thymamai wrote:
How did you get started, making money doing comics? I know someone who is trying to cultivate this hobby/talent, and am curious about how that process looks. Getting published.
"Making money doing comics." That's not really the focus. This is not the business for making money, but for doing what you love the most. Granted, if you can make a living at, as I've managed to do, you are extraordinarily fortunate. It's been a lot of years of struggle and poverty.
If your friend wants to make it in comics, that person must draw everyday. Draw till your hand bleeds, till your eyes bleed, till your soul bleeds. I spent countless 14 hour nights (I work at night) hunched over the drawing table, for years, producing page after page of garbage. Hundreds of pages of crap. But, somewhere along the line, something magical happened: I started getting good. I think it was Dave Sim who said you have to produce a thousand bad pages before you produce a good page. This is an eerily accurate assessment.
For your friend, I would ask: do you have something to say? Something new, original, and compelling? I'm not into "mainstream" superhero stuff (not that there's anything wrong with that genre, it's just not my thing) , but have a pretty good knowledge of the independents. We're a sort of brother/sisterhood of strange folks who love filling boxes with words and pictures that hopefully tell a good story.
"Story comes first" (Stephen King said that, and he's much better at telling a story than I'll ever be) .
Here's a link that I found to be the most helpful document ever produced for small-press/alternative comics: it's a collection of Dave Sim's Notes From the President, in which he expounds all his hard-earned wisdom on what it takes to make it in comics. Dave Sim self-published 300 issues of Cerebus. I'm not a fan of Cerebus, but I have a great respect for what he accomplished.
Good luck to your friend.
You are Lazarus in the Tomb, and we are always knocking for you to come out. Soon, the tomb will be torn down around you, and you must come out. What will you do then?