July 25th (level 2 1/2 trip) to (level 3 1/2 trip) okay start with drinking the tea at js house parents are gone for the week well 3 days ,back to the report okay they put like a ounce of dryed cubes,in like half a pot of tea with honey for the flav good tasting shit,it kicked in like in 10 mins I only drank quater of a plastic cup worth mixed in,with lemonade,and had already 3 beers but that dident matter after 10 mins I noticed the table top creeping then it went from there I was trippin so I ran on too.the tube I. The pole a huge boat tube then went swiming I was tripping balls now lol everything in the back porch was breathing,and I randomly see small light beans in my vision that and am I'm swimming laughing my ass off so after that 30 mins go by I finally got out of the pool and damn I was in another world lol Now I was on 6 beers lol it was now like 11 at night one hour into the trip So they were playing halo 1 by the way it was 3 ppl hear I just chilled in the pourch and jammed out till like 2 more hours every thing was crazy then they were done playing it was 12 now Soo since we were bullshiting about over doing every thing lol Had to have been.there to understand lol we decided to drink more tea same amount as before Cuz usually it dosent work after being on en already but 2 hours away from it it dose,I drank alttle more then them so we did that and was talking about levels of trips Guesing around were we,are going to be at if it works sure enough after also talking about theses deff ppl that come the the store I work at Cuz In get deff ,chineses ,spanish speak ducking English ! Lol it was way more funny being there that's ask I Rember about talking I was too gone soo okay yeah now the 2ed cup hit me and my visuals went to a stand still Weird complete weirdness then went back to moving harder ,and after they went to play halo agian I stayed out there went swimming agian then got out in like 20 mins still now already 10 beers in felt not one I go to put my shirt on and I shrunk to almost 1 foot tall! It was crazyy and it happened every time I put it on it happined soo I'm just gonna explain my trip cuz they played halo till 5 in the moring I came in and watched a Cuple times ,tryed playing it dident work lol But back too the trip I just jammed out too classic rock I felt calm as ever in such a strong trip usually it would freak one out expusually since every thing around you gets bigger smaller,melts,warps klidoscopes on everything but I'm getting to the mind fuck part Usually shrooms expand the mind till you trip to hard And shrooms take over your mind like what happined hear my busts said I was having split personalty could notttt talk right and could not shit the fuck up loll Yeah it was bad but in my head I was kinda fine So I just chilled out there drank beer and jammed out this time my shoulder felt like it had a hole in it lol crazy ass hell and doo I just looked past it smoked like 3 bowls dident feel them water just my trip getting stronger and stronger, I also looked at my self in the mirror for 5 mins stright scared the hell out of me. my face would give me smirks smile at me and it looked right off a horror movie then everything went white then I left the bathroom lol and one of the switchs went in and out like somebody was turning it on not like a shrooms trip at all Shit got real in this trip soo it was now 4 in the moring so we cooking pizza ate still Trippin not seeing random crazy shit anymore just everything breathing and all that , so I just chilled out.smoked more drank some more beers till 5 in the moring then decided to put some spirit smoke in the bowl if anything it just calmed down my trip even though I smoked it in the pitch darkness lol it wasn't.a break threw but damn it was a good trip that's my recent shroom