Hello there...
I've been a lurker here on the Nexus for longer than I can remember. Absorbing as much information for when my opportunity finally came. Over the years I've pushed the boundaries of quite a few substances; cannabis, coke, mdma. But I never felt I was ready for psychedelics and what they might unlock for me. I felt I wasn't ready emotionally, mentally nor did I feel "mature" enough to experience them.
Earlier this year I had my first experience with LSD and it was amazing. Since then I've had several more experiences, each teaching me something new. The other day, in anticipation of my 40th birthday, a friend gave me a gram of spice with a huge smile on her face and said "I know you've been searching for this for a long time".
Though I'm supposed to wait for my birthday (Saturday) to try it out I did take a "sneak peek" at it last night and it was beyond words. I'll post my experience in the "First Steps" forum.
I'm looking forward to continuing to explore the world of psychedelics and am excited to see what the spice has in store for me.
I thank everyone here who has posted their experiences, methods, trials and tribulations so that those of us like me who are just getting started have some level of guidance.
"The brain is a reducing valve that restricts consciousness" - A Huxley
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail" – Ralph Waldo Emerson…
"Whatever you study you also change" - Heisenberg Uncertainty principle