do these, then you will never project.
I would recommend (if you haven't already) to practice daily meditation, then
being comfy and relaxing is no issue.

Yup, seems like that's the general agreement upon this. In regards to relaxation techniques, I also like to do a deep breathing exercise, and a relaxation exercise first of all, to release all tension.

My deep breathing technique (breathing is done from the diaphragm, not the chest):
- breathe in 4 seconds
- hold 4 seconds
- breathe out 4 seconds
- hold 4 seconds
- repeat

This seems to work the best for me, if I move on to 5 seconds for each step, then after a couple of these I'll be running out of air. Tweak the technique to match your needs, it's important to regulate your breathing (get it to a constant pace), not the amount of time you're able to inhale/hold/exhale. Do this for about 10-15-20 minutes, however long you feel like.

The relaxation technique I employ is simple, as well, and it seems to be working good. You focus on a body part from 10 seconds, then relax for 10 seconds, keeping your attention on that specific body part. If additional tension on that part is felt, you want to release it before moving on. I like to go bottom->up, but others do it in reverse. What ever works for you, I guess. And these are the steps I take:
- right/left foot
- right/left calf
- right/left thigh
- bottocks and hips
- stomach
- chest
- back
- neck & shoulders
- face

After these 2, you'll be more relaxed than if you just sit there and force yourself into relaxing.

Let me know how these help. I personally have went through a lot of methods before, and this is what works best for me. I've also started practicing these exercises before my meditation sessions, and it seems to be improving things a whole lot. The mind seems to not be wandering as much as it would without them, and focusing on a specific thing becomes easier.
The truth...lies within.
#9 Posted : 10/3/2012 10:35:54 AM

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Felt my brain release some dmt naturally the other night Smile

the astral plane is very busy at the moment--here's an 'artcile' on the astral plane i wrote this morning.

∞ The transmutation and "cleansing" phase of the Lower and mid astral plane / 4th density is under way ∞

Over the last few weeks, and days, it's come to my understanding through direct experience that the beings on the astral plane are resolving any karma and any old psychological wounds just as we have been and are still doing.

The astral plane is the place we go after our physical body dies and the holographic image or "ghost*" of our being go's to in order to solve any unresolved issues collected in that life time and sometimes previous life times too.

There are various levels or 'bandwidths' of the astral density and i believe that just as the higher vibrational light are entering the physical world , so to does it enter through the astral.

Depending upon the bandwidth of the astral, relates to the type of being you find there and what they're souls are there to learn. (every dimension/expression of life is opportunity to learn)

From my experiences on the astral plane{+higher&lower-} i have encountered beings that are currently working through their own heavily ingrained psychological issues. One of the lower parts of the astral plane corresponds to the second Orange chakra/ray. [Svādhiṣṭhāna = One's own Abode]

After experiencing the various levels of the astral, i can see why the orange ray it's refered to as 'one's own abode now'. The way in which thought works in the astral plane is similar to this density in it's subjective appearance , how ever , things manifest at the rate of which they are thought...

The orange ray relates to the unconscious and sub concious mind and all emotion. This includes repressed emotion, or 'improper' use of emotion.

By the law of attraction, Any action we take upon the 3rd density , determines the experiences we encounter later. In order to make the eventual transition into the planes above the astral [or 5d onwards] , all beings must first transmute and clear any lower density emotional baggage which has been collected over time.

The orange ray relates to the animalistic nature of our being.Hence we also find animal and also plant spirits on this level. The The Animal realm (also known as the Tiryag-yoni realm) is based on strong mental states which heavily drive the actions of that being. When these heavily driven mind states and actions turn in to unhealthy compulsions which only serve the lower chakras and not the entire being, this creates an imbalance.

This can include various aspects of the psyche, but primarily relates to such things as addiction. Addictions are fed through compulsive behaviour to experience a certain emotion, regardless of whether that experience is harmful to others or the self.

As mentioned earlier, the orange ray/chakra /lower astral plane can be refered to as ones own abode and the animalistic desire realm. A being located on this frequency range will be experiencing a self-projected 'holographic' representation of the animalistic desire until they obtain the self control and conciousness to fully integrate that of which has been preventing them from an expansion of conciousness and moving upwards into the subsequent rays/chakras, which all represent various aspects of the psyche and eternal being.

This transmutation is of course not limited to just the astral plane. The astral plane could be likened to the negative imprint of the physical /3d plane. (negative in this sense is not relating to 'good or bad' , but rather polarity)
And thus the issues which are being experienced there, are being experienced here as we can all see when we look at the world around us.

From my understanding and experience, and as explored in the Law of one material , the astral plane acts as a preliminary 'healing chamber' of which a being enters to receive the healing and self healing that is required to move on upwards.

With this potential insight, we can shine new light on what it is occurring on a planetary level. The polarity and duality of this density simply mean that not all beings can experience higher realms of understanding and being at the same time as constructed by the polarity.

Those that have been unable to have the external and internal resources necessary for personal and collective development [simultaneously on a practical,biological and 'spiritual' level] will still gain the experiences they need to consciously evolve as this is the expansive and contractive nature of all things.

David Willcocks** interpretations of the Law of one material suggest that after dec 21st 2012, many beings will simply 'hang out' on the astral plane until they are able to move beyond it. This equates to a self healing process before rebirth.'The return to the womb' as hinted in ancient Egyptian and Indian esoteric wisdom as well as the final 'Coagulation***' stage as refereed to in alchemy.

My intuition and experiences on the astral plane tell me that this is at the very least partially correct.

In knowing this , i feel many can rest assured knowing that the unfolding process is occurring exactly as it needs to. Both for the individual and the collective.

As the astral plane under go's it's healing and transmutation process, so to will it mirror the healing and alchemical transmutation process occurring on earth. The first role we can commit to and help with the process is the healing of ourselves smile

" If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own Self-transformation" - Lao Tz

* in ancient Egyptian times, this was the 'Ka' aspect of the soul -http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/religion/body_and_soul.htm

** Law of one and 2012 - the facts http://divinecosmos.com/...f-one-and-2012-the-facts

*** coagulation = The seventh and final operation of alchemy http://www.alchemylab.com/coagulation.htm

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