DMT is one of the psychedelic entheogens that I have not had the pleasure of trying (yet). However, I am quite experienced in psilocybin mushrooms and have found them to be an invaluable, unique tool in truly penetrating my conscious mind and perceiving myself and the world around me in a more objective fashion; the results of years of psychotherapy and psycho pharmacology are dwarfed by the five or six hours of a single trip. I am currently writing a trip report of my last encounter with psilocybin, which I hope to share here soon in the hopes that others will be able to relate to my experiences.
After browsing the forums for a couple weeks before making an account and making some posts, I've come to realize that the members of DMT Nexus seem to be a little higher up on the maturity level than those of other related message boards (not indicating any specifics), making me believe that most of you use DMT for purposes other than getting as messed up as humanly possible. That being said, what is
your reason for the ingestion of DMT? Do you feel that you've discovered things about yourself that have been latent and impossible to access? In the few minutes of the substance's effects wear off, do you feel like you've come out of the other side having learned something new?
Having never used DMT, I'm curious about what one can learn from it. Thanks.
"O my soul, I taught you to say "Today" as well as "Once" and "Formerly," and to dance your dance over every here and there and yonder."
"I swear by my life, and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."