I really wish I could go. 2012 Tennessee was my first gathering, and it was great. I loved it. I met so many beautiful, like-minded people. That was hands down the most Home I've ever felt. Being only 18 and still living with your family kind of makes going to Mexico around holiday time a very difficult thing to achieve, but I will be there in spirit. Who knows what will happen at that gathering. I have done research into ancient cultures and the whole 2012 thing and all that, and part of me wants to say that something profound may happen sometime soon, but part of me is also apprehensive to believe until something actually happens. I feel like it's all adding up though.
The Hopi had the Rainbow Warrior Prophecy, and as you can see it's come true. As far as the ends of times/new beginning/cycles go, the Maya had similar views. Both Hopi and Maya believed the earth went thru worlds that ended with natural disasters each time, and we're approaching the end of this world/beginning of the next.
Bear with me as I start to ramble... I think aliens are what cultures have percieved as God all these years. The Maya, Egyptians, Hopi, and many other tribes/cultures have had contact with other-worldly beings that gave them knowledge.
The Hopi talked of a time when the white man would come, and yep, they came, and nearly killed off all the Natives. The Hopi talked of a time when "You will hear of the sea turning black, and many creatures dying from it." Yep, we have oil spills. They talked of the "land being crossed by snakes of iron." Sounds like railroads. "The land will br criss-crossed with a giant spider's web." Sounds like the world wide web and/or electrical lines. "The land will be crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun." Sounds like roads. "You will see many youth, who where their hair long like my people." Hippies, rainbow family.
As you can see, the Hopi predicted many things that have happened and are happening, suggesting they had some source of profound knowledge. With all this said, I think there's truth to the whole end times/beginning times thing. Sometime, and it may not be Dec. 21 2012, but sometime in the near future of our species this world will come to an end and the next will begin.
Sorry for getting what may seem as off-topic from the Rainbow Family, but I see it all as very interconnected and related so figured I'd share.
[center]Sophia's Light
In darkest night, when lights are dim, and all in sight seems sad and grim,
I find you there, your arms surround me, your spirit fills me and it grounds me.
I look to you, Lady of Truth, most ancient One, yet eternal youth,to keep me safe, protect my heart,and with the wisdom you impart, fill up my empty mind and soul,so that, my Lover, you can make whole, all that was broken in this day βand that is what I ask and pray.