My first tip would be use the nutmeg with great care as it can make you very sick or even be fatal in large doses I believe...might give a wicked hangover as well..inmates use nutmeg in prison
to get high on...it's not a pleasant high at all.
I managed an "upscale" wine and spirits place for a while, I noticed even after the restrictions on absinthe were released it was not the best selling product and hardly anyone reported any visual experience from it. There was also a coca liqueur available at the time, agua de bolivia I think it was called... there was more of a demand for this type of thing but then it became tricky to acquire because the distributor would have problems getting a steady supply.
IMO hallucinatory liquor or wine looks to be a hard sell at best when your talking about the general public...
...also I noticed the biggest consumer of wine in the US is middle aged women, one of the fastest moving wines I had ever seen was this garbage called "mad housewife". Goes to show you that a label and a name is about 80% of what makes or breaks a wine brand.
I believe that if you want something that will sell you need to give the people what they want and that seems to be either an amphrodesiac or a stimulant based liquor, or perhaps something that calms nerves, a benzo-like "mothers little helper wine" I'd say use valerian but it's too stinky. Maybe mexican poppy? or some legal non opiate poppy variety...Indian warrior is a deliciously floral smelling opiate like herb.. elaphants head flower is similar..not sure on the toxicity of those two however, I believe it is quite mild but I may be mistaken
I believe an amphrodesiac red wine would probably sell like crazy, you could use goji berries, horny goats weed or something like that perhaps, you would need something that appeals to women more than men if wines is what your marketing.
I believe you should also consider toxicity of what ever your using so no one dies and tries to sue you. Also don't make anything too insanely potent or it will just be banned in some way....Also, imagine the lowest IQ person you can think of consuming your beverage, what if they hurt themselves while on it thereby making you liable..or it causes side effects like addiction and depression etc?
not trying to be critical just giving you some food for thought..
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph