hello, all. i have been contemplating this myself, and i was wondering what you guys consider to be the appropriate time to visit the spirits. personally, i haven't had an experience for about 9 months, i think, and i've been searching for the right place and time.
i've always felt that DMT was a very personal thing that is meant to be experienced in optimum conditions. i generally have always done it in my room as it is not easily done outside (even though i really want to be in nature when i do). to add to that, i feel that i need to be as comfortable as possible and have a space to trip out.
i guess what i'm trying to say is that i want to get back in touch with the spirits but i feel that it is such an event that i cannot figure out when it's really a good time. i have been wanting to experiment with different dosages because i only lately understood in my DMT usage that there are different levels one can achieve. i had always been blasting off but a friend showed me, through use of a small machine device, that you can smoke it socially and pass a bit around.
DMT has always presented me a life of its own and i tried for a short while to figure out what was going on. i gained some insight but it's still something that i've wondered about and have never really understood. what do you folks think?
You are me and I am you, I'll always be with you...