So Im sure many of us use OTC chems for extractions, but most of them ive found to be unsuitable after evaporation tests or when reading through msds - especially the large scale commercial brands. That said, i do know of some that are very pure, but i was hoping maybe some users could give me some insight into what other brands are either very clean or totally pure - you guys who distill your solvents could be particularly helpful, since the different fractions could potentially even indicate which other substances are added, and if they're toxic or relatively safe.
One thing i know of is resinbond. Its a 100% dichloromethane acrylic cement. It can be purchased without any hassle at most sign shops - i live in a town of 50,000 and had no trouble locating it from several sources. Evaporates free of residue, and since its designed to join plastic that makes sense, as additives would likely prevent that happening. Rooto drain cleaner claims 100% NaOH, anyone have experience with it?
I personally shy away from all the klean strip products - their acetone is clearly contaminated. I've never evaporated their Naphtha to dryness, so couldnt say, but was hoping somebody might have some experience with that. So, im wondering if anything they sell is pure.
Ill leave alcohols out of this, since their pretty easy to obtain pure.
I believe Bestine is 100% heptane
When pickling lime is available, its usually of high purity as well.
So yeah, im looking for any input as well - acids, bases, and non polars. especially from you home distillers. Let me know