Firstly, take your dose at once, dont redose. Commit to your experience, do not be timid, it will respect you more IMO.
secondly, prepare your desired amount of cactus, i have a preparation technique that is chemically free and relatively simple, it takes about a day. it is as follows:
1. cut off the growing tip (2-3 inches worth) and the calloused base (where it was cut), set these aside
2. despine the cactus by cutting 45 degree slits under each areole, set these "prickly plugs" aside aswell
3. deskin the cactus by using your thumbnail/index fingernail and peeling gently from the bottom up, compost the skin
4. cut the flaccid cactus log in thirds (provided its a foot)
5. filet the outter 5mm of green chlorophllic flesh off of each rib, dehydrate these
*if you do not have a dehydrator use a box fan propped with the exhaust facing down, you can set the flesh filets on its intake and theyll dry in a day or two, be sure to turn them for quicker results, or you can put your filetes on a dish and leave them in the sun, this will dry about the same speed provided you have a decent sunny day or two. i highly recommend a dehydrator as it greatly simplifies even the next part of the procedure, and also dries your filets in less than 8 hours, sun or not
6. powder your dehydrated filets in a coffee grinder, put them in a container and wait for the last step
7. during your dehydration phase thinly dice up the remainders of the cores, tip, calloused bottom, and "prickly plugs"
8. freeze these solid (this lyses the cell walls and increases brewing yield)
10. simmer the frozen chunks in about 2 liters of water with a twist of lemon, for 2 hours
11. pour off your tea into a jug/ pot and make another 2 hour tea with another 2 liters/ foot with another twist of lemon
12. comine both teas, strain your cactus pulp through a cloth to capture the last few drops, compost cactus pulp
13. let the tea settle for about an hour in the fridge (room temperature is fine too)
14. pour off 80% of the tea away from the sludge on the bottom, decant the remainder with a turkey baster.
15. filter the decanted tea through a cloth, then a cotton filter.
16. carefully reduce the tea until its just barely covering the bottom of the pot.
17. pour this tea into a pie dish
18. either put the pie dish in your dehydrator *i removed a shelfs lattice to make room in mine* or set ontop of a crock pot set on low.
19. once your tea is evaporated, scrape up your taffy like resin and pour your powdered cactus filets onto the pie dish
20. mix into a homogenous mixture
21. pinch off a bit of the cactus mixture and roll it into a 1 cm diameter ball, repeat until your substrate is exhausted
22. on the day of your ingestion, drink a gallon of water and fast all day from the dinner the night before (min 12 hours) and take your cactus balls at sunset with 4 oz calorie free liquid per foot.
23. brush your teeth and bath, lay on your back and simulate a bedtime routine (laying on back reduces nausea)
24. at 1 hour youll feel it for sure, at 3 hours youll start to be amazed, at 5 hours youll experience the depths that dose has to offer, at 9 hours youll start coming down, at 14 hours youll be close to baseline. break your fast at sunrise with some fresh fruit, you may not sleep that second day and will feel a bit off, youll regain normalcy after sleeping that night.
p.s. i dont smoke marijuana or take valium either, youll have a fantastic time, dont be afraid of one foot.