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DMT acetate: what to do with the goo Options
#1 Posted : 7/24/2012 6:38:27 PM


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Location: earf
lets say someone acquires dmt acetate through salting out of dlimo

the dlimo acetate tends to never dry, its just super viscous syrup like spice.

my query is how much NaOH would one use per gram of acetate?
then i assume the next step after bassification is dry
once totally dry, crush into powder and pull with dry iso/dry acetone
collect pulls and evap on pie pan to yield freebase

on another note
how would one go about removing dlimo contamination from dmt acetate if they so desired to keep it in acetic form. if it were absent of dlimo the syrup would be a brown powder (as is with salting with naptha)

thank you

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#2 Posted : 7/25/2012 12:22:47 AM

Synaptic cleft explorer

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Location: good question
Recrystalize it. Dissolve the acetate in the minimum amount of boiling alcohol required to dissolve it, pop-it in the freezer overnight, decant the alcohol, you should be left with a cleaner salt. Then evaporate 50% of remaining alcohol and put in freezer again and repeat until things start looking impure.

Alternatively, to freebase your acetate, mix it with an equimolar amount of NaOH as a 20% aqueous solution

for example
1 mol of dmt.AcO = ca. 247 (off the top of sisters head)
1 mol of NaOH = 39.9


if you have 247g of dmt.AcO, dissolve it in 200ml H20 with 39.9g of NaOH dissolved in it
#3 Posted : 7/25/2012 4:19:02 AM


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for cleaner acetates does this alcohol need to be 99%+ or will 91% ipa work?

for something like 2.5 g of dmt aco i would use 2ml with .4 g NaOH dissolved in it?
#4 Posted : 7/25/2012 4:45:28 PM

Synaptic cleft explorer

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Hi Mew

To recrystallize Sister wouldn't use an alcohol with water in it or the recrystallization will fail. Your best bet would be Methanol (gas line antifreeze - Methyl Hydrate) if you can get it, Ethanol would also work well.

Yes, your ratios are correct. You could actually use more H20 (double or triple) if you wanted without affecting the Rxn. But do not use less.
#5 Posted : 7/26/2012 2:11:31 AM


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what about using MgSO4 dried IPA? sound alright?
#6 Posted : 7/28/2012 1:23:02 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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As I understand it, the jury is still out as to wether or not you can truly dry IPA with epsom salt.

I remember from another thread you are saying no thanks to petro chems on this, correct? I have the same inclination...I still have some methanol left over from making bio-diesil a couple years ago, and NaOH from the same, so I'll try dr_sisters advice. (in the future my plan is to make a still, produce my own ethanol and have it for petro free biodiesil and also for extractions but I digress).

I have a batch of full spectrum brown dmt in crystal form. This was merely from freebasing with alcohol and lime (or was it washing soda, where did I put them notes?) but I can't seem to repeat those results. My last batch has been re-based, re-acetated, re-based, converted to fumarate, re-based.....still hygroscopic. I've tried "dried" vodka, "Dried" IPA and everclear, I've based with lime and also with washing soda, but I can't seem to repeat my earlier results.

I've been long considered that the methanol and naoh which I have might do the trick, so lemme go try already.

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

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