I've tried the reality checks to no avail. Unfortunately I currently trying to find out how to get my dream recall back period right now, so that def wouldn't be much help. I also have little experience myself. Only 2 lucids under my belt. I used to have extremely vivid dreams every night but then something changed.
I have had conversations with people who've claimed to have obe's even some claimed on demand. But have not been privileged to them helping with such things. I've read tons of books online and websites teaching different techniques. I was once able to get to the vibrational state that one guy, can't remember the name, outlined in his writing about techniques.
I had laid east to west, or vice versa can't remember. I started doing breathing exercises that I had actually unknowingly taught myself. I was able to slow my breathing down to the point where I almost couldn't tell whether I was actually breathing or not. That's when it started to happen. Anyways I ended up too grounded and nothing happened past the vibrational state.
I had accidentally stumbled upon learning how to control my breathing. I just started doing it all of a sudden, while laying in bed trying to fall asleep. It would put me in a strange state of mind. I got pretty good with it.
I find it harder to do nowadays. I wished I wouldn't have ever stopped doing it. I need to start practicing it again.
"Energy flows where attention goes"
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